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Bourneville-pringle Syndrome: more detail |
41. VADA GEZONDHEID En ZIEKTE - HEALTH And DISEASE S Sympathetic Reflex Dystrophy Sympathetic Reflex Dystrophy syndrome SympatheticSystem Syndroom van Börjeson Syndroom van bournevillepringle Syndroom van http://www.vada.nl/medisch/meds.htm | |
42. ? von Recklinghausen's disease, von Hippel Lindau's syndrome, tuberous sclerosis(bournevillepringle disease), retinoblastoma; http://user.shikoku.ne.jp/tobrains/disease/tumor0.html | |
43. Fachschaft Medizin Münster: Service: Examensservice Translate this page Alternans-syndrome, Wallenberg-Syndrom / Weber-Syndrom / Millard-Gubler bourneville-pringle-Syndrom,(Tuberöse Sklerose) Epilepsie / Schwachsinn / Adenoma http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/fachschaft/service/examen/triaden.html | |
44. ÈéÉæ²Ê¡¦ç±¸¶É¥Ρ¼¥È tuberous sclerosis, bournevillepringle disease,TS; von Hippel-Lindau?,VHL;· Sturge-Weber syndrome; ? http://akimichi.homeunix.net/~emile/aki/medical/dermatology/dermatology-note.htm | |
45. Contents 2. tuberous sclerosis, bournevillepringle disease,TS; von Hippel-Lindau?,VHL; · Sturge-Weber syndrome; http://akimichi.homeunix.net/~emile/aki/medical/dermatology/node1.html | |
46. Publikationen 2000, Dermatologische Klinik, Universitätsspital Zürich Translate this page and Hodgkin's disease in a patient with Gardner's syndrome. Therapie stigmatisierenderHautveränderungen bei tuberöser Sklerose (bourneville-pringle) und bei http://www-usz.unizh.ch/derma/publikationen/publikationen_2000.html |
47. Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski Archiwum 2000 remarks to pathogenesis; key words blepharospasm, Meige syndrome; thalamus; striatum Pringle'a/ Difficulties in diagnosis of bournevillepringle disease 171. http://www.medpress.com.pl/MLar21a.htm | |
48. Literatuur Over Tubereuze Sclerosis (1991/1992) the corpus callosum and LennoxGestaut syndrome mere chance or a new syndrome? RWenderoth UK Hautman RE (1992) Kidney carcinoma in bourneville-pringle disease http://www.stsn.nl/literatu/litera90.htm | |
49. Nieuwe Literatuur Over TSC Per Augustus 2001 neuroepithelial tumor of infancy in the nevus sebaceus syndrome report of a I,Pyz A (2001) Difficulties in diagnosis of bournevillepringle's diseases. http://www.stsn.nl/literatu/augustus2001.htm | |
50. A Klinikánk Publikációi Terhesség és bournevillepringle syndroma Magyar Urol. és Nephrol. Arany L., KollárJ. Hypothenar Hammer syndrome Fortsch.Röntgenstr. 1984, 141, 702-705. http://www.radiology.dote.hu/public/publ06.htm | |
51. :: TopSpecialist :: Specialisten Wijzer :: Ziektebeelden overige infectieuze ziekten (ce), therapie van Boulimia bournevillepringle, ziektevan Brill, ziekte van Broad ligament laceration syndrome Broekpoepen Brok http://www.topspecialist.nl/ziekte/b.htm | |
52. Www.jsdi.or.jp/~fumipon/files/medicine.txt toxemia of pregnancy ?toxic shock syndrome ?toxin TS; tuberous sclerosis, bournevillepringle disease http://www.jsdi.or.jp/~fumipon/files/medicine.txt |
53. RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF SKIN AND SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES 38, Panteleeva GA, Kopytova TV, Pronova MA Endotoxication syndrome in patientswith pemphigus Summary. G. bournevillepringle disease Summary. http://www.medlit.ru/medeng/koz01e.htm |
55. Tuberous Sclerosis The Official Patient's Sourcebook on TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS (Adenoma sebaceum; Bournevilledisease; Bourneville Pringle syndrome; Epiloia; Phakomatosis TS http://www.icongrouponline.com/health/Tuberous_Sclerosis.html | |
56. ICON Health Publications -- Home Page sulzberger syndrome, blood fluke, blood fluke, body lice infestation, boeck's sarcoid,botulism, bourneville disease, bourneville pringle syndrome, bowel cancer http://www.icongrouponline.com/health/healthB.html | |
57. Health Library - Tuberous Sclerosis Synonyms. Bourneville Pringle syndrome; Epiloia; Phakomatosis TS; TSC1;TSC2; Tuberose Sclerosis; Tuberous Sclerosis Complex; Tuberous Sclerosis1. http://health_info.nmh.org/Library/HealthGuide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?hwid= |
58. My Disease in France, Pringle`s Disease in England and in Germany as Bourneville Pringledisease. noticed that heart and kidney tumors also are part of this syndrome. http://www.expatworld.de/marian/eng/about.htm | |
59. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. Bourneville Pringle syndrome; Epiloia; Phakomatosis TS; TSC1; TSC2;Tuberose Sclerosis; Tuberous Sclerosis Complex; Tuberous Sclerosis1. http://www.rarediseases.org/search/rdbdetail_abstract.html?disname=Tuberous Scle |
60. ICD-10: Gruppe Q80-Q89 Translate this page Bourneville- (Pringle-) Syndrom Epiloia. Akrozephalopolysyndaktylie-syndrome Akrozephalosyndaktylie-syndromeApert Freemann-Sheldon-Syndrom Whistling-face http://www.medizin.uni-tuebingen.de/daten/verwaltung/b_finanzen/patientenverw/ic | |
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