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121. Xalan-Java Version 2.5.D1 Provides high-performance XSL stylesheet processing. Open Source, BSD-likeCategory Computers Programming java XML Class Libraries XSL...... Xalanjava is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text,or other XML document types. Xalan-java also builds on SAX 2 and DOM level 2. http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/ |
122. Java 3D 3D graphics for java. http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/3D/ |
123. SIP Java Security FAQ FAQ on java security with answers from the Princeton Secure Internet Programming team. By SIP, Princeton.Category Computers Security java...... Is java secure? Nothing in life is completely secure; java is no exception. Whatabout products that claim to block java applets at a firewall? http://www.cs.princeton.edu/sip/faq/java-faq.php3 |
124. Oracle Pumps In Java Abilities Oracle (ORCL) is finally readying longpromised technology to make its client, middleware, and server software fully java aware. News.com http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,19699,00.html?st.ne.fd.mdh |
125. Brian Hall ColorServe ColorServe java, What's New. Version 1.2 has a couple new features. SourceCode. java Source. Last updated March 1, 2000 by Brian Hall. http://www-students.biola.edu/~brian/csapplet.html |
126. JBrix Java Components Opensource java libraries, in particular GUI, speech-recognition, and XML related components. http://www.jbrix.org/index.html |
127. FreeBSD Java Project The official port of Sun's JDK to FreeBSD.Category Computers Programming Implementations Standard Edition......FreeBSD java Project. This is the offical port of Sun's java DevelopmentKit for FreeBSD. No known significant use. Jump to java. We currently http://www.freebsd.org/java/ |
128. Developing Java Beans A complete introduction to java's component architecture. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javabeans/ |
129. Giant Java Tree Experiment in java open source developer support provides developers with a free, publicly accessible, Category Computers Programming Languages java Code Directories......Welcome. Welcome to the Giant java Tree. The Giant java Tree is anopen source project whose primary aim is to create a java source http://www.gjt.org/ |
130. Java I18N Provides articles, demos, and best practice information for creating internationalized software. http://www.javai18n.com/ |
131. Kaffee Kuchen - Die Führende Java-Seite Deutschlands (Neu) http://java.seite.net/ |
132. Lars Appel java tips, tricks, setup notes, examples, software from HP engineer Lars Appel. Software downloads including Apache JServ for MPE/iX Apache/iX extended with mod_jserv and JServ servlet engine for integrating server side java. Notes for installing java software on MPE/iX including Jakarta Tomcat - the Servlet/JSP engine from Jakarta.apache.org; Enhydra; Voyager ORB from www.ObjectSpace.com; JacORB from www.inf.fu-berlin.de/~brose. http://www.editcorp.com/Personal/Lars_Appel/index.html#tips |
133. Securing Java Getting Down To Business With Mobile Code The online version of the print book, featuring a searchable index, java links, and full text of the book.Category Computers Programming News and Media Books Security......Securing java Getting Down to Business with Mobile Code. Securing java Publishedby John Wiley Sons, Inc. (ISBN 047131952X). Web site hosted by Cigital. http://www.securingjava.com/ |
134. Java Script Station javaScripts, articles, resources. Reference sites. Forums. http://javascriptstation.com/ |
135. Java(tm) House Mailing List Homepage (in Japanese) The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://java-house.jp/ml/ |
136. Regular Expressions Matchers In Java An evaluation of different available libraries for java. http://home.worldcom.ch/~jmlugrin/RegEx.html |
137. Java Guru Your View Of The Java Universe Customizable portal with online training, FAQs, regular news updates, and tutorials.Category Computers Programming Languages java Resources...... Search jGuru Search Help. Your view of the java universe This tutorial illustrateshow to develop a Web application using java servlets and javaServer http://www.jguru.com/ |
138. Using Ada 95 With The Java Virtual Machine By Averstar. http://www.averstar.com/~stt/applmag.html |
139. Java Developer Connection - Forums java Developer Connection topical interactive message boards.Category Computers Programming Languages java Chats and Forums......java TM Technology Forums java, J2EE, J2SE, J2ME, and all javabased marksare trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. http://forum.java.sun.com/ |
140. The Primordial Soup Kitchen Colorful images and java movies of Cellular Automata, with recipes to explain their genesis. Also some tasty Real Recipes. By David Griffeath. http://psoup.math.wisc.edu/kitchen.html |
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