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         Campylobacter Pylori:     more detail
  1. Campylobacter Pylori & Gastroduodenal Disease by Rathbone, 1989-08
  2. Campylobacter Pylori in Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease
  3. Campylobacter Pylori: Proceedings by H. Menge, M. Gregor, et all 1988-08
  4. Gastroduodenal Pathology and Campylobacter Pylori (International congress series)
  5. Helicobacter Pylori, Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer by P. Malfertheiner, Germany) European Campylobacter Pylori Study Group Meeting 1989 (Ulm, 1990-10
  6. Campylobacter pylori: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Campylobacter Pylori, Kronberg, June 12-13th, 1987
  7. Epsilonproteobacteria: Helicobacter Pylori, Campylobacter (French Edition)
  8. Aktuelle Gastroenterologie - Campylobacter pylori (German Edition)
  9. Campylobacter pylori by Rauws and Tytgat, 1989
  10. Campylobacter Pylori in Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease
  11. Proteobacteria: Thiomargarita Namibiensis, Enterobacteriaceae, Bdellovibrio, Campylobacter, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, Helicobacter Pylori
  12. Comparison of Helicobacter pylori colonization on the tonsillar surface versus tonsillar core tissue as determined by the CLO test.(Campylobacter-like ... article from: Ear, Nose and Throat Journal by Bijan Khademi, Nika Niknejad, et all 2007-08-01
  13. Helicobacter Pylori 1990: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Helicobacter Pylori Bad Nauheim, August 25 26th, 1989 by H. Menge, Gregor M., et all 1991-07
  14. Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Infection via the Gut (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)

81. DBMD Disease Information Listing
campylobacter General Information Technical Information Additional Information. Helicobacterpylori (H. pylori) General Information Technical Information
Program Contents Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases DBMD Key Programs DBMD Offices What's New Promoting Appropriate Antibiotic Use in the Community
For comprehensive CDC information about bioterrorism and related issues, please visit
B C ... Z A Active Bacterial Core Surveillance (ABCs)

Technical Information

See: ABCs website Anthrax
General Information
Technical Information Additional Information Antibiotic Resistance
See: Antibiotic Resistance Website Aspergillosis
Technical Information
Additional Information B Bacterial Meningitis
See: Meningococcal Disease Blastomycosis
Technical Information
Additional Information Botulism
General Information
Technical Information Additional Information Brainerd Diarrhea General Information Technical Information Additional Information Brucellosis General Information Technical Information Additional Information C Campylobacter General Information Technical Information Additional Information Candidiasis Technical Information Additional Information General Information - Oropharyngeal Cadidiasis (OPC, thrush)

82. 10th International Workshop On Campylobacter
Translate this page 117). Esta bacteria es más resistente al cloro, cloraminas y ozono que Campylobacterjejuni o E. coli. H. pylori es capaz de sobrevivir en los sistemas de
th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms, Baltimore, USA, 12-16 Sep 1999. En este Congreso se han presentado 112 trabajos sobre distintos aspectos de H. pylori . Los temas más importantes desarrollados en este Congreso han sido los siguientes: 1. Agentes antimicrobianos. 2. Clínica y diagnóstico de H. pylori 3. Epidemiología. 4. Patogénesis. 5. Modelos animales. 6. Inmunología y vacunas. 1. Agentes antimicrobianos. Metronidazol. Las mutaciones en el gen rdxA , pero también en otros genes como flav , pueden estar implicadas en la resistencia de H. pylori al metronidazol (HA1 pag 7). Aunque el metronidazol inhibe la NADH fumarato reductasa, no se encuentra una relación entre la IC y las cepas resistentes (HA4 pag 9). Claritromicina. Se pueden detectar mutaciones en el gen 23S rRNA responsables de la resistencia a este antibiótico, por la técnica de Rapid Real-time PCR- based hybridization (HD3 pag 115). Tratamientos alternativos. Antioxidantes naturales como la Astaxanthina (producida por el alga Haematococcus fluvialis ) y la vitamina C disminuyen la colonización por H. pylori

