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1. HONselect - Adie Syndrome
Translate this page English Adie Syndrome, - holmes-adie syndrome - Adie's Syndrome - Holmes AdieSyndrome - Syndrome, Adie - Syndrome, Adie's - Syndrome, Holmes-Adie.
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Français: ADIE, SYNDROME - SYNDROME ADIE Deutsch: Adie-Syndrom - Holmes-Adie-Syndrom Español: SINDROME DE ADIE - SINDROME DE HOLMES-ADIE Português: SINDROME DE ADIE - SINDROME DE HOLMES-ADIE HONselect ressources Definition: Yes Articles: Yes Images: No News: No Conferences: No Clinical trials: No Web sites: English No Français No Deutsch No Español No Português No Home About us Site map Feedback ... HONewsletter Last modified: Thu Jul 25 2002

Holmes' syndrome I. Holmes' syndrome II. holmesadie syndrome. Holmgren's test.Holmgren-Golgi canals. Holmgren-Thompson Wool Test for Colour-Blindness.


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... Z Eponyms beginning with H: Haab's degeneration Haab's magnet Haab's reflex Haab-Dimmer syndrome ...
Ole Daniel Enersen

3. Adie's Pupil, Sometimes Called The Holmes-Adie Syndrome, Is An
It is generally associated with loss of some reflexes, such as the kneejerk. It occurs mainly in middle age, and more commonly in women than in men.
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4. Holmes-Adie Syndrome And Lyme Disease.
Comment on Lancet. 2000 Nov 18;356(9243)17601. holmes-adie syndromeand Lyme disease. Stricker RB, Winger EE. Publication Types

5. Adie's Syndrome (
Also known as Adie’s pupil AdieHolmes syndrome holmes-adie syndrome Kehrer-Adiesyndrome Markus' syndrome Markus-Adie syndrome Weill’s syndrome Weill


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Adie's syndrome Also known as:
Adie’s pupil
Adie-Holmes syndrome
Holmes-Adie syndrome
Kehrer-Adie syndrome Markus' syndrome Markus-Adie syndrome Weill’s syndrome Weill-Reys syndrome Weill-Reys-Adie syndrome Pseudo-Argyll Robertson pupil Saenger’s syndrome Synonyms: Constitutional areflexy-tridoplegia interna, myotonic pupil, myotonic pupillary reaction, nonluetic Argyll-Robertson pupil, pseudo Argyll-Robertson syndrome, pseudotabes, pseudotabes pupillotonica, pupillotonia, tonic pupil, tonic pupil syndrome. Associated persons: William John Adie Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson Gordon Morgan Holmes Ferdinand Adalbert Kehrer ... Georges Weill Description: A neurological phenomenon in which one or both pupils is dilated and responds slowly or not at all to light and a near stimulus, accompanied by slow constriction and relaxation in the change from near to distant vision, and impaired accommodation. If the patient is in a darkened room for some time a bright light can cause slow and incomplete constriction of the pupil. The patient may complain of sensitivity to light in the affected eye. Loss of certain deep tendon reflexes - knee and ankle jerks - may also be present, but there are no other signs of diseases of the central nervous system. Usually a unilateral phenomenon without pathological significance. It is most common in women aged 20-40 years. Bibliography:
  • J. Ware:

6. Nature Publishing Group
Hypertension Illustrated. Orthostatic hypotension and holmesadie syndrome. orthostatichypotension; holmes-adie syndrome; Valsalva ratio; autonomic dysfunction.

7. JHH Table Of Contents, Volume 16, Number 9
Hypertension Illustrated. Orthostatic hypotension and holmesadie syndrome. Usefulnessof the Valsalva ratio in the evaluation of baroreceptor dysfunction. about npg nature science update naturejobs ... help SEARCH my account e-alerts subscribe register ... Journal home For readers Content Online sample issue E-alerts Indexed in ... Society publishing NPG Subject areas Access material from all our publications in your subject area: Biotechnology Cancer Chemistry Clinical Medicine ... Physics
September 2002, Volume 16, Number 9 Table of Contents Original Articles Pulse pressure and coronary mortality in elderly men and women from general population Abstract Full Article PDF A randomised controlled trial of the effect of anticipation of a blood test on blood pressure Abstract Full Article PDF Evolution of ambulatory measurement of blood pressure and parameters of arterial stiffness over a 1-year period in patients with systemic sclerosis: ERAMS study Abstract Full Article PDF Diuretic induced hyponatraemia in elderly hypertensive women Abstract Full Article PDF The -174 G C polymorphism of the interleukin-6 gene promoter and essential hypertension in an elderly Italian population Abstract Full Article PDF Relationship between transforming growth factor 1 and progression of hypertensive renal disease Abstract Full Article PDF Accuracy of the Dinamap 1846 XT automated blood pressure monitor Abstract Full Article PDF Efficacy of very low dose perindopril 2 mg indapamide 0.625 mg combination on left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients: the P.I.C.X.E.L. study rationale and design

