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161. WWW Virtual Library Visual Languages And Visual Programming Visual Languages and Visual programming. This page is maintained GUI buildersbased on textual programming languages. Even though there is http://cui.unige.ch/Visual/ |
162. XML Bookmark - XML Programming Resource Directory XML information and development resources. XML articles, tutorials, XML development guides, latest events and seminars. http://www.vb-bookmark.com/vbXml.html |
163. Why Functional Programming Matters John Hughes paper, dates from 1984, circulated as a Chalmers memo.Category Computers programming Languages Functional......Why Functional programming Matters. John Hughes. Slightly revised versions appearedin 1989 and 1990 in the Computer Journal and the Year of programming. http://www.math.chalmers.se/~rjmh/Papers/whyfp.html |
164. Univ. Of Waterloo Logic Programming And AI Group Research in natural language processing, knowledge representation, machine translation, probabilistic reasoning, and planning. http://ai.uwaterloo.ca/ |
165. Coyote's Guide To IDL Programming A guide to IDL (Interactive Data Language) programming, example programs, and other resources.Category Computers programming Languages IDL......A guide to IDL (Interactive Data Language) programming, example programs, and otherresources. Coyote's Guide to IDL programming. IDL programming Resources. http://www.dfanning.com/ |
166. Online Programming Courses Online Java programming courses for people too busy to leave the office. http://www.virtualtextbook.com |
167. Mac OS X Programming Getting Started Overview of basic Mac OS X programming resources available from Apple, including links to tutorials, Category Computers Systems Apple Macintosh Development Mac OS X...... through some of the tutorials listed on this page to familiarize yourself with theMac OS X Developer Tools and the application programming interfaces (APIs). http://developer.apple.com/macosx/gettingstarted/ |
168. World Of Programming Examples Weblog - An Open Source To-Do List Fishing the web for useful applications to turn into Open Source projects. An Open Source idea bank. http://www.geocities.com/bayinnaung/progexampweblog.html |
169. The Scheme Programming Language The primary Scheme page at MIT, Scheme's birthplace. Provides a short list of implementations, some Category Computers programming Languages Lisp Scheme......Scheme. Scheme is a statically scoped and properly tailrecursive dialectof the Lisp programming language invented by Guy Lewis Steele Jr. http://www.swiss.ai.mit.edu/projects/scheme/ |
170. Semantics Of Programming Languages 30th Spring School in Theoretical Computer Science. Agay, Var, France; 2429 March 2002. http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~ecole/ |
171. Logic Programming Associates This software house supplies WINPROLOG, MacProlog32 and Prolog++.Category Computers programming Languages Prolog......Logic programming Associates, the leading supplierof Intelligent Solutions for Windows and the Web. http://www.lpa.co.uk/ |
172. Allexperts Database Programming Q A Volunteer experts answer your detailed oneon-one questions about database programming. http://www.allexperts.com/getExpert.asp?Category=1041 |
173. Lutz Roeder's Programming.NET C .NET VB .NET CLR Reflector is an object/assembly/webservice browser for .NET, XML documentation viewer, type browser, Category Computers programming NET Applications......Tools and source codes for .NET, C and Visual Basic that I've writtensince the early .NET previews. Reflector is a very popluar http://www.aisto.com/roeder/dotnet/ |
174. Answer Set Programming 2001 AAAI Spring 2001 Symposium Towards Efficient and Scalable Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Stanford, USA, March 26 - 28, 2001. http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~tson/ASP2001/csp01.html |
175. Journal Of Functional And Logic Programming Electronic journal.Category Science Math Logic and Foundations Publications Journals......The Journal of Functional and Logic programming. An Electronic Journal publishedby the European Association for programming Languages and Systems (EAPLS). http://danae.uni-muenster.de/lehre/kuchen/JFLP/ |
176. Advanced Perl Programming Covers complex techniques for managing productionready Perl programs. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/advperl/ |
177. Dreamcast Programming Hardware, software, and links.Category Games Video Games Console Platforms Sega Dreamcast...... Links to external resources Powered by RoxenDreamcast programmingby Marcus Comstedt Last modified Tue May 9 160326 MEST 2000. http://mc.pp.se/dc/ |
178. EHDP - Expert Health Data Programming, Inc. Health data and health statistics for health data analysis. Includes software for public health data, software, analysis, statistics, epidemiology. http://www.ehdp.com/ |
179. The Scheme Programming Language, 2nd Edition Of R. Kent Dybvig's reference manual. Describes R5RS Scheme in a style similar to K programming Languages Lisp Scheme...... Multitasking with Engines. Bibliography. Formal Syntax of Scheme. Summary of Forms.Index. R. Kent Dybvig The Scheme programming Language, Second Edition © 1996. http://www.scheme.com/tspl2d/ |
180. Transactor Online Archive Ambitious effort to scan contents of well respected Transactor programming journal. http://cbm.csbruce.com/~csbruce/cbm/transactor/ |
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