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Hydrosyringomyelia: more detail |
61. Conditions And Diseases: H | Treasure Coast Health Hydranecephaly@ (8); Hydrocephalus@ (53); hydrosyringomyelia@ (4);Hyperhidrosis@ (32); Hyperhomocysteinemia@ (4); Hyperinsulinemia@(5 http://treasurecoasthealth.com/treasurecoasthealth.php/Health/Conditions_and_Dis | |
62. AMRC - (Association Of Medical Research Charities) - Member Charities Example of Current Research Activities Musgrave Park Hospital, Belfast Study ofthe Chiari malformation and the hydrosyringomyelia complex in adults with http://www.amrc.org.uk/orgs/amrc_7575505.html |
63. Privattandvård I Örebro, Tandläkaren Michel Deaibes, Sjukdomslista På Engels Homocystinuria. Hughes Syndrome. Hydranecephaly. Hydrocephalus. hydrosyringomyelia.Hyperhidrosis. Hyperhomocysteinemia. Hyperinsulinemia. Hyperlipidemia. Hyperopia. http://www26.brinkster.com/privtand/sjuk.htm | |
64. Frontiers In Fetal Health - 2000 Vol.2 No.7 j. Number of subsequent surgical procedures of any kind (ie, neurosugical proceduresfor shunt revisions, tethered cord, hydrosyringomyelia, procedures for http://www.sickkids.on.ca/FrontiersinFetