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Visual Cpp: more detail |
61. Building C++ Applications With Template Classes In Visual Studio Building C++ Applications with Template Classes in visual Studio a C++ header file,eg myClass.h, and the implementation in a C++ source file, eg, myClass.cpp. http://www.ecs.fullerton.edu/~sowell/cs331/TemplateClasses.html | |
62. Developing A Simple MTS Client Using Visual C++ By Gopalan Suresh Raj gopalan\ClickServer\ClickServer.tlb no_namespace //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} // MicrosoftVisual C++ will The completed code for ClickClient.cpp is shown below http://gsraj.tripod.com/mts/vcpp/atlmts_client.html | |
63. Qt Interest Archive - Moc'ing .cpp Files With Visual Studio Qtinterest Archive, July 2002 moc'ing .cpp files with visual studio.Message 1 in thread Subject moc'ing .cpp files with visual http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2002-07/thread01109-0.html | |
64. Qt Interest Archive - Static Compilation Using Visual C++ allMainForm AboutBox cl MD -c -nologo -DQT_DLL -Ic\qt\include -I C\Program Files\MicrosoftVisual Studio\VC98\Include -Fomcc.obj mcc.cpp link /NODEFAULTLIB http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2002-10/thread00073-0.html | |
65. Visual C++ MFC Components Welcome To UCanCode Software! Source CodePicker18_src.zip 65KB (Build with MS visual C++ 6.0). 1.CFOColorButtonFile ReferenceFOColorButton.h, FOColorButton.cpp. http://www.ucancode.net/Products/free product/colorpicker.htm |
66. Dynamically Linked Libraries (DLL) Tutorial FILE 8255.cpp // AUTH P.OH/Boondog Automation // DATE 07/01/98 // DESC cppsource file for 8255 DLL compiled with Microsoft visual C++ 5.0 include http://www.boondog.com/..\tutorials\dlltutor\dlltutor.htm | |
67. Visual C++ Tutorial 6.0 you will already have the folders, 'Source Files', 'Header Files' and 'ResourceFiles' created, if your are in visual C++ 5.0 Source Files' is cpp;c and http://www.gaffer.org/ptc/distributions/Windows/visual-ptc.html | |
68. C++ Magazines, Online Journals And CPP Periodicals visual C++ Developers Journal. VCDJ, is the most comprehensive source visualC++ Developer Online. This is a digital resource for http://www.vb-bookmark.com/CppMagazine.html | |
69. C++ Development Environments (CPP IDE) Borland C++ Builder, Magazine. visual Studio Magazine Subscribe,_Risk_FREE visual_StudioMagazine. One Language, One Environment, One Tool. Microsoft visual C++. http://www.vb-bookmark.com/CppIDE.html | |
70. Search.com.ua ! fido159.ru.visual.cpp Fido ? ? OnLine! Re Hook fido7@sukhodolin.com Eugene Sukhodolin http://search.com.ua/?q=fido |
71. Source Code To CalcEm V0.51 (MS Visual C++ 6.0) - Ticalc.org , Ms visual C++ 6.0. Name, Size. AboutDlg.cpp, 2543. AboutDlg.h, 2430....... Filename, calcemsrc.zip. Title, Source Code to CalcEm v0.51 (MS visual C++ 6.0). http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/48/4826.html | |
72. Generated Makefile For Win32 / Microsoft Visual C++ Generated Makefile for Win32 / Microsoft visual C++. gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib wsock32.libMOC = moc Files HEADERS = hello.h SOURCES = hello.cpp \ main.cpp http://docsrv.caldera.com:8457/en/Tmake/m-win32-msvc.html | |
73. Visual C++ visual C++. Here's a shot at a visual C++specific Hello World program. hello.cpp.// hello.cpp Defines the class behaviors for the application. http://www2.latech.edu/~acm/helloworld/visualc .html |
74. Cpp Compiler Tips included. Most of the information is oriented towards Microsoft visual C++,for a couple of reasons code). General Microsoft visual C++ Tips. http://www.outreach.washington.edu/dl/courses/cpp711/cpp_comptips.htm | |
75. Compiling Newmat09 Under Visual C Create a directory such as VC where you want to keep all your visual C++ projects keyand click all the files needed in the project (this is all the .cpp and .h http://www.robertnz.net/VisualC.html |
76. NoPayWeb.com_ Online Computer Books_ C C++ (Cpp)_ Languange Title Special Edition Using visual C++ 6(free register)PressYear1998. TitleSams Teach Yourself visual C++ 6 in 21 Days (free register)PressYear1998. http://www.nopayweb.com/computerbook/cc.shtml | |
77. Build Log C\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\;C\Program Files\Microsoft visual Studio .NET pch /Fo .\Release/ /Fd .\Release/ /W3 /c /TP Http.cpp ImportPage5.cpp http://www.projectfasttrack.com/projectfasttrack/Dev/BuildLog.htm | |
78. DtSearch Engine Build Tips For Visual C++ Programmers By default, the visual C++ project wizard sets up a project to use stdafx.h To fixthe problem, change the build settings for dtsearch.cpp, dtsviewr.cpp, and http://www.dtsearch2.com/faq/dts0105.htm | |
79. World Of CPP - Board - Visual Basic For Applications (VBA) Translate this page http://board.worldofcpp.net/forumdisplay.php?&forumid=46 |
80. World Of CPP - Board - Visual C++ .NET Translate this page http://board.worldofcpp.net/forumdisplay.php?&forumid=43 |
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