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Holmes-adie Syndrome: more detail |
61. Dorlands Medical Dictionary Adie's syndrome, a syndrome consisting of a pathological pupil reaction (tonicpupil), the most important element of which is a Called also holmesadie s. http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszS |
62. 1128-GLOS.htm . 0286 holmesadie's syndrome (2.5/5.0)-Iris Studies Relevance (2.0/5.0)-IrisStudies Circulation (REFERENCES IWUI-BOBE-pending). -. http://www.iris-ward.com/_HTM/GLOS/H/1128-GLOS.htm | |
63. EMedicine - Horner Syndrome : Article By Malvinder S Parmar, MD, FRCPC, FACP Common causes of postganglionic Horner syndrome include trauma, cluster migraine miosisArgyllRobertson pupil Miotic drugs holmes-adie pupil (contralateral). http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic1029.htm | |
64. Journal Of Clinical Neuroscience Societies European Association of Neurosurgical Societies Good practice a guidefor neurosurgeons (p 447451) The holmes-adie plus syndrome (p 452-452) W. Mak http://www.harcourt-international.com/journals/jocn/previous.cfm?toc=jocn.7.5 |
65. ãÃîñ¤ñ@1998È~ Equilibrium Res.576974,1998 2. Adie?(Adie's(holmes-adie's)syndrome) Equilibrium Res.57108?1998 3. ? http://www.toyama-mpu.ac.jp/hp/mi/research.html | |
66. Body 44. In holmesadie pupil a. Optic nerve avulsion b. Due to blunt trauma c. Orbitalapex syndrome with third nerve palsy d. Topical application of atropine e http://www.mrcophth.com/mcq1.htm | |
67. Final MRCOphth MCQs near dissociation occurs in a. myotonic dystrophy b. chronic progressive externalophthalmoplegia c. holmesadie pupil d. Parinaud's syndrome e. Wernicke's http://www.mrcophth.com/finalmrcophthmcqss/14pastmrcophth.html | |
68. Thieme: Inhaltsverzeichnis Lehrbuch Der Klinischen Ophthalmologie syndrome Iridoschisis KongenitaleGlaukome Argyll-Robertson-Pupille holmes-adie-Pupille Okulosympathische http://www.thieme.de/detailseiten/inh/313683402x.html | |
69. Oculomotor Nerve (Cr N III) holmesadie Tonic Pupil. The holmes-adie tonic pupil is a widely dilated pupilthat reacts slowly to light, but briskly to accomodation. Horner's syndrome. http://www.ucsf.edu/nreview/02.2-Anatomy-CranialNerves/CN03-oculomotor.html | |
70. Info A Klassifikation Autonomer Dysfunktionen Translate this page Lokalisierte Störung zB holmes-adie Pupille. Horner Syndrom. Ventrikels oderder Fossa posterior. paraneoplastische syndrome wie zB Lambert-Eaton-Syndrom. http://msdsweb.med.tu-dresden.de/anf/Klassifikation autonomer Dysfunktionen Auto | |
71. ILDS: ICD-10 - By Code [G113 - G950] Sphenopalatine syndrome. G90802 syndrome sphenopalatine. G90803 Holmes Adie syndrome. G90803 syndrome Holmes Adie http://www.ilds.org/icd10/bycode/G.html | |
72. ILDS: ICD-10 - By Disorder [HIV Dementia - Hysterical Anesthesia] Hoigne syndrome. E88104 Hollander Simons syndrome. G90803 Holmes Adie syndrome. E72100 Homocystinuria http://www.ilds.org/icd10/bydisorder/H-02.html | |
73. ILDS: ICD-10 - By Disorder [Syndrome Acquired Immunodeficiency (NOS) - Syndrome T80800 syndrome Hoigne, E88104 syndrome Hollander Simons, G90803 syndromeHolmes Adie, G902 syndrome Horner's, D12601 syndrome Hornstein Knichenberg, http://www.ilds.org/icd10/bydisorder/S-03.html | |
74. GoGuides.Org Directory | Adie Syndrome Home Health Fitness Disabilities Disorders Conditions Diseases Nervous System Disorders Autonomic Nervous System Disease Adie syndrome http://www.goguides.org/index.php/viewCat/13449 | |
75. H Hirsutism; @ Histoplasmosis; @ Hives; @ Hodgkin's Disease. @ HolmesAdiesyndrome; @ Homocystinuria; @ Horner syndrome; @ Huntington's http://www.ad.com/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/H/ | |
76. Adie Syndrome Website Results :: Linkspider UK Adie syndrome Websites from Linkspider UK. Keyword Adie syndrome. NORD Adiesyndrome - Offers the synonyms, a general discussion and further resources. http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/NeurologicalDisorders/A | |
77. Directory :: Look.com Adie syndrome (5) See Also. Sites. MRCophth Images of an Adie pupil. NORD Adiesyndrome Offers the synonyms, a general discussion and further resources. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=594852 |
78. Home Search Contact New Q + A Testing Articles Books Experiences There is however a syndrome called holmes adie, which is congenital.It manifests itself by periods where pupil size is markedly http://www.ecstasy.org/qanda/q53.html | |
79. Open Classes's $p->page_title Open Directory Health Conditions and Diseases Neurological DisordersAutonomic Nervous System Adie syndrome Previous Catagory. http://dodo101.ath.cx/expat/odp.php/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_ | |
80. Access 10,000 + Universities And Colleges At Universities.com - (campus And Dist College and university profiles or web links for over 10 000 colleges and universities. http://www.universities.com/Directory/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/H | |
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