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101. Echinacea For The Common Cold search. Echinacea for the common cold. 1 Melchart D, Linde K, Fischer P, KaesmayrJ. Echinacea for preventing and treating the common cold (Cochrane Review). http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier/booth/alternat/echinaceacold.html |
102. ENC Curriculum Resources Common Cold (ENC-016782, Full Record) Skip Navigation, You Are Here ENC Home Curriculum Resources Commoncold (ENC016782, Full Record). Brief Record common cold. URL http://www.enc.org/resources/records/full/0,1240,016782,00.shtm |
103. ENC Curriculum Resources Common Cold (ENC-016782, Brief Record Skip Navigation, You Are Here ENC Home Curriculum Resources Commoncold (ENC016782, Brief Record). Full Record common cold. URL http://www.enc.org/resources/records/0,1240,016782,00.shtm |
104. ABCNEWS.com Separating The Common Cold From An Allergy (PhotoDisc), Separating the common cold From an Allergy From HealthScoutNewsMarch 10 You're sneezing, your nose is running and your eyes are itchy. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/living/Healthology/HS_coldvallergy_030310.html |
105. Herbal Antibiotic And Anti Viral Herbs For Common Cold And To Antibiotic overuse (especially for the common cold) has led to antibioticresistance. Natural antibiotics and anti viral herbs that http://www.pulsemed.org/coldsandflus2.htm |
106. GP Health Smart - Avoiding The Common Cold Most people are not aware that the common cold, the leading cause of illness inthe United States, is not caused by one disease agent, but actually caused by http://www.gphealthsmart.com/about/commoncold.asp |
107. Lansing State JournalTo Americans, The Common Cold Is Uncommonly Published 2/26/2003 To Americans, the common cold is uncommonly costly Wespend less on osteoporosis, heart failure combined. Nothing to sneeze at. http://www.lsj.com/lifestyles/health/030226_coldcosts_2d.html |
108. MedHist UK's Gateway To Resources For The History Of Medicine ,This site makes available digitised versions of 46 notebooks written...... common cold. Title, Linus Pauling research notebooks. http://medhist.ac.uk/browse/mesh/detail/C0009443L0009443.html |
109. Common Cold March 26, 2002. common cold. More columns by Canadian Paediatric Society.Colds are very common. Most children have several a year. http://www.canoe.ca/HealthCPS/cold.html |
110. The Common Cold The common cold. The common cold, also known as acute coryza, is an inflammationof the upper respiratory tract and is caused by infection with virus. http://www.healthlibrary.com/reading/ncure/chap36.htm |
111. Common Cold common cold, The common cold is an upper respiratory infection caused by a virus. Therole of zinc lozenges in treatment of the common cold. Ann Pharmacother. http://www.ivillagehealth.com/library/onemed/content/0,7064,241012_245587,00.htm |
112. Lung Association Of Saskatchewan - Xtra66 - Cost Of Common Cold Cost of common cold reaches $40 billion in US. Tuesday, February 25, 2003.TORONTO When it comes to costs, there's nothing common about a cold. http://www.sk.lung.ca/content.cfm/xtra66 |
113. Common Cold common cold. What is the common cold? The common cold is a viral infection of thehead and chest. There is no specific diagnostic test for the common cold. http://healthydevil.studentaffairs.duke.edu/info/selfcare/cold.html |
114. Kentucky Cooperative Extension - Common Landscape Plants Describes asexual methods for propagating plants in and around the home and includes drawings and instructions for building a cold frame. http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/ho/ho67/ho67.htm |
115. Georgia Farm Bureau Safety Hypothermia When you hear about hypothermia, you usually envision someone stranded in a terrible winter storm. However, hypothermia can occur when it's wet, windy and up to 50 or 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This condition is most common in cold weather, but infants and the elderly can develop hypothermia at temperatures greater than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. http://www.gfb.org/safety/winter.htm |
116. Pennsylvania Trout We are 9000plus volunteers in 56 Trout Unlimited Chapters across the commonwealth with one common goal the conservation and enhancement of Pennsylvania's cold water streams and fisheries, and specifically our wild trout resources. http://www.patrout.org/ |
117. New Cold Relief On Horizon? CNN.com http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9709/30/common.cold/ |
118. Children's Tylenol Cold And Flu Season Nutrition advice for colds and flu season, answers to common questions, and a product guide for cold and flulike symptoms. http://www.women.com/childrenstylenol/ |
119. Using FirstSearch Overview but not cold weather. words near each other, given order, w, coldw2 common, cold followed within 2 words by common. words near each http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/using/ |
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