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Dolicocephaly: more detail |
21. Open Directory - Health: Conditions And Diseases: D 4); Diptheria@ (6); Dissociative Identity Disorder@ (112); Diverticulitis@(26); dolicocephaly@ (3); Down Syndrome@ (69); Drooling@ (2 http://www.mptdo.com/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/D/ | |
22. D Website Results :: Linkspider UK Identity Disorder@ (107); Diverticulitis@ (26); dolicocephaly@ (3);Down Syndrome@ (74); Drooling@ (2); Dry Eye@ (5); Duane Retraction http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/D/ | |
23. Katalog : : Health : Conditions_and_Diseases : D : - Netz-Tipp.De dolicocephaly (*); Down Syndrome(*); Drooling (*); Dry Eye (*); Duane Retraction Syndrome (*); Dubowitz http://www.netz-tipp.de/kat/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/D/ | |
24. Neurological Examination Of Newborns And Infants Much attention should be paid to the head shape dolicocephaly, brachiocephaly,towerlike skull, left or right inclination are all variants of normal skull. http://www.russianadoption.org/Neurologicalexaminationnewbornsandinfants.htm | |
25. Special Child: Diagnosis Search premature closure); dolicocephaly (long, narrow head); Slight epicanthalfolds (vertical fold on either side of the nose); Lowset http://www.specialchild.com/diagnosis013.html | |
26. Sotos' Syndrome (www.whonamedit.com) Other principal features are dolicocephaly, macrocrania, hypertelorism, antimongoloidpalpebral slant, higharched palate, frontal bossing, mandibular http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/2464.html | |
27. Smith-Fineman-Myers Syndrome (Richard D. Smith) (www.whonamedit.com) A rare familial dysmorphysyndrome characterised by microcephaly and dolicocephaly with narrow...... Robert M. Fineman Gart G. Myers Richard D. Smith http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/2227.html | |
28. 1Up Health > Health Links Directory > Conditions And Diseases: D Syndrome (5) Digestive Disorders (785) Dimitri Disease (4) Diptheria (6) DissociativeIdentity Disorder (113) Diverticulitis (26) dolicocephaly (3) Down http://www.1uphealth.com/links/conditions-and-diseases-d.html | |
29. Department Of Human Genetics - Clinical Features/Prader-Willi Syndrome _, Characteristic facies with dolicocephaly in infancy, narrow face or bifrontaldiameter, almond shaped eyes , small appearing mouth with thin upper lip http://www.genes.uchicago.edu/ucgs/special-diagnostics/PW-AS/PWfeatures.html | |
30. AnsMe Directory - Health > Conditions And Diseases > D Dimitri Disease. Diptheria. Dissociative Identity Disorder. Diverticulitis.dolicocephaly. Down Syndrome. Drooling. Dry Eye. Duane Retraction Syndrome. http://dir.ansme.com/health/43346.html | |
31. Privattandvård I Örebro, Tandläkaren Michel Deaibes, Sjukdomslista På Engels Dimitri Disease. Diptheria. Dissociative Identity Disorder. Diverticulitis.dolicocephaly. Down Syndrome. Drooling. Dry Eye. Dubowitz Syndrome. Dwarfism. http://www26.brinkster.com/privtand/sjuk.htm | |
32. PPT Slide Facial appearance dolicocephaly Malar hypoplasia Enophthalmos RetrognathiaDownslanting PFs. Skeletal System. Diagnosis Criteria. http://www.mayo.edu/cme-rst/oct2002/01-schowalter/tsld009.htm | |
33. Directory :: Look.com 10) Diarrhoea (25) Digestive Disorders (783) Dimitri Disease (4) Diptheria (4) DissociativeIdentity Disorder (107) Diverticulitis (26) dolicocephaly (3) Down http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=43346 |
34. Dolicocephaly Similar pages Craniosynostosis For families in Eastern Idaho and parts of Utah. SUBCATEGORIES. Updolicocephaly. America Medica, Inc. ®. info@medlina.com. New York. http://www.medlina.com/dolicocephaly.htm | |
35. Support Groups Sagittal Synostosis Sagittal Synostosis Homepage Sagittal synostosis (also known as scaphocephaly,dolicocephaly, sagittal craniostenosis, or sagittal craniosynostosis), is a http://www.ability.org.uk/support_groups_sagittal_synostos.html | |
36. 3802cr5 bridge and long trunk(4). More recently in 1992, Phelan et al reported a threeyear-oldwith developmental delay, hypotonia, dolicocephaly, ptosis, epicanthal http://www.sma.org.sg/smj/3802/articles/3802cr5.htm | |
37. 829: Overlapping Features Of Prader-Willi Syndrome And Trisomy 18 During Infancy She had a narrow bifrontal diameter, dolicocephaly with mild ridging of the sagittaland metopic sutures, almond shaped eyes, a small mouth with a thin upper http://www.faseb.org/genetics/ashg99/f829.htm | |
38. Untitled dysmorphic features include dysplastic toenails, relatively large fleshy hands,prominent and/or dysplastic ears, pointed chin, dolicocephaly, ptosis, and http://www.faseb.org/genetics/ashg01/f95.htm | |
39. A Guide To Pathology - Medical Books By Dr K Chaudhry, New Delhi includes (i) A tendency to great height (ii) Long and thin hands and feet (iii)Spinal curvatures ; Qv) Funnel or pigeon chest (v) dolicocephaly and bossing http://medicalbooks.rushsale.net/pathology/chapter14.php |
40. Sci.anthropology.paleo: Re: Homo Heidelbergensis ridges (I can feel mine distinctly), second toes longer than first toes (well,mine are), relative dolicocephaly (at ^^^^^ least http://www.anatomy.usyd.edu.au/danny/anthropology/sci.anthropology.paleo/archive | |
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