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61. The FreeBSD Project The definitive resource for FreeBSD information.Category Computers Software operating systems Unix BSD FreeBSD...... networking, performance, security and compatibility features today which are stillmissing in other operating systems, even some of the best commercial ones. http://www.freebsd.org/ | |
62. The TUNES Project Open source resource for learning about programming languages and operating systems. Led by French OS philosopher Fare'. Some 2,000 links. http://tunes.org/ | |
63. IEEE TC On Operating Systems And Application Env. Bulletin Ravi Mukkamala, Editor. Welcome to the TCOS Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society'sTechnical Committee on operating systems and Application Environments. http://www.cs.odu.edu/~mukka/tcos/tcos.html | |
64. Computer Operating Systems Helping you with questions you may have about computer operating systems as wellas linking you to all the major computer operating systems. operating systems http://www.computerhope.com/os.htm | |
65. CompuLink Online BBS door programs, shareware and freeware files for several operating systems with tech support and usergroup support. http://home.hiwaay.net/~jwoody/ |
66. Systems & Networking Herald Achieving a Global Event Notification Service. In Proceedings of the EighthWorkshop on Hot Topics in operating systems (HotOSVIII), Elmau, Germany. http://research.microsoft.com/sn/ | |
67. ESI - Embedded Spaces Inc. Provides consulting and contracting services in embedded systems, operating systems and product development. http://www.emspace.com | |
68. Operating Systems Home Products Services Software operating systems Browse operating systems.operating systems. Product Name, Purpose. Solaris Operating System (SPARC). http://www.sun.com/software/product_categories/operating_systems.html | |
69. Fyodor's Exploit World, Exploits For Many Operating Systems Including Linux,Sola A large and descriptive exploit archive organized by affected operating systems. http://www.insecure.org/sploits.html | |
70. Overclocked Cafe :: Slogan? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Slogan! News, reviews, articles, and editorials encompassing computer hardware, software, gaming and operating systems. http://www.overclockedcafe.com/ | |
71. HotOS-VII Workshop on Hot Topics in operating systems. Rio Rico, Arizona, USA; 2930 March 1999. Digest of Category Computers Computer Science Conferences 1999......The 7th Workshop on Hot Topics in operating systems (HotOSVII). Rio Society.and the IEEE Technical Committee on operating systems (TCOS). http://www.cs.rice.edu/Conferences/HotOS/ | |
72. Operating Systems - Segment Overview - IBM Software IBM has highly secure, scalable, highperformance enterprise operating systems onwhich to build and deploy Internet and Java-enabled applications, providing a http://www.ibm.com/software/os/ | |
73. Operating Systems For IBM Mainframe Servers operating systems for IBM mainframe servers IBM eServer zSeriesand IBM S/390. operating systems for IBM mainframe servers. z/OS http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/os | |
74. SGI - Developer Central: Operating Systems: IRIX and is one of the most important and mature UNIX operating system releases LicensingChanges for Partitioned (SGI® Onyx® family, ®Origin®) Systems more. http://www.sgi.com/developers/technology/irix/ | |
75. Bibliographies On Operating Systems Research Bibliographies on operating systems Research, part of the Collection of ComputerScience Bibliographies. Bibliographies on operating systems Research. http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Os/ | |
76. SPSU - Extended University - Yamacraw Continuing Education A Georgia statesponsored initiative at Southern Polytechnic State University ( SPSU ) to offer training in Real-Time operating systems, Digital Signal Processing ( DSP ), and Embedded Systems. http://yamacraw.spsu.edu | |
77. ACM Portal: ACM Digital Library Search within ACM SIGOPS operating systems Review. Browse ACM SIGOPSoperating systems Review. ACM SIGOPS. ISSN 01635980 TOC Service http://portal.acm.org/browse_dl.cfm?linked=1&part=newsletter&idx=J597&coll=porta |
78. Site Temporarily Unavailable Computer training consultancy providing specialist, technical IT training in networks, operating systems and hardware. Located in England, United Kingdom. http://www.training-one.co.uk/ | |
79. ACM Portal: ACM Digital Library Search within SOSP ACM Symposium on operating systems Principles. BrowseSOSP ACM Symposium on operating systems Principles. SOSP. http://portal.acm.org/browse_dl.cfm?linked=1&part=series&idx=SERIES372&coll=port |
80. Jobs Maps Mac's Future | CNET News.com Addressing the Seybold publishing conference here, interim CEO Steve Jobs detailed Apple Computer's strategy for the Mac OS 8.5 and upcoming OS X operating systems. News.com http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,25936,00.html?st.ne.fd.mdh |
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