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81. Best Seller: EBOLA By William T Close About His Foreign Medical Mission Best Seller ebola by William T Close about his Foreign Medical Mission. http://www.williamtclosemd.com/ | |
82. All About William T Close M.D. ebola Through the Eyes of the People Lokela was the first Congolese victimof a new African hemorrhagic disease that became known as ebola fever. http://www.williamtclosemd.com/ebola.html | |
83. Ebola Advisor. Introduction. ebola is one of the most lethal viruses thatinfects primates. It has a mortality rate that ranges from 5388%. http://www.stanford.edu/group/virus/filo/filo.html | |
84. Epidemia De Ebola Pode Atingir O Congo | BBC Brasil | BBC World Service Translate this page Epidemia de ebola pode atingir o Congo - Autoridades do Congo temem que umanova epidemia do vírus ebola possa atingir o norte do país africano. http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/ciencia/030205_ebolair.shtml | |
85. Ebola Teria Feito Mais De 48 Vítimas No Congo | BBC Brasil | BBC World Service Translate this page ebola teria feito mais de 48 vítimas no Congo - Acredita-se que o vírus ebolatenha causado a morte de pelo menos 48 pessoas no norte da República do Congo http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/ciencia/030212_ebolaebc.shtml | |
86. Ebola/Marburg Not your ordinary collection of links on ebola and Marburg. This one is keptup to date, God willing. If not, you can go elsewhere. ebola/Marburg. http://www.diseaseworld.com/ebola.htm | |
87. Ebola Emerges New bugs. New battles. POSTED 1 NOV 2000 Five years after the ebola viruskilled 286 people in Congo, the disease has reappeared in Uganda. http://whyfiles.org/121emerg_infect/ | |
88. Pathogens - Ebola ebola hemorrhagic fever (ebola HF) is a severe, oftenfatal disease in humans andnonhuman primates (monkeys and chimpanzees) that has appeared sporadically http://www.d2ol.com/ebola.html |
89. Hardin MD : Ebola & Ebola Virus From the University of Iowa, the *best* lists of Internet sources inebola, ebola virus ebola hemorrhagic fever. ebola ebola Virus. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/ebola.html | |
90. Ebola-virus ebola virus 16 yrs old Valencia, CA 08/11/86 Available Computer Programming Ihope as you read through the content dont get bored and i bet you'll learn http://ebholaz.cjb.net/ | |
91. Ebola Web Project ebola Web Project Megan Ryan Moynihan. University of Virginia. The Diseases.This is the first photograph of the ebola Zaire virus. http://members.tripod.com/~MeganRyan/ | |
92. Ebola A Serious Threat ebola A Serious Threat Col. Byron Weeks, MD, Ret. ebola breakouts in Africahave been widely reported. But ebola's use as a bio weapon has not. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2001/10/12/82239.shtml | |
93. Counter-Strike EBOLA Clan Klan ebola O nas, i róznosci o CounterStrike'u http://www.ebolaclan.prv.pl/ |
94. Healthy World Distributing - Home Page Emerging Viruses Aids and ebola (book) This is the first in-depthexploration into the origins of HIV and ebola. Claims that these http://www.healthyworlddistributing.com/cgi-bin/store/agora.cgi?&p_id=0012 |
95. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries The ebola Virus Hemorrhagic Fever first broke out in Zaire in 1976. ebolais a member of the RNA group of viruses, also known as filoviruses. http://library.thinkquest.org/11170/epidemics/ebola.html | |
96. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries Marburg / ebola. These known. The Marburg virus has a 25% fatalityrate and the ebola virus can have a fatality rate of up to 90%. http://library.thinkquest.org/23054/profiles/marburg/ | |
97. Ebola ebola Related WWW Servers. Welcome Wide. From John P. Woodall ebolarelated document archiver; Emerging Infectious Diseases(CDC in USA); http://hayato.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/index/ebola.html | |
98. AllAfrica.com -- Uganda: More Ebola In Congo More ebola in Congo, The cases were discovered when tests confirmed thatgorillas in the region had died after contracting the ebola virus. http://allafrica.com/stories/200302100272.html | |
99. AllAfrica.com -- Congo-Brazzaville: Possible Ebola Outbreak In Cuvette Ouest Reg Possible ebola Outbreak in Cuvette Ouest Region, Email This Page Print This PageVisit The Publisher's Site. UN Integrated Regional Information Networks. http://allafrica.com/stories/200302060616.html | |
100. What Is Ebola? ebola is a filovirus named after a river in Zaire, its first site of discovery.This filovirus is usually fatal, and it affects monkeys, apes and humans. http://www.brettrussell.com/personal/what_is_ebola_.html | |
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