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Hodgkin's Disease@. holmesadie syndrome@. Homocystinuria@. Horner Syndrome@. Hughes Syndrome@
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9. Holmes-Adie Syndrome Information Page Diseases Database
holmesadie syndrome Information Page. holmes-adie syndrome relatedtopics and Goholmes-adie syndrome specific sites. GoSend Holmes

10. Diseases Database Disease, Symptom, Sign, Etc Alphabetical Index : H Diseases Da
HOCM see Cardiomyopathy, familial hypertrophic Hodgkin's lymphoma / disease Hoffa'sdisease Hollenhorst plaque holmesadie syndrome Holocarboxylase synthase
Diseases Database [Previous page] [Search] [Index] [Feedback]
Diseases Database disease, symptom, sign, etc alphabetical index : H
H1 antagonists see Histamine H1 receptor antagonists
H2 antagonists see Histamine H2 receptor antagonists
Haas syndrome see Syndactyly type 4
Haber's syndrome

Habitus abnormality

Haem arginate

Haemangioma see Hemangioma
Haemangiopericytoma see Hemangiopericytoma

Haematemesis see Hematemesis
Haematocoele see Haematocele Haematocolpos Haematological abnormality see Hematological abnormality Haematoma Haematometra Haematosalpinx see Hematosalpinx Haematuria Haemin see Haem arginate Haemochromatosis Haemodialysis see Renal dialysis Haemoglobin Bart's Haemoglobin C disease Haemoglobin D disease ... Haemoglobin E disease Haemoglobin F Disease see Hemoglobin F Disease Haemoglobin H disease see Hemoglobin H disease Haemoglobin hereditarily defective / deficient see Haemoglobinopathy Haemoglobin levels low (peripheral blood) see Anemia Haemoglobin levels raised (peripheral blood) Haemoglobin SC disease Haemoglobinopathy Haemoglobinuria see Haematuria Haemolysed blood sample Haemolytic anaemia Haemolytic disease of the newborn Haemolytic uraemic syndrome see Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Haemophilia type A Haemophilia type B Haemophilia type C ... Haemophilus aegyptius Haemophilus ducreyi see Chancroid Haemophilus influenzae Haemoptysis Haemorrhage of pregnancy Haemorrhagic disease of newborn see Hemorrhagic disease of newborn (Vitamin K deficiency) Haemorrhoids Haemosiderin deposition see Hemosiderin deposition Haemosiderosis Haemostasis abnormality

11. Emneuro4
holmes-adie syndrome if diminished deep tendon reflex and orhtostatic hypotension also present
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
UIC Online Eye Manual / Neuro-ophthalmology IV. Pupillary disorders
A. Pupillary light reflex pathway
B. Afferent pupillary defect

C. Anisocoria

D. Light-near dissociation
A. Pupillary light reflex pathway B. Afferent pupillary defect -elicited by swinging flashlight test -normal pupillary response is constriction followed by slight redilation -abnormal response is decreased or absent constriction with redilation or redilation that is larger than when light is swung to other eye. -indicator of optic nerve disease which causes light to appear dimmer in the affected eye than in the opposite eye. -also seen in extensive retinal disease (eg. large RD), brunescent cataract, and some amblyopes (up to 0.6 log unit density defect) C. Anisocoria Definition - unequal pupillary size 1. Physiologic -most common cause of anisocoria -pupillary size difference less than 1 mm and varies from day to day -more common in elderly patients 2. Third nerve palsy -anisocoria (mydriasis) associated with ptosis and ocular motility disturbance seen in intracranial aneurysms (ICA/Post. comm. a.) -isolated anisocoria may be seen with uncal herniation or basal meningitis -anisocoria during eye movement seen in aberrent regeneration of CN III 3. Traumatic/surgical

12. Holmes-Adie Syndrome - General Practice Notebook
holmesadie syndrome. The The holmes-adie syndrome is the associationof a Holmes-Adie pupil with absent deep tendon jerks. Clinical
Holmes-Adie syndrome The Holmes-Adie pupil is large and irregular. Pupillary constriction:
  • to light is slow and incomplete to accomodation is relatively normal once the pupil has constricted it remains small for an abnormally long time (tonic pupil)
The Holmes-Adie pupil is considered a variation of normal but is rarely the result of a lesion in the efferent parasympathetic pathway. The Holmes-Adie syndrome is the association of a Holmes-Adie pupil with absent deep tendon jerks. Clinical features include:
  • unilateral in 80% of cases dilated pupil in early stages decreased consensual and direct light reflex tonic pupil: pupil slowly constricts in bright light decreased accommodation reflex decreased tendon reflexes hypersensitivity to G pilocarpine solution (0.12%) patients are often young women

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13. Berka Open Directory
Hodgkin's Disease@ (13). holmesadie syndrome@ (5). Homocystinuria@ (4). Horner Syndrome@ (6)

