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Activated Protein C Resistance: more detail |
41. ACTIVATED PROTEIN C RESISTANCE (APC-R), PLASMA activated protein c resistance (APCR), PLASMA Marquette General Health System GeneralInfo Alpha Code. APCR. MGH LIS Test No. 977. Schedule. Monday through Friday. http://www.mgh.org/lab/CATALOG/TESTS/5096.HTM |
43. Authors' Response. Swalwell CI, Davis GG . 1999;44(5): 1092. Rulon JJ, Cho CG, Guerra LL, Bux RC, Gulley ML Title activated protein c resistanceis uncommon in sudden death due to pulmonary embolism Keywords activated http://www.astm.org/JOURNALS/FORENSIC/PAGES/3199.htm | |
44. Untitled ANTICOAGULANT PROTEIN DEFICIENCY. activated protein c resistance. ACTIVATED PROTEINC RESISTANCE. activated protein c resistance. PROTEIN C MECHANISM OF ACTION. http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/ps/2004/Academic/second_year/hematology/html/di |
45. Factor V Leiden Deficiency Factor 5 Leiden Deficiency. APC Resistance. activated protein c resistance. LabsActivated Protein C (APC) resistance Can not be anticoagulated when this lab run. http://www.fpnotebook.com/HEM26.htm | |
46. Biochem. J. (1996) 313, 467-472 - C. Aparicio And B. Dahlba~Dck - Factor V:Q506 Biochem. J. (1996) 313, (467472) (Printed in Great Britain). Molecularmechanisms of activated protein c resistance Properties http://www.biochemj.org/bj/313/bj3130467.htm | |
47. LINEE GUIDA PER LO SCREENING DEI PAZIENTI TROMBOFILICI Koeleman BPC, Reitsma PH, Allaart CF, Bertina RM activated protein c resistanceas an additional risk factor for thrombosis in protein C deficient families. http://www.xxlweb.it/siset/linee/linee17f.htm |
48. Activated Protein C Resistance - New Treatments, February 5, 2003 Click here to view. New Treatments for activated protein c resistance. Resistanceto activated protein C is a congenital inherited hypercoagulable disease. http://www.medical-library.org/journals_6a/activated_protein_c.htm | |
49. Haematologica/journal Of Hematology - Issue #1, 2000 - Scientific Correspondence Factor V Leiden in absence of activated protein c resistance after orthotopicliver transplantation in a patient without thrombosis but with familial http://www.haematologica.it/abstr/estelles8501.html | |
50. Haematologica 1998; Vol. 83, No. 4 Prevalence of phenotypic activated protein c resistance (APCR) invenous thromboembolic patients. Cristina Marzo, Carmen Araguás http://www.haematologica.it/abstr/marzo834.html | |
51. Reduced Response To Activated Protein C..., Annals 15 Aug 96 activated protein c resistance as an additional risk factor for thrombosis inprotein Cdeficient families. Blood. 1994;841031-5. 24. Miettinen OS. http://www.acponline.org/journals/annals/15aug96/proteinc.htm | |
52. Clinical Laboratories RIPA); Thrombosis Screen (protein C, protein S, antithrombin III,activated protein c resistance, factor V Leiden); Thrombin Time; http://www-med.stanford.edu/school/clin.labs/coag.html | |
53. Untitled activated protein c resistance or Factor V Leiden (Factor V is notinhibited so it can make lots and lots of clots); Plasminogen http://www.u.arizona.edu/ic/srl/heme/coaganswers4.html | |
54. ACTIVATED PROTEIN C RESISTANCE activated protein c resistance (0890240). Synonyms APCR. CPT 4 Code85307. Test Order Mnemonic APCR. Applies To A screening assay http://www.utmb.edu/lsg/LabSurvivalGuide/hem/ACTIVATEDproteinC_Resistance.htm | |
55. Factor V Leiden Polymorphism (FV:R506Q) Related Tests. activated protein c resistance (APC) aPTTBased. Activated ProteinC Resistance (APC) PT-Based. Anticardiolipin Antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA). http://pathology.mc.duke.edu/coag/fvlflyer2.html | |
56. Testing Turn-around Times - DUMC Clinical Coagulation Laboratory Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT), daily. activated protein c resistance(aPTTbased), 1/week. activated protein c resistance (Factor V Leiden), 1/week. http://pathology.mc.duke.edu/coag/TAT.htm | |
57. Haematologica - February 2003 - 236 activated protein c resistance (APCR), is a biological condition relatedwith venous and to a lesser extent arterial thrombosis. http://www.haematologica.org/2003_02/236.htm | |
58. Hematology Center-Education-Information Thrombosis. Antithrombin III Deficiency activated protein c resistance Tests ActivatedProtein C Resistance Factor V Leiden Syndrome Factor V Leiden Mutation http://www.worldoncology.net/hemcenter.htm | |
59. Journal Of Medical Screening (1998) 5, 1-2 Fortunately, a modification of the activated protein c resistance test, dilutingthe patient's plasma in factor V deficient plasma, results in the sensitivity http://www.medschl.cam.ac.uk/phgu/phgn/Private_documents/Papers/Keeling.asp |
60. Descripteur - Activated Protein C Resistance Descripteur MESH Hemic and Lymphatic Diseases Hematologic Diseases Thrombophiliaactivated protein c resistance MESH Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal http://alexpub.hospvd.ch/Thesaurus.htm&numrec=051914279919600 |
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