83. Georgia Tech Faculty, Paul Edmonds
campylobacter mustelae, a New Species Resulting from the Elevation of campylobacterpylori subsp. mustelae to Species Status. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol.
Edmonds Publications O'Hara, H. M., C. D. Heyes, P. Edmonds, and M. A. El-Sayed. 2002. Identification of pathogenic bacteria using spectroscopic methods. Submitted to: Current Microbiology Craven, K. E. J. Ferreira, M. Harrison, and P. Edmonds. 2002. Specific detection of Clostridium botulinum types A,B, E, and F using the polymerase chain reaction. J. Assoc. Off. Agri. Chem. Intl. 85(No.4): In Press. Ferreira, J. L., S. J. Eliasberg, M. A. Harrison, and P. Edmonds. 2001. Detection of preformed type A botulinal toxin in hash brown potatoes by using the mouse bioassay and a modified ELISA test. J. Assoc. Off. Agri. Chem. Intl. 84:(No.5):1460-1464.
Hartman, N., C. Wyvill, D.P. Campbell, and P. Edmonds. Rapid response biosensor for detection and identification of common foodborne pathogens. Soc. Photo-optical Instrumental Engineers. 2345:128-137, 1995. Edmonds, P., M. Hall, W. Edwards, and K. Hartline. Presence of methylated adenine in GATC sequences in chromosomal DNAs from Campylobacter species. Jour. Bacteriol. 174:8156-8157, 1992. Okwumabua, O., B. Swaminathan, P. Edmonds, J. Enger, J. Hogan and M. Alden. Evaluation of a chemiluminescent DNA probe assay for the rapid confirmation of Listeria monocytogenes. Res. Microbiol. 143:183-189, 1992.

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85. A Bug With Excess Gastric Avidity
The answer has to be a resounding yes — Helicobacter pylori(aka Campylobacterpylori) is the organism that causes peptic ulcers and, astonishingly, it may

86. Experiencias En El Cultivo De Bacterias Microaerofílicas
Translate this page En 1988 describimos el primer hallazgo de Helicobacter pylori en Costa Rica, Campylobacterpylori, como se denominaba en esa época (Rivera et al., 1988).

87. Ìèíèìàëüíûå èíãèáèðóþùèå êîíöåíòðàöèè ñîë
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Ìèíèìàëüíûå èíãèáèðóþùèå êîíöåíòðàöèè ñîëåé âèñìóòà äëÿ Campylobacter pylori
Zbl. Bakt. 1989, 271, 304-310 Ïðèì: Campylobacter pylori - ïåðâîå íàçâàíèå Helicobacter pylori Äëÿ ïÿòè ñîëåé âèñìóòà áûëè îïðåäåëåíû ìèíèìàëüíûå èíãèáèðóþùèå êîíöåíòðàöèè îòíîñèòåëüíî 48 øòàììîâ Campylobacter pylori. Ïðè àíàëèçå èñïîëüçîâàëñÿ ìåòîä ðàçâåäåíèÿ â àãàðå. Ìèíèìàëüíûå èíãèáèðóþùèå êîíöåíòðàöèè îïðåäåëÿëèñü äëÿ ñóáöèòðàòà âèñìóòà (íåêîëëîèäíîãî), ñóáãàëëàòà âèñìóòà, ñóáñàëèöèëàòà âèñìóòà, ñóáíèòðàòà âèñìóòà è âèñìóòà òðèêàëèÿ äèöèòðàòà, îáðàçóþùåãî êîëëîèäíûé ðàñòâîð. Áûë ñäåëàí âûâîä î òîì, ÷òî ñîëè âèñìóòà ìîãóò ïðèìåíÿòüñÿ äëÿ ïîäàâëåíèÿ ðîñòà Campylobacter pylori. Òîò ôàêò, ÷òî ó 83% áîëüíûõ õðîíè÷åñêèì ãàñòðèòîì è ó áîëüíûõ ÿçâåííîé áîëåçíüþ æåëóäêà è äâåíàäöàòèïåðñòíîé êèøêè â 70 è 90% ñëó÷àåâ ñîîòâåòñòâåííî âûäåëÿþò øòàììû Campylobacter pylori, ïîçâîëÿåò ñäåëàòü âûâîä î âàæíîé ðîëè äàííîãî ìèêðîîðãàíèçìà â ýòèîëîãèè ïåðå÷èñëåííûõ çàáîëåâàíèé (4). Ìåõàíèçì ïàòîãåííîãî äåéñòâèÿ Campylobacter pylori èçó÷àëñÿ ñ ïîìîùüþ ìåòîäà ýëåêòðîííîé ìèêðîñêîïèè. Èññëåäîâàíèÿ óëüòðàñòðóêòóðû ñëèçèñòîé îáîëî÷êè ïîêàçàëè, ÷òî áàêòåðèÿ ñâÿçûâàëàñü ñ ïàðèåòàëüíûìè êëåòêàìè è ÷àñòè÷íî ïðîíèêàëà âíóòðü êàíàëüöåâ. Òàì èíèöèèðîâàëñÿ ïðîöåññ ðàçðóøåíèÿ, âåðîÿòíî, ÷åðåç ìåõàíèçì öèòîòîêñèíîâ, êîòîðûé âûðàæàëñÿ â çíà÷èòåëüíîì ñíèæåíèè ïðîäóêöèè êèñëîòû. Íåêîòîðîå êîëè÷åñòâî áàêòåðèé îáíàðóæèâàëîñü ìåæäó ïîâåðõíîñòíûìè êëåòêàìè, ïðîäóöèðóþùèìè ñëèçü. Ñåêðåòîðíàÿ àêòèâíîñòü ýòèõ êëåòîê òàêæå ñíèæàëàñü ïîä âëèÿíèåì òîêñè÷åñêîãî âîçäåéñòâèÿ Campylobacter pylori (6).

