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41. AMEDEO: The Medical Literature Guide Neurology 2001; 57 21662177. BENNETT GJ. Are the complex regional pain syndromesdue to neurogenic inflammation? Neurology 2001; 57 2161-2. November 2001. http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/pai/NEUROL.HTM | |
42. AMEDEO: The Medical Literature Guide D, Wasner G. Relation between sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity and pain andhyperalgesia in complex regional pain syndromes a casecontrol study. http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/pai/LANC.HTM | |
43. VUMC Department Of Anesthesiology complex regional pain syndromes Updated interdisciplinary clinicalpathway report of an expert panel. Pain Practice, 2, 1, 2002. http://medschool.mc.vanderbilt.edu/anesthesiology/faculty_desc.php?ID=2669 |
44. Conditions And Diseases Neurological Disorders Autonomic Information on Conditions and Diseases, Neurological Disorders, Autonomic NervousSystem, complex regional pain syndromes and much more Treasure Coast Health. http://treasurecoasthealth.com/treasurecoasthealth.php/Health/Conditions_and_Dis |
45. SFB353_C3 Weber M., Neundörfer, B. Neurological findings in complex regional pain syndromes analysis of 145 cases, Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 101 262-269, 2000; http://www.neurologie.med.uni-erlangen.de/Forschung/SFB353_C3eng.htm | |
46. SAJAA Research Article 1 - V5n3 Association for the Study of Pain, Vienna, that revealed the current consensus,understanding and treatment of complex regional pain syndromes, known at this http://www.sajaa.co.za/sajv5n4/SAJres1abv_v5n4.htm | |
47. Consultants Special Interests - Region: . Keyword: Regional complex regional pain syndromes, Dr Gareth L Greenslade, Bristol (NHS/Private), Anaesthesia,Pain management, cervical spine and shoulder problems after whiplash http://www.specialistinfo.com/data/si/regional.html | |
48. What's Hot- CRPS Mixed complex regional pain syndromes type 1 and 2 represent regional pain disordersnot limited to the site of injury, with the following features http://www.bayareapainmedical.com/wcrpsmix.html | |
49. Pain.com 1539; Azad SC, Beyer A, Romer AW, et al Continuous axillary brachial plexus analgesiawith low dose morphine in patients with complex regional pain syndromes. http://www.pain.com/articles/onepage.cfm?chapter_id=80 |
50. Buchheit T, Crews JC Lateral Cervical Epidural Catheter Placement This type of continuous postop sympathetic block can also provide analgesia forpatients with complex regional pain syndromes involving the hand, arm, or http://www.pain.com/perioperative/free_cme/article.cfm?cme_Unique=3522 |
51. RSD - Sympathetic Dystrophies And Mysteries include herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia, other neuralgias, phantom pain,metabolic neuropathies such as diabetes and complex regional pain syndromes. http://www.thepainweb.com/doclib/topics/000012.htm | |
52. Hemeroteca Artículos Seleccionados Sobre ANESTESIOLOGÍA Y Translate this page Titulo Relation between sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity and pain andhyperalgesia in complex regional pain syndromes a case-control study. http://db.doyma.es/cgi-bin/wdbcgi.exe/doyma/hemeroteca_web.resultado_cat?p_selec |
53. Indications For Autonomic Reflex Testing (ART) ØPAINREFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY/complex regional pain syndromes.ART can identify sympathetically maintained pain such as in http://www-neuro.med.ohio-state.edu/autoweb/indications.html |
54. Directory :: Look.com complex regional pain syndromes (9) Other Categories. Causalgia (6)Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (34) See Also. Health/Conditions http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=594856 |
55. Department Of Anesthesiology children such as Chronic cancer related pain; Recurrent AbdominalPain; complex regional pain syndromes (such as RSD ) Neuropathies; http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/anesthesiology/pain/pediatric.html | |
56. Chin Med J (Taipei) 1998;61:S23. The term complex regional pain syndromes (CRPS) was introduced (Type I near synonymousto the term Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Type II synonymous to the http://www.vghtpe.gov.tw/~cmj/61s/61s0201.htm | |
57. Therapeutic Pain Management Back Pain, Neck Pain, Limb Pain, Headaches Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy / SympatheticMaintained Pain / complex regional pain syndromes Acute Herpetic http://www.reddinganesthesia.com/pain.htm | |
58. WebGuest - Open Directory Health Conditions And Diseases Top Health Conditions and Diseases Neurological Disorders AutonomicNervous System complex regional pain syndromes (9). Causalgia http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurologi |
59. OrthoNet Seminar Series: Related_Topics/Reflex_Sympathetic_Dystrophy_and_Chronic complex regional pain syndromes An overview of complex regional pain syndromesincluding definitions, physiology and anatomy, epidemiology, pathophysiology http://orthonet.ca/resources/Related_Topics/Reflex_Sympathetic_Dystrophy_and_Chr | |
60. Neuroscience Programs most common autonomic disorders include * reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) * causalgia* complex regional pain syndromes (CRPS) * hyperhidrosis * Raynaud's http://neurology.medsch.ucla.edu/autonomi.htm | |
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