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61. Epilepsy Education Association, Inc. Dedicated to promoting education about epilepsy. Programs are directed to patients and their families, Category Health Conditions and Diseases epilepsy Resources...... http://www.iupui.edu/~epilepsy/ |
62. A Child`s Guide To Epilepsy Features an introduction to the seizure disorder, what makes seizures happen, and how medicine helps prevent epileptic episodes. http://www.epilepsy.ca/eng/child.html | |
63. Disease Category Listing (62): Epilepsy Clinical Trials epilepsy. Alabama. Alabaster; Study Site Study of a marketedAED in Patients with epilepsy and Depressive Symptoms. http://www.centerwatch.com/patient/studies/cat62.html | |
64. Akitas, Akitas By Denali, Canine Epilepsy An article by Todd D.L. Woods, M.D. http://www.akita.com/epilepsy1.htm | |
65. Friends Of Landau-Kleffner Syndrome Landau Kleffner Syndrome is a form of childhood epilepsy which results in a severe language disorder. Information from charity to help parents and carers. http://www.bobjanet.demon.co.uk/lks/folks.html | |
66. Epilepsy Surgery Index From Wake Forest Neurosurgery The index of internet resources on epilepsy and epilepsy Surgery from the Departmentof Neurosurgery, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, WinstonSalem http://www.bgsm.edu/bgsm/surg-sci/ns/epilepsy.html | |
67. The Epilepsy Foundation Of Michigan Values all people with epilepsy and commits its resources to empowering their independence and inspiring Category Health Conditions and Diseases...... epilepsy Foundation of Michigan. epilepsy Foundation of Michigan has just releaseda new report highlighting the needs of people with epilepsy in Michigan. http://www.epilepsymichigan.org/ |
68. LBF Charity Awareness For Epilepsy, Leon Bender Foundation A foundation for the awareness and cure of epilepsy. Inspired by Leon Bender who was drafted 1 by the Raiders and died of a massive Epileptic seizure at the age of 22. http://www.lbf.org | |
69. This Page Has Been Relocated National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health PromotionCategory Health Conditions and Diseases epilepsy Resources...... epilepsy. One of the Nations Most Common Disabling NeurologicalDisorders. epilepsyrelated Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/epilepsy.htm | |
70. R.I. Neurology Group, Inc. - Neurologists - Providence, Woonsocket RI - Welcome Practice of Dennis J. Aumentado, M.D., Woonsocket, Rhode Island. http://www.neurologychannel.com/aumentado/ | |
71. The Epilepsy Research Foundation Promotes, supports and raises money to fund basic and clinical research into the basic causes of epilepsy Category Health Conditions and Diseases epilepsy Organizations......General information about epilepsy as well as the work of The Foundation, whichsupports basic and scientific research into the causes of and treatment for http://www.erf.org.uk/ | |
72. Epilepsy In Children Explores what epilepsy is, how it is diagnosed and surgical and other treatment options. http://ucneurology.uchicago.edu/Neurological_Disorders/Pediatric_Neuro_Disorders | |
73. The Epilepsy Institute Information about the organization as well a resource for patients, their families and the community.Category Health Conditions and Diseases epilepsy Organizations......The epilepsy Institute, a nonprofit social service organization, is dedicatedto improving the quality of life of people with epilepsy and their families. http://www.epilepsyinstitute.org/ | |
74. Title Page--Epilepsy: Nine Who Were Healed The stories of nine people who overcame epilepsy using Edgar Cayce's recommendations. http://members.tripod.com/~dudley_delany/index-130.html | |
75. Epilepsy New Zealand Works to promote the welfare and interests of people, and their family, with epilepsy and to increase Category Health Conditions and Diseases epilepsy Organizations......Skip Introduction. All Information © 2000 epilepsyNew Zealand Site by Real Developments. http://www.epilepsy.org.nz/ | |
76. Shazza's Parent of a 3 year old child with epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and global developmental delay. The site touches on sibling issues, services, and includes an interactive book to take you through her little man's average week. http://members.tripod.com/shazzas01/index.htm | |
77. Welcome To Neurogen Discovers, develops, manufactures and markets products for the treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders such as obesity and other eating disorders, anxiety, schizophrenia, sleep disorders, cognitive impairment, depression, epilepsy and stress disorders. (Nasdaq NRGN). http://www.neurogen.com/ |
78. Complementary, Alternative, And Holistic Veterinary Medicine (AltVetMed) epilepsy. Seizures, or convulsions, may have a panoply of causes, but idiopathicepilepsy, by definition, means seizures of unknown origin. http://www.altvetmed.com/epilepsy.html | |
79. North & Central Alabama Working for independence and a better quality of life for people with epilepsy. Email newsletter, contacts, and programs. http://www.efa.org/ncalabama/ | |
80. Epilepsy And Genetics - Epilepsy Family Study Of Columbia University Study to identify genes that play a role in causing epilepsy. We are studying families in which epilepsy may be inherited. http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/epilepsy/index.htm | |
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