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Cowden Syndrome: more detail | |||||
21. CancerGene MHAM Aliases, Name, multiple hamartoma (cowden syndrome). Locus, 10q22q23. OMIM, 158350,GDB, 118839, Hanssen AM;Fryns JP cowden syndrome. J Med Genet 1995 Feb;32(2)117-9. http://caroll.vjf.cnrs.fr/cancergene/CG73.html | |
22. CancerGene BZS C;Eng C;et al PTEN mutation spectrum and genotypephenotype correlations in Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome suggest a single entity with cowden syndrome. http://caroll.vjf.cnrs.fr/cancergene/CG917.html | |
23. Connexion Citations for MHAM 1, Male breast cancer in cowden syndrome patientswith germline PTEN mutations. Fackenthal JD, Marsh DJ, Richardson http://www.dsi.univ-paris5.fr/genatlas/tbiblio.php?symbol=MHAM |
24. Connexion 1, Phenotypic findings of cowden syndrome and BannayanZonana syndrome in a familyassociated with a single germline mutation in PTEN. Celebi JT, et al. http://www.dsi.univ-paris5.fr/genatlas/tbiblio.php?symbol=BZS |
25. Searchalot Directory For Cowden Syndrome cowden syndrome A CHORUS notecard document about this syndrome. RelatedCategories. Health Conditions and Diseases Rare Disorders. http://www.searchalot.com/Top/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/GeneticDisorders/Cowd | |
26. Sandy's Story: A Life Touched By Genetics Sandy Tolman (left) has cowden syndrome, an inherited condition that causesbenign and malignant tumors of the skin, mouth, breasts and intestines. http://www.sjsworld.org/staff/sandystory.htm | |
27. WebGuest - Open Directory : Health : Conditions And Diseases : Genetic Disorders See also Health Conditions and Diseases Rare Disorders (128). Sitescowden syndrome A CHORUS notecard document about this syndrome. http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Genetic_D | |
28. Familial Cancer Database - Bugs cowden syndrome In the comments section (clinical criteria), it is correctly statedthat follicular thyroid cancer is the predominant type of thyroid cancer http://facd.uicc.org/bugs.shtml | |
29. GENATLAS GENE DATABASE vascular malformations,Hashimoto thyroiditis and speckled penis,including BannayanRiley-Ruvalcabasyndrome,could be grouped with cowden syndrome for clinical http://bisance.citi2.fr/cgi-bin/mug?tex1=PTEN |
30. GENATLAS CITATION DATABASE 1999, Phenotypic findings of cowden syndrome and BannayanZonana syndromein a family associated with a single germline mutation in PTEN. http://bisance.citi2.fr/cgi-bin/biblio?symb=MHAM&wher=2 |
31. Untitled Document Dr. Fernandez research focuses on the genetic basis of the neurologic manifestationsof a model inherited cancer syndrome, cowden syndrome. http://www.cancergenetics.med.ohio-state.edu/Fernandezpubs.html | |
32. Genetics Of The Gynecologic Cancers The two hereditary cancer syndromes known to cause endometrial cancers areHereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer syndrome and cowden syndrome. http://www.cancergenetics.med.ohio-state.edu/ccg/gengyncancers.html | |
33. Genetic Studies OSU 9904. 9/10/01. Comparative GenotypePhenotype Correlations incowden syndrome CS and Bannayan-Ruvalcaba-Riley Syndrome BRR. http://www.jamesline.com/output/content/CCCsite/ccc/Protocols/gene.htm | |
34. Miscellaneous Contact Name and Number. OSU 9904, 9/10/01, Comparative GenotypePhenotype Correlationsin cowden syndrome CS Bannayan-Ruvalcaba-Riley Syndrome BRR. http://www.jamesline.com/output/content/CCCsite/ccc/Protocols/misc.htm | |
35. Syndromes In Breast Cancer variant LiFraumeni families 54. A detailed account of p53 is discussedhere cowden syndrome It is an autosomal dominant syndrome http://www.au-kbc.org/research_areas/bio/projects/bcinfo/gen/synd.html | |
36. La Maladie De Cowden Translate this page Male breast cancer in cowden syndrome patients with germline PTEN mutations. Thecowden syndrome a clinical and genetic study in 21 patients. http://orphanet.infobiogen.fr/data/patho/FR/fr-cowden.html | |
37. Dr Fackenthal JD, Marsh DJ, et al. (2001) Male breast cancer in cowden syndromepatients with germline PTEN mutations. J Med Genet 38 159164. http://www.kolling.usyd.edu.au/Marsh.htm | |
38. Colorectal Cancer_The Genetics Of Colon Cancer PeutzJeghers syndrome. Juvenile polyposis syndromes. cowden syndrome. Syndromeswith Adenomatous Polyps. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). cowden syndrome. http://www.arcmesa.com/pdf/colorec_cancer/genetics.html | |
39. PTEN Intro High incidence of breast and endometrial neoplasia resembling humancowden syndrome in pten+/ mice. (7) Eng C. cowden syndrome. http://www.endometrium.org/PTEN Central/Docs/pten_intro.htm | |
40. Medichecks . Com - Show Test/Profile Contents cowden syndrome. cowden syndrome. £1,245.00.......cowden syndrome. £1,245.00. Test Type Genetic. Test Code GENE23. Special Instructions http://www.medichecks.com/test.cfm?test=GENE23 |
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