88. Äå-Íîë® ~ Îñîáåííîñòè è ïðåèìóùåñòâà ~ ßìàíó
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Helicobacter pylori
Helicobacter pylori
Èíôèöèðîâàíèå Helicobacter pylori ÿâëÿåòñÿ îñíîâíîé ïðè÷èíîé âîçíèêíîâåíèÿ è ðàçâèòèÿ ãàñòðèòîâ è ÿçâåííîé áîëåçíè. Èíôèöèðîâàíèå H. pylori Àãðåññèâíîå âîçäåéñòâèå íà ñëèçèñòóþ îáîëî÷êó æåëóäêà ïðîèçâîäèìûõ H. pylori ôåðìåíòîâ è òîêñèíîâ. Ïðîíèêíîâåíèå H. pylori â ìåæêëåòî÷íîå ïðîñòðàíñòâî. % èíôèöèðîâàííûõ H. pylori îò îáùåãî ÷èñëà áîëüíûõ
  • Äå-Íîë ñâÿçûâàåò Í. pylori, èíãèáèðóåò ñöåïëåíèå ñ ýïèòåëèàëüíûìè êëåòêàìè, ÷òî ïðèâîäèò ê èçìåíåíèþ ñòðóêòóðû è ðàçðóøåíèþ ìèêðîáà.
  • Äà-Íîë îñëàáëÿåò äåéñòâèå ôåðìåíòîâ Í. pylori, ÷òî ñïîñîáñòâóåò ïîâûøåíèþ ýôôåêòèâíîñòè âîçäåéñòâèÿ çàùèòíûõ ñèë ñàìîãî îðãàíèçìà íà áàêòåðèþ.
Ïðîÿâëÿåò âûñîêóþ èíãèáèðóþùóþ àêòèâíîñòü ïî îòíîøåíèþ ê Helicobacter pylori óæå ïðè ìèíèìàëüíûõ êîíöåíòðàöèÿõ
Èññëåäîâàíèå ïî îïðåäåëåíèþ óðîâíÿ ìèíèìàëüíûõ èíãèáèðóþùèõ êîíöåíòðàöèé ðàçëè÷íûõ ñîëåé âèñìóòà ïî îòíîøåíèþ ê 48 øòàììàì Í.pylori (Í.pylori ðàíåå êëàññèôèöèðîâàëàñü, êàê Campylobacter pylori) ïîêàçàëî: ÷òî èìåííî Äå-Íîë (trpotassium dicitrato bismuthate) îáëàäàåò íàèáîëüøåé èíãèáèðóþùåé àêòèâíîñòüþ (MIC Äëÿ äîñòèæåíèÿ ìàêñèìàëüíîé ñòåïåíè ëèêâèäàöèè Í. pylori ïðèìåíÿåòñÿ êîìáèíèðîâàííàÿ òåðàïèÿ Äå-Íîëîì è àíòèáèîòèêàìè.

