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Crow-fukase Syndrome: more detail |
1. EMedicine - POEM Syndrome : Article Excerpt By: Wingfield Rehmus, MD, MPH Key Words, and Related Terms crowfukase syndrome, Takatsuki syndrome, PEP, polyneuropathy endocrinopathy plasma cell http://www.emedicine.com/derm/byname/poem-syndrome.htm | |
2. EMedicine - POEM Syndrome : Article By Wingfield Rehmus, MD, MPH Levy Y, Lefaucheur JP, Defer GL, Degos JD, Gherardi RK. crowfukase syndrome a case associated with vasospastic angina. http://www.emedicine.com/derm/topic771.htm | |
3. POEMS_SupportGroup Other names for the disease is crowfukase syndrome or Takatsuki syndrome http://www.poems-sg.netfirms.com/ | |
4. Birth Disorder Information Directory - CO-CZ List of Sites. Crow Fukase Syndrome (PEP Syndrome, POEMS Syndrome, Shimpo's Syndrome,Takatsuki's Syndrome) crowfukase syndrome. Cryptophthalmos-Syndactyly http://www.bdid.com/defectco.htm | |
5. Alzhheimer crowfukase syndrome a case associated with vasospastic angina. Theskin changes in the Crow-Fukase (POEMS) syndrome. A case report. http://tuftsneurology.org/webres/poems.htm | |
6. ORPHANET® : POEMS Syndrome Base de données sur les maladies rares et les médicaments orphelins POEMS syndrome. Direct access to details. Alias crowfukase syndrome http://orphanet.infobiogen.fr/static/GB/poems.html | |
7. Tufts University Neurology crowfukase syndrome a case associated with vasospastic angina (Medline) Acta Neurol(Napoli) 1994 Aug;16(4)170-6; Mochizuki Y, Yoshihashi H, Oishi M, Takasu http://tuftsneurology.org/training/references/links/poems.html |
8. Alzhheimer Levy Y, Lefaucheur JP, Defer GL, Degos JD, Gherardi RK. crowfukase syndrome a case associated with vasospastic angina. http://www.tuftsneurology.org/webres/poems.htm | |
9. Service Page - Pathologie Information DISEASE POEMS syndrome, Synonym(s) crowfukase syndrome, Sign(s)of the disease (23), Other website(s) (2), Outpatient clinic(s). http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=GB&Expert=2905 |
10. Tufts University Neurology crowfukase syndrome a case associated with vasospastic angina http://www.tuftsneurology.org/training/references/links/poems.html |
11. IM Abstract 39-12 Case 13 the serum, and the levels of IL1ß, IL-6, TNF-a, and thiamine, which were thoughtin past reports to be mediators of PH in crow-fukase syndrome, were normal. http://www.naika.or.jp/im/im39/ab39_12/c391213.html | |
12. IM Abstract 41-8 Case 3 crowfukase syndrome Associated with High-Output Heart Failure Tsutomu Araki, TetsuoKonno, Ryuichiro Soma, Akikatsu Nakashima, Hiroaki Takimoto, Yohei Tofuku http://www.naika.or.jp/im/im41/ab41_8/c410803.html | |
13. Health Library - POEMS Syndrome covered by this report. Synonyms. crowfukase syndrome; PEP Syndrome;Polyneuropathy-organomegaly-endocrinopathy-M protein-skin lesions; http://health_info.nmh.org/Library/HealthGuide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?hwid= |
14. COLLEGE DE FRANCE Translate this page 27) 1919-1923. Hitoshi S. (1995), crow-fukase syndrome (Japanese),Nippon Rinsho, 53 (3) 747-751. Eidner T., Oelzner P http://www.ifrance.com/ihpst/AFLcollege2001/AFL2903.htm |
15. Lymph_node Hyaline vascular type ? plasma cell type plasma cell () ? (+) crow-fukase syndrome (?). http://www2d.biglobe.ne.jp/~aquila/medical/p9/m29.html | |
16. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. POEMS Syndrome. To purchase fulltext report ($7.50) View Cart/Checkout. Copyright1991, 2000, 2002 Synonyms of POEMS Syndrome crow-fukase syndrome; PEP Syndrome; http://www.rarediseases.org/search/rdbdetail_abstract.html?disname=POEMS Syndrom |
17. Member Sign In Hospital, Chicago, Ill. Introduction. POEMS syndrome, also knownas the crowfukase syndrome, was first reported in 1956. 1 It http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/409056 | |
18. Member Sign In Introduction. POEMS syndrome, also known as the crowfukase syndrome, was firstreported in 1956. The crow-fukase syndrome a study of 102 cases in Japan. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/409056_print | |
19. C CriglerNajjar Syndrome; @ Crohn's Disease; @ crow-fukase syndrome;@ Cryptosporidiosis; @ Cubital Tunnel Syndrome; @ Cushing's Syndrome; http://www.ad.com/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/C/ | |
20. Untitled VEGF was greatly increased in serum (1,850 pg/ml), which has been foundto be increased exclusively in patients with crowfukase syndrome. http://www.med.tohoku.ac.jp/study_room/50/ITOYAMA/abst/004.html |
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