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41. LISTS> NEW: CdLS-KIDS - Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Support List LISTS NEW CdLSKIDS - Cornelia de lange syndrome Support List. CdLS-KIDSon Listserv@home.ease.lsoft.com Cornelia de lange syndrome Support list. http://scout.wisc.edu/addserv/NH/97-09/97-09-24/0021.html | |
42. ORPHANET® : Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Translate this page ORPHANET. ORPHANET database access. Cornelia de lange syndrome. Directaccess to details Alias Brachman-de lange syndrome. Home Page. http://www.orpha.net/static/GB/cornelia_lange.html | |
43. Service Page - Pathologie Information DISEASE Cornelia de lange syndrome, Synonym(s) Brachmande lange syndrome,CIM Q87.1, de lange syndrome is a syndrome with variable expression. http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=GB&Expert=199 |
44. Experts, Consultants, Authorities - Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Specialty Cornelia de lange syndrome. AMFS, Inc. (American MedicalForensics). 2640 Telegraph Avenue Berkeley, California 94704 Tel http://www.hgexperts.com/listing/Medical-Experts-Cornelia-de-Lange-Syndrome.asp | |
45. Endeavour: Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Cornelia de lange syndrome. Cornelia de lange syndrome (CdLS) is congenital,which means that it is present from birth. Common physical http://corporate.endeavour.com.au/disability/cornelia_de_lange_syndrome.asp | |
46. Home About CdLS Association Events Fundraising Medical FAQ OZ Jenny was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for service to the community,specifically for the Cornelia de lange syndrome Association of Australia http://www.cdlsaus.org/ | |
47. Analysis Of Cornelia De Lange Syndrome 1 Analysis of Cornelia de lange syndrome 1, G2D Home. GO TO CHROMOSOMAL REGION Diseasemapped Cornelia de lange syndrome 1 Chromosome 3 Genomic position start http://www.bork.embl-heidelberg.de/g2d/exam_disease.pl?U1034 |
48. Health Library - Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Cornelia de lange syndrome. None. General Discussion. Cornelia de lange syndrome(CdLS) is a rare genetic disorder that is apparent at birth (congenital). http://health_info.nmh.org/Library/HealthGuide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?hwid= |
49. Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Links @ Ilusa Cornelia de lange syndrome. Updated on March 22, 1999, HOME. Amanda's Room dedicated to our daughter who has Cornelia de lange syndrome(CdLS). http://www.ilusa.com/links/disable/cdls.htm | |
50. GGRC - Medical Care Information Cornelia de lange syndrome Background. Most of the signs and symptoms of Corneliade lange syndrome (CdLS) may be recognized at birth or shortly thereafter. http://www.ddhealthinfo.org/ggrc/doc2.asp?ParentID=5198 |
51. Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Facts about Cornelia de lange syndrome Syndrome is a medical term for a conditionin which there is a collection of signs and symptoms recognizable by a http://www.doctorpage.com/findit/Diseases_and_Conditions/Cornelia_de_Lange_Syndr | |
52. Open Directory - Search Results Back Home Next. Cornelia de lange syndrome Limb Anomalies Corneliade lange syndrome. Cornelia de lange syndrome Ring - A ring of http://www.ability.org.uk/Cornelia_de_Lange_Syndrome.html | |
53. Cornelia De Lange Syndrome (Brachman-de Lange Syndrome, Typus Degenerativus Amst HOME Cornelia de lange syndrome (Brachmande lange syndrome, Typus DegenerativusAmstelodamensis). Cornelia de lange syndrome Foundation, Inc. http://www.bdid.com/cornelia.htm | |
54. Birth Disorder Information Directory - CO-CZ Cornelia de lange syndrome (Brachmande lange syndrome, Typus DegenerativusAmstelodamensis) List of Sites Corneodermatoosseous http://www.bdid.com/defectco.htm | |
55. Health Library - Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Cornelia de lange syndrome. None. General Discussion. Cornelia de lange syndrome(CdLS) is a rare genetic disorder that is apparent at birth (congenital). http://www.laurushealth.com/library/healthguide/illnessconditions/topic.asp?hwid |
56. 2032: A GIRL WITH CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME PRESENTING A DE NOVO 1q41->qter TRI Program Nr 2032 A GIRL WITH CORNELIA de lange syndrome PRESENTING ADE NOVO 1q41 qter TRISOMY REVEALED BY SPECTRAL KARYOTYPING (SKY). http://www.faseb.org/genetics/ashg99/f2032.htm | |
57. Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Foundation, Inc. Cornelia de lange syndrome Foundation, Inc. 302 West Main Street Avon, CT 06001 ConditionsCornelia de lange syndrome (CdLS). Hours Answered MF, 95; W, 9-9 http://www.geneticalliance.org/diseaseinfo/displayorganization.html?orgname=Corn |
58. Sindrome Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Bambi Sindrome di Cornelia De Lange Cornelia de lange syndrome http//www.abanet.it/imagitronica/CdL/guidacdl.htmlhttp//www.uildm.org/opuscoli/altre/delang.htm http http://fastnet.it/enti/bambi/sindrome-corneliadelange.htm | |
59. Brochman De Lange Syndrome Brochman de lange syndrome,, Print this article, (W. Brochman, 20thcentury, German physician; Cornelia de Lange, 18711950, Dutch http://www.amershamhealth.com/medcyclopaedia/Volume VII/BROCHMAN DE LANGE SYNDRO | |
60. GoGuides.Org Directory | De Lange Syndrome Conditions Diseases Nervous System Disorders Neurologic Manifestations Neurobehavioral Manifestations Mental Retardation de lange syndrome http://www.goguides.org/index.php/viewCat/14826 | |
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