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161. AutismWeb A Guide For Autism And Pervasive Developmental A guide to the diagnosis, treatment and education of children with autism and Pervasive Developmental Category Health Mental Health autism Spectrum Teaching Methods......A parents' resource guide to the diagnosis, education and treatment of childrenwith autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and autistic spectrum http://www.autismweb.com/ |
162. Call4aCure Phone Fundraising For Autism Sells phone services to raise money for autism. http://www.call4acure.com |
163. Autism Portal Site Links to information, with short descriptions. English, French, DutchCategory Health Mental Health autism Spectrum Directories......Updated February 4, 2003 Webmaster F.Coomans. http://autismportal.homestead.com/AutismPortalSite.html |
164. Newsday.com 'Sobering' State Report Calls Autism An Epidemic Article by Thomas H. Maugh II describes the 273% increase in the cases in California. Discusses report that argues is not the result of changes in diagnostic criteria, but represents an epidemic. http://www.newsday.com/templates/misc/printstory.jsp?slug=la-me-autism18oct18&am |
165. Index autism and Mercury Coincidence or Cause and Effect? autism Symptoms ofmercury toxicity in young children mirror those of autism. The http://www.autism-mercury.com/ |
166. Phat Art 4 Publishing down to earth books on autism. Providing books and products that are easy to read and understand. Monthly chat with authors or experts in the field. http://www.phatart4.com/ |
167. Access Autism Indiana Resource Center For Autism autism information, research, trainings, bibliographies links.Category Regional North America United States Indiana Health...... http://www.iidc.indiana.edu/~irca/ |
168. Daglig Verksamhet I Malmö. Information om LSS f¶r m¤nniskor med autism. http://www2.pedc.se/dv/autism.htm |
169. Autism Awareness 2002 - WELCOME Organization dedicated to raising awareness of the issues surrounding autism and to influence and Category Health Mental Health Europe United Kingdom......www.autismawareness.org.uk, home, welcome to www.autism-awareness.org.uk.The Disabilities Trust created this special website on behalf http://www.autism-awareness.org.uk/ |
170. Behavior Analysis Dept., U. Of North Texas Masters program. Preparation for work in schools, universities, human service settings, business and industry, and government agencies. Clients range from children with autism, to students with academic skills deficits, to entire companies that are having employee performance problems. http://www.unt.edu/behv/ |
171. Autism Awakening 4 Kids Parent and professional guide to treatment and educational options. This guide helps parents and professi Category Health Mental Health Services United States......Skip Front Page and Go to Site Map. Welcome to autism Awakening! autism AwakeningIn Ia is awakening the community on issues related to autism Worldwide. http://www.autismawakening.com/ |
172. Therapy For Children Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy for children with special needs including autism, asperger syndrome, dyslexia, dyspraxia, language disorder and other disorders. Based in SW Surrey UK. http://therapyforchildren.co.uk/ |
173. Autism Conferences A free searchable listing service for autism conferences worldwide. http://autismtoday.com/searchtool/search_events.asp |
174. Autism Recovery Network Buttons, bumper stickers, pins, bookmarks, and books. http://www.geocities.com/arnfl/memberorder.html |
175. Autism - The Silent Epidemic News article by Avia Ustanny describes findings that as many as one in ten children born in Jamaica are now diagnosed with spectrum disorders. Published in the Jamaica Gleaner. http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20020922/out/out1.html |
176. Www.students.uiuc.edu/~bordner/ani.html http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~bordner/ani.html |
177. Division TEACCH - Treatment And Education Of Autistic And Related http://www.teacch.com/ |
178. Little Angels - LittleAngels - Littleangels.org Information and resources for little angels littleangels little angels little angelsanaheim angel angel angel figurine angel figurines angel funding angel http://www.littleangels.org/ |
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