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1. Factor V Leiden University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign Carle Cancer Center Hematology Resource Page factor v leiden Over 95% of patients with APCR have factor v leiden. factor v leiden's overall impact on the coagulation cascade http://www-admin.med.uiuc.edu/hematology/PtFacV2.htm | |
2. Factor V Leiden Information, Living With Thrombophilia factor v leiden is the most common hereditary blood coagulation disorder in the United States. It Category Health Conditions and Diseases factor v leiden......This site contains information for those living with Thrombophilia orfactor v leiden. Your browser does not support script, Thrombophilia http://www.fvleiden.org/ | |
3. GeneReviews: Factor V Leiden Thrombophilia Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://www.geneclinics.org/profiles/factor-v-leiden | |
4. Pregnancy, Clotting, And Factor V Leiden: An Overview Pregnancy, Clotting, and factor v leiden An Overview The past 10 years have brought new understanding of and explanations why some women clot on birth control pills and during pregnancy. The most common is factor v leiden, also known as http://www.naturalchildbirth.org/natural/resources/prebirth/prebirth35.htm | |
5. Factor V Leiden Mutation Test Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology The factor v leiden Mutation Test A New Test Offering from the UMHC Clinical Laboratory due to a single mutation of the factor V gene (factor v leiden). The factor v leiden mutation has a prevalence of 2% to http://www.borg.labmed.umn.edu/Outreach/FactorV.html | |
6. Kimball Genetics - Factor V Leiden DNA Test The factor v leiden mutation is the most common genetic risk factor for venous thrombosis, a serious health problem http://www.kimballgenetics.com/tests-factor_v.html | |
7. UPC Diagnosis Series - Disease Diagnosis -FACTOR V LEIDEN MUTATION - Controversy Increased risk for thrombosis in women with factor v leiden who are on oral contraceptives ref http://www.upcmd.com/dot/examples/00222/controversy.html | |
8. Factor V Leiden Information, Living With Thrombophilia This site contains information for those living with Thrombophiliaor factor v leiden. Your browser does not support script, Links http://www.fvleiden.org/links.htm | |
9. Factor V Leiden Informatie van ervaringsdeskundigen over erfelijke stollingsafwijkingen,zoals trombose en longembolie. http://www.leefwijzer.nl/factor-V-leiden |
10. MSRGSNet/Genetic Drift/Venous Thrombosis And The Factor V (Leiden) Mutation Venous Thrombosis and the Factor V (Leiden) Mutation. The factor V mutation(factor v leiden) is the most common genetic cause of venous thrombosis. http://www.mostgene.org/gd/gdvol14b.htm | |
11. Predictive Genetics And DNA Diagnostics - Home Offers home collection kits for a range of tests including angiotensinogen, factor v leiden, hereditary hemochromatosis, periodontal disease and prothrombin. http://www.pgd2.com/ | |
12. MoSt GeNe/Genetic Drift/Prenatal Diagnosis 20 Fall 2002. Heterozygote Counseling for the factor v leiden Mutation. FactorV Leiden is not known to be associated with arterial thrombosis. http://www.mostgene.org/gd/gdvol20g.htm | |
13. Whoops Discusses the thrombotic risks of this inherited disorder, also known as factor v leiden. http://www.beckmancoulter.com/Coulter/Techpubs/coagulation/APC.asp | |
14. Factor V Leiden Startpagina factor v leiden. Deze kennis willen wij graag met je delen, omdat we hetbelangrijk vinden dat er meer bekendheid komt over factor v leiden. http://www.factorvleiden.nl/ | |
15. Factor V factor v leiden / APC resistentie 1 op de 5 mensen is drager van FactorV Leiden. Hiervan Wat is factor v leiden / APC resistentie? Factor http://www.factorvleiden.nl/factor5.htm | |
16. Factor V Leiden Syndrome factor v leiden Syndrome Spanish *Pfactor v leiden ThrombophiliaGeneClinics Medical Genetics Knowledge Base, April 1999. http://ibis-birthdefects.org/start/f5fact.htm | |
17. Nanogen: Products: ASRs/Protocols: Factor V Leiden Nanogen » Products » ASRs/Applications » factor v leiden factor v leiden ASRNanogen's Factor V (Leiden) Analyte Specific Reagents (ASR) determines if the http://www.nanogen.com/products/factor_v.htm | |
18. Factor V Leiden: Should All Pregnant Women Be Tested For Clotting Disorders? factor v leiden Should all pregnant women be tested for clottingdisorders? One of my friends experienced a stillbirth. It was http://www.parentsplace.com/pregnancy/trimester1/qas/0,10338,166389_433344,00.ht | |
19. Factor V Leiden factor v leiden is not a disease, it is the presence of a particular genethat is passed on from your parents. The factor v leiden. Reviewed http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/factorv.htm | |
20. Factor V Leiden Mutation And The Risks..., Annals 15 Nov 97 factor v leiden Mutation and the Risks for Thromboembolic Disease A ClinicalPerspective. factor v leiden Mutation and Risk for Venous Thromboembolism. http://www.acponline.org/journals/annals/15nov97/factorvl.htm | |
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