89. HM·CAP(TM) Technical Brief
Graham DY, Klein PD, Opekun AR, et al, Epidemiology of Campylobacterpylori infection ethnic considerations, Scand. J. Gastroenterol.

90. FlexSure® HP Whole Blood Technical Brief
Hirschl AM, et al. The efficacy of antimicrobial treatment in Campylobacterpyloriassociated gastritis and duodenal ulcer. Scand. J. Gastroenterol.

91. Chronic "Nonspecific" Gastritis - A Clinicopathologic Term? - Pathology For Clin
Am J Gastroenterol 1988; 835049. 3. Yardley, JH and Paull, G. Campylobacterpylori a newly recognized infectious agent in the gastrointestinal tract.
Chronic "Nonspecific" Gastritis
A Clinicopathologic Term?
Author: André Mascarenhas Oliveira - Pathology Resident Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN - USA The current classification of gastritis is imperfect and sometimes misleading for both clinicians and pathologists. However, we can divide it in four main groups: reactive gastropathies (erosive gastritis), chronic "nonspecific" gastritis, chronic gastritis with specific histology and acute gastritis due to infectious agents (table 1) Among the chronic forms of gastritis, a group of inflammatory processes does not show any specific histologic pattern of inflammation that suggests a definite entity. This group, called chronic "nonspecific" gastritis, is characterized by an increased number of lymphocytes and plasma cells within the lamina propria (figure 1) . It is divided in four subgroups based mainly on anatomic aspects (Table 1) Figure 1. (click here to zoom)
Diffuse Antral Gastritis (DAG)
As the name indicates, this form of chronic gastritis involves predominantly the antrum and it is also known as "type B" gastritis. However, it can extend toward the upper portions of the stomach, causing a pangastritis. The association with H. pylori is very high and this Gram-negative bacteria is present in more than 90% of the cases. The occurrence of DAG is a strong marker for the development of duodenal and pyloric ulcers but an increased risk for gastric carcinomas has not been observed. Low grade malignant lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALToma) has also been associated with H. pylori infection and DAG

92. El Visick Inicial De Los Pacientes Estudiados Fue
Campylobacterpylori, acid and bile.J Clin Pathol 1987; 40 1387-90.
Con respecto a la evaluación endoscópica en todos los pacientes a quienes se les había realizado cirugía resectiva, se observó un patrón compatible con gastritis de tipo alcalino acompañado con importante reflujo biliar; esto se encontró en los pacientes infectados o libres de infección y no se modificó con el tratamiento de erradicación. Aquellos pacientes que no se sometieron a cirugía resectiva (vagotomía) mostraron un patrón endoscópico normal o de gastropatía crónica, sin modificarse con la erradicación. El Visick inicial de los pacientes estudiados fue: Visick I, 24 pacientes (54,5%); Visick II, 17 pacientes (38,6%); Visick III, 3 pacientes (6,8%), y ningún paciente con Visick IV. La relación entre el Visick inicial y la infección por H. pylori se muestra en la Tabla 2. Tabla 2. Resultado de la detección de H. pylori por
mediode biopsia (Bx) y prueba de ureasa (U). MÉTODO N Bx +U +
Bx -U +
Bx +U -
Bx -U -
Los pacientes con H. pylori negativo no registraron cambios en el patrón endoscópico, histológico ni clínico, durante el período de seguimiento. Comentario Actualmente, la cirugía ha sido relegada a la resolución de las complicaciones de la enfermedad ulcerosa gastroduodenal, debido al papel fundamental que juegan los inhibidores de la bomba de protones. Esto ha sido aún más manifiesto al conocerse la relación causal de la enfermedad con la infección por H. pylori, aceptándose que la erradicación del mismo es un pilar fundamental en su tratamiento.

