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1. Data Formats And Their Sugggested File Extensions An extensive listing of file name extensions with brief description. http://www.uni-koeln.de/themen/Graphik/ImageProcessing/fileext.html | |
2. Scientific Data Format Information FAQ (Note that this is somewhat outside the scope of this document, which is reallyonly intended to discuss data formats, but I think this will be useful to many http://fits.cv.nrao.edu/traffic/scidataformats/faq.html | |
3. Data Formats - Webopedia Contains information about many data formats.Category Computers data formats...... data formats Data, Standards. HTML, Video Formats. AIFF, alphanumeric. ANSICharacter Set, ASCII. ASCII file, BAK file. BCD, binary. binary file, binaryformat. http://www.webopedia.com/Data/Data_Formats/ | |
4. Scientific Data Formats Mostly data formats These are software packages for the storage and retrieval of data in standard formats. The software usually takes the form of a library of subroutines which are used either by another package, e.g. http://dao.gsfc.nasa.gov/data_stuff/dataFormats.html | |
5. The Programmer's File Format Collection Detailed file formats and data formats for programmers. A large collection of programming resources Category Computers data formats......Detailed file formats and data formats for programmers. A large collectionof programming resources with detailed information. The http://www.wotsit.org/ | |
6. Data Formats No Proprietary Binary data formats. I shall NEVER keep my information in a proprietary binary format (such as Word, http://www.podval.org/~sds/data.html | |
7. 3D Data Formats Alphabetical list of 3D geometric data interchange formats.Category Computers Software Graphics Converters...... Spike Milligan. Alphabetical list of 3D API specifications and data formats.3D2, Stereo CAD3D object format. 3DML, Flatland 3DML language. http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/pbourke/3dformats/ | |
8. RDF Architecture - W3C Note Brief technical note showing the relationships between the various World Wide Web Consortium controlled Category Computers data formats XML Document Types......W3C data formats. This document is a response to a frequently asked question aboutthe relationship between the various specifications for data formats. http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-rdfarch | |
9. Data Formats - Webopedia Contains information about many data formats. http://webopedia.internet.com/Data/Data_Formats/ | |
10. Evolution Of Web Data Formats - Slide List Evolution of Web data formats by Dan Connolly. Table of contents. XML and theEvolution of Web data formats; Overview; Why the W3C XML Activity? http://www.w3.org/Talks/9804www7-xml/ | |
11. Webopedia: Data Formats And Their File Extensions data formats and Their File Extensions In the table below, search for a file extensionby the letter it starts with or view the complete list of file extensions http://www.webopedia.com/quick_ref/fileextensions.asp | |
12. Currency Server - Data Formats Formats. Currency Server can read currency exchange rate data in a variety of data formats and transmission protocols. http://www.cloanto.com/currencyserver/dataformats.html | |
13. Data Formats Anon. Geometric data formats Images. Beginners guide to bitmaps Mostly what oneneeds to know about how images are stored on computers, including colour depth. http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/dataformats/ | |
14. Sinclair Spectrum Game Data Formats A repository for the collection of game data formats for old Sinclair games.Category Computers data formats Games......A page dedicated to Sinclair Spectrum Game data formats. A repository forthe collection of game data formats for old sinclair classics. http://www.icemark.com/dataformats/ | |
15. Scientific Data Format Information FAQ 070000 GMT MessageID 48b11h$8c7@ncar.ucar.edu Reply-To ilana@ncar.ucar.eduSummary Where to find information on scientific data formats Archive-name http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sci-data-formats/ | |
16. Free GIS Data - GIS Data Depot GISDataDepot GIS data formats GISDataDepot HelpDesk data formats GIS data formats http://www.gisdatadepot.com/helpdesk/formats.html | |
17. Data Formats 14. data formats. 14.1. Sample QIF file. Here's a sample QIF (QuickenInterchange Format) file for reference purposes (Parenthesized http://www.ntlug.org/~cbbrowne/financeformats.html | |
18. Types Of Data Formats Types of data formats. ICPSR distributes data in the following formats http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/HELP/dataformat.html | |
19. PARTsolutions - The Exciting Standard- And Supplier-Parts Catalog System A parts library integrated with many CAD systems for direct invocation, as well as with standard data formats. http://www.partsolutions.de/index.asp?sid=2 |
20. Types Of Data Formats Types of data formats. ICPSR distributes data in the following formats http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/SAMHDA/HELP/dataformat.html | |
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