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1. The Source For Java(TM) Technology Sun's home for java. Offers Windows, Solaris, and Linux java Development Kits (JDKs), extensions, Category Computers Programming Languages java......The Source for java TM Technology. The java 2 Platform provides robustendto-end solutions for networked applications as well as http://java.sun.com/ | |
2. The Java[tm] Tutorial Online version of book from Addison-Wesley.Category Computers Programming Tutorials...... Developer Services. java BluePrints. java Tutorial. Your First Cup of java Detailedinstructions to help you run your first program UNIX, Microsoft Windows, Mac. http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/ | |
3. Java(TM) Boutique - Free Java Applets, Games, Programming Tutorials, And Downloa Holds a range of working java applets, with instructions for downloading and including them in Web pages. http://javaboutique.internet.com/ | |
4. JavaWorld.com Monthly magazine for java developers presents news and articles, a tools guide, topical index, book catalog and searchable database. Core topics include the java language, the java Virtual Machine, APIs, and development tools. http://www.javaworld.com/ | |
5. JavaScript Source: Free JavaScripts, Tutorials, Example Code, Reference, Resourc Resource with free javaScript examples for cut and paste into web pages.Category Kids and Teens Computers CGI and Programming javascript...... FlashKit Gif.com HierMenusCentral java Boutique javaScript.com javaScript SourceJobs.WebDeveloper.com JustSmil ScriptSearch StreamingMedia Web Hosts WDJ WDVL http://javascript.internet.com/ | |
6. JARS.COM The #1 Java Review Service Ratings for java applets are given by a panel of independent judges. Links are provided to source and download locations. Written entirely in java, it provides massive scalability and numerous highend features, including linguistic http://www.jars.com/ | |
7. Java Security: Hotlist Huge hotlist with commentary and searchable index of java security resources, from the authors of the book Securing java . By Gary McGraw and Edward Felten. http://www.rstcorp.com/javasecurity/links.html | |
8. Slide 1 A presentation covering java's history by James Gosling of Sun Labs. http://java.sun.com/people/jag/Presentations/TheStoryOfJava/ | |
9. Thread Synchronization In Java Producer Consumer, Dining Philosophers, Reader Writer problems. Applet demonstration, design diagram. Source code accessable by email request. http://www.hta-be.bfh.ch/~fischli/kurse/threads/ |
10. Sun Microsystems Features the companies products, services, industry solutions, support, training, and downloads.Category Computers Software Unix Solaris Companies...... The Productivity Dividend We dispell five myths about Microsoft's .Net platform andexplain why the java platform is a more costeffective, open, and advanced http://www.sun.com/ | |
11. Java Technology Home Products Services Software java Technologies javaTechnology java Technology The java platform is the foundation http://www.sun.com/java/ | |
12. Java(TM) Security News, software, documentation, specifications, FAQs about java security, by Sun. http://java.sun.com/security/ | |
13. IX 4/1999, S. 144: Verteilte Systeme Einf¼hrung in die Benutzung von Jini, der java Intelligent Network Infrastructure. iX Magazin http://www.heise.de/ix/artikel/1999/04/144/ | |
14. PhysicsWeb - Resources - Education/Interactive Experiments A large, annotated list of physics related java applets (also some VRML and Shockwave stuff) available on the net. Also provides a way to join a list devoted to discussions on development and use of java in physics education and research. http://physicsweb.org/resources/Education/Interactive_experiments/ | |
15. East-Java ; Indonesian Tourism-Business Gateway , Near Bali The complete information for Tourism and Business in East java Indonesia. http://www.eastjava.com/ | |
16. Java-Linux Download the kit for Linux, read a FAQ or report a bug or a problem. Join the Oct. 15 chat on java Technology on Linux http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux.html | |
17. Gamelan.com - A Developer.com Site For Java Articles, Tutorials, News, Discussio Features tutorials and articles from java developers.Category Computers Programming Magazines and Ezines......Gamelan.com is a leading site for java articles, tutorials, news, discussions,and other resources. As a part of the Developer.com http://www.developer.com/java/ | |
18. TCP Et UDP Avec Java et utilisation des protocoles TCPUDP/IP en java....... http://rigauxf.waika9.com/ |
19. Home Page - Microsoft Technologies For Java Information site for company tools and technologies for java.Category Computers Programming java Extensions javaCOM......Home page for Microsoft's Technologies for java Web site which providesinformation on the Microsoft virtual machine (Microsoft VM). http://www.microsoft.com/java/ | |
20. ModemMom's 156 Free Online Games! Free java games. http://www.modemmom.com/gamepages | |
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