93. INTA - Figueroa, Guillermo
1992, Figueroa G, Portell DP, Soto V, Troncoso M. Adherence of Campylobacterpylori to HEp2 cells. J Infect 1992; 24263-267. 1992,

94. INTA - Troncoso, Miriam
1992, Figueroa G, Portell DP, Soto V, Troncoso M. Adherence of Campylobacterpylori to HEp2 cells. J Infect 1992; 24263-267. 1990,

95. Dr. Gitan's CV
1994. Travel award from Microbiology program area to attend Campylobacterpylori Workshop in Colorado, August, 1987. Travel award
Raad S. Gitan
EDUCATION: Ph.D. Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology School of Medicine, University of Missouri- Columbia, USA, 1994. MSc. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, 1979. DVM. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, 1976. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Postdoctoral position in Dr. Tim Huang Laboratory, Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, 2000-present. Faculty position (lecturer), Department of Pathology, University of Mosul, College of Vet. Medicine, Mosul, IRAQ, 1980-1985. Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1988-1994. Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. John Cannon's Laboratory Dept. of Molecular Microbiology, UMC. 1995-1996. Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. Steve Pueppke's Laboratory, Molecular Biology program, UMC. 1996-1997. Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. David Eide's Laboratory

Campylobacterpylori in artificial contaminated milk. Clin Path 1989; 42 778.!HELICOB.html
Abteilung für allgemeine Pädiatrie und Poliklinik
(Dir. Prof. Dr. Michael J. Lentze)
am Zentrum für Kinderheilkunde der Universität Bonn
Adenauerallee 119, D-53113 Bonn, Tel 49-228-2873213, Fax 49-228-2873314 KRANKENHAUS HYGIENE Erstellt von Dr. Arne Simon Hygienedatenblatt am Zentrum für Kinderheilkunde der Universität Bonn, Stand 03/98 erstellt von Dr. B.Utsch (Durchsicht PD Dr. K.M. Keller) Helicobacter pylori [Hp] Gramnegatives, spiralförmiges oder gebogenes Stäbchenbakterium. Ureasebildner. Meldepflicht: Keine. Krankheiten: Rezidivierende, chronische Bauchschmerzen (periumbilical oder epigastrisch), nicht-ulzeröse Dyspepsie, Gastritis, Ulcus duodeni, Ulcus ventrikuli, MALT-Lymphom (Wotherspoon 1993), Magenkarzinom (HP wurde von der WHO als karzinogen klassifiziert) Vorkommen, Infektiöses Material:
  • ca 50% der Weltbevölkerung sind Hp-infiziert bzw. besiedelt (Graham 1991). Neuinfektionsrate pro Jahr zunehmendes Lebenalter ca. 1% (Veldhuyzen 1994). Magen, selten extragastral im Oesophagus, Meckel'schen Divertikel, Duodenum, Rektum. Außerdem: Mundschleimhaut, Zahnbelag, Speichel. Trinkwasser (Karim 1989), Nahrungsmittel (West 1990).

97. Sa
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98. ¹Ì»ý¹°Çб³½ÇÀÇ ¿¬±¸³í¹® ¹ßÇ¥½ÇÀûÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
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1. Myung-Je Cho, Woo-Hyun Chang, Myung-Sik Choi, Ik-Sang Kim, Jae-Seung Kang, Kyung-Hee Park, Hong-Kyung Kim, Chang-Yong Cha, Hoong-Keun Chung, and Kwang-Ho Rhee. Purification of Heat-labile Enterotoxin from An Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli of Human Origin by Monoclonal Immunoaffinity Chromatography. Journal of Korean Medical Science 2(1): 65-70 (1987). 2. Chang-Yong Cha, Yoon-Hoh Kook, Dong-Gyun Lim and Jung-Gyu Park, Myung-Je Cho, Kwang-Ho Rhee. The Purification of Vi Antigen and Development of Serological Methods for the Detection of S. typhi Chronic Carrier. 20(4): 269-279 (1988). Campylobacter pylori Campylobacter pylori 5. Han-Wook Yoo, Kwang-Ho Rhee, Myung-Je Cho, Jong-Bae Kim, Woo-Hyun Chang and Kwang-Wook Ko. Colonization Factor Antigens in Enterotoxigenic and Non-enterotoxigenic Strains of Escherichia coli Isolated in Korea. J. Korean Soc. Microbiol. 23(2): 147-155 (1988). 6. À̱¤È£, Á¶¸íÁ¦, ±èÁ¾¹è. Production and Purification of Recombinant Antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Korean Soc. Microbiol. 24(2): 1129-134 (1989).

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