14. Holmes-Adie Pupil - General Practice Notebook
parasympathetic pathway. The holmesadie syndrome is the association ofa Holmes-Adie pupil with absent deep tendon jerks. Clinical features
Holmes-Adie pupil The Holmes-Adie pupil is large and irregular. Pupillary constriction:
  • to light is slow and incomplete to accomodation is relatively normal once the pupil has constricted it remains small for an abnormally long time (tonic pupil)
The Holmes-Adie pupil is considered a variation of normal but is rarely the result of a lesion in the efferent parasympathetic pathway. The Holmes-Adie syndrome is the association of a Holmes-Adie pupil with absent deep tendon jerks. Clinical features include:
  • unilateral in 80% of cases dilated pupil in early stages decreased consensual and direct light reflex tonic pupil: pupil slowly constricts in bright light decreased accommodation reflex decreased tendon reflexes hypersensitivity to G pilocarpine solution (0.12%) patients are often young women

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16. Adie's Syndrome
holmesadie syndrome - A woman friend has been diagnosed as having 'holmes-adie syndrome'following an attack of labyrithitis, first diagnosed some months ago.'s_syndrome.htm
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Adie's Syndrome Adie's Syndrome
Adie's syndrome - Adie's Syndrome - National Organization Rare Disorders
Adie's Syndrome - Adie's Syndrome. I have Adie's Syndrome, in both eyes -one more advanced than the other....
NORD - Adie Syndrome - Access this list from the National Organization of Rare Disorders for abstracts, articles, resources, and a list of synonyms for Adie's syndrome.
Adie's Syndrome
Holmes-Adie Syndrome
- A woman friend has been diagnosed as having 'Holmes-Adie Syndrome' following an attack of labyrithitis, first diagnosed some months ago. ...
Up Achromatopsia Albinism - Ocular ... Sexually Transmitted Diseases-STD

17. Adie's Pupil
Adie's pupil, sometimes called the holmesadie syndrome, is an unusual neurologicdisorder in which the ability of the pupil to constrict is impaired, usually
Adie's Pupil Options Adie's pupil, sometimes called the Holmes-Adie syndrome, is an unusual neurologic disorder in which the ability of the pupil to constrict is impaired, usually in one eye (although the second eye has a tendency to become involved eventually, usually at a later time, in about 20-30% of cases). It is generally associated with loss of some reflexes, such as the knee-jerk. It occurs mainly in middle age, and more commonly in women than in men. The cause is unknown, but it is thought to be a form of neuropathy, in which the nerves that control the pupils and the reflexes selectively degenerate. Some people think this is due to an attack by a virus, other think it is "auto-immune", meaning that the immune system makes antibodies that attack these specific nerves. There is a feeling that light is too bright in the affected eye (because the pupil helps to reduce light intensity by constricting in bright light). The pupil also helps to focus light in the eye, and sometimes the nerves that control the lens in the eye may also be involved, so that the vision from the affected eye is often blurry. However, the other eye is usually normal. Usually over time, the patient adapts to the large pupil (which generally is permanent but non-progressive) and does not notice it anymore.

18. Revista De Neurología
Translate this page Síndrome de Holmes-Adie. Caso clínico p.1019 holmes-adie syndrome.Clinical case Síndrome de Holmes-Adie. Caso clínico AC Rodríguez
Índice/ Contents/ Contéudo Revista de Neurología
Vol. 27 nº160 ( Diciembre 1998)
Originales/ Originals/ Originais

Notas Clínicas/ Case Reports/ Notas Clínicas

Revisiones/ Reviwes/ Revisões

Cartas al director/ Letters to the editor/ Cartas aõ director

Originales/ Originals/ Originais
Evaluación neurofisiológica en pacientes afectados por ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2 p.921
Neurophysiological assessment of patients with type 2 spinocerebellar ataxia
Avaliação neurofisiológica de doentes com ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2
L. Velázquez, E.E. Medina Aprendizaje procedimental en un grupo de afásicos p.926 Procedural learning in aphasic patients Aprendizagem do procedimento num grupo de afásicos E.M.ª Arroyo-Anlló, R. Gil, E. Esperet, P. Ingrand, Ll. Barraquer-Bordas Un instrumento para la evaluación cuantitativa de los síntomas en la enfermedad de Parkinson idiopática definida p.932 An instrument for the quantitative evaluation of symptoms in defined idiopathic Parkinson's disease Um instrumento para a avaliação quantitativa dos sintomas na doença de Parkinson idiopática definida D.A. Pineda, J.L. Sánchez

19. Holmes-Adie Syndrome
holmesadie syndrome. This article submitted by on 9/16/98. Does anyonehave information on holmes-adie syndrome? We'd like to know.
Holmes-Adie Syndrome
This article submitted by on 9/16/98.
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A woman friend has been diagnosed as having 'Holmes-Adie Syndrome' following an attack of labyrithitis, first diagnosed some months ago.
Her neurologist said that having this syndrome was only 'of passing interest' and indeed, she has slowly regained most of her former health. Does anyone have information on Holmes-Adie syndrome? We'd like to know. Next Article
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20. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc.
holmesadie syndrome; Papillotonic Psuedotabes; Tonic Pupil Syndrome.Disorder Subdivisions General Discussion Adie Syndrome is a rare Syndrome

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