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101. Dynamické HTML Jak tvoÅit str¡nky v Dhtml. PÅehled vlastnost, kask¡dov© styly, javascript, uk¡zky. http://www.kosek.cz/clanky/dhtml/index.html |
102. The Salary Calculator Relocation, Cost Of Living, Real Estate Compare the cost of living in hundreds of US and international cities.Category Home Personal Finance......Moving Guides Moving tips when you are Select A Guide. http://www.homefair.com/homefair/cmr/salcalc.html |
103. Epinions.com HTML Authoring Tools Reviews written by consumers. http://www.epinions.com/cmsw-Web_Building-All |
104. UNODC - Links Comprehensive listing of UN agencies, Model UN organizations, and web sites on drug policy.Category Society Government Multilateral United Nations...... United Nations Chronicle www.un.org/Pubs/chronicle/index.html. NIDA NationalInstitute on Drug Abuse (USA) www.drugabuse.gov/NIDAHome2.html. http://www.undcp.org/unlinks.html |
105. Home Whois Search Whois (.aero, .arpa, .biz, .com, .coop, .edu, .info, .int,.museum, .net, and .org) Domain (ex. internic.net) Registrar (ex. http://www.internic.net/whois.html |
106. Index Dot A complete reference to the elements, properties, syntax, history, and browser support for html and CSS. http://www.eskimo.com/~bloo/indexdot/ |
107. Home Page American Memory From The Library Of Congress The Library of Congress. Collection Finder Select collections to searchSearch Search for items across all collections. Learning Page http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amhome.html |
108. Forum HTML Forum sul web publishing e archivio di file utili da scaricare. http://www.egw.it/html/index.html |
109. Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures We've moved! As of December 19, 2002, this Web site is no longer beingupdated. To access all Hubble images and press releases, please http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/pictures.html |
110. XHTML Where XML And HTML Meet Discussion of Xhtml 1.0 and how it improves on the html 4.0 standard. Examines the issues involved in the transition between html and Xhtml. Also explores backwards compatibility to html and Xhtml modularization. http://www.webreference.com/xml/column6/ |
111. Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures Related Information. http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/Pictures.html |
112. HtmlQA The industry standard quality assurance tool for localized htmlbased online help systems for Windows 3.1, 95 and NT. http://www.sdlintl.com/products/htmlqa/htmlqa.asp |
113. The Whole Brain Atlas Excellent MRI views of the normal and diseased human brain. Collaboration of MIT and Harvard Univ.Category Science Biology Neurobiology Brain Images......Keith A. Johnson, MD (keith@bwh.harvard.edu). J. Alex Becker (jabecker@mit.edu).Whole Brain Atlas on CDROM further information here; review here. http://www.med.harvard.edu/AANLIB/home.html |
114. PurePage A dedicated conversion technology that can automatically convert almost any file (that you can print) into html making the file Web and Intranet ready. http://www.purepage.com |
115. ICN Software Contract programming services for Windows applications. Core expertise Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, ASP/html and Java. http://www.icnsoft.com/ |
116. MS Windows Characters In HTML A review of the html authoring problems caused by some special characters which belong to MS Windows character set but not to ISO Latin 1. Includes technical details and substitution tables. In English and Finnish. http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/windows-chars.html |
117. Mason HQ Mason is a Perlbased web programming language. Among other things, it allows Perl to be embedded in html.Category Computers Programming Languages Perl WWW...... With Mason you can embed Perl code in your html and construct pages from shared,reusable components. HTTP Compression and htmlMason by lionel (Jan 27). http://www.masonhq.com/ |
118. Legrand , Mathieu Master in computer science, standard degree of mathematics html css php dhtml xml javascript sql perl c apache linux freebsd administration. http://www.culture-bx1.u-bordeaux.fr/Perso/Mathieu/CV/English/ |
119. CORDIS Community Research Development Information Service Cordis provides access to a wide range of information on EU research and innovation development activities.Category Regional Europe Science and Environment......ABOUT CORDIS What's New, Current Highlights SEARCH CORDIS AZ index, Thematic indexSearch the web pages Search the Databases Acronyms, Glossary HELP AND http://www.cordis.lu/en/home.html |
120. Index DOT CSS Style Sheets Guide Properties index, history, and links. Part of Index DOT html by Brian Wilson. http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/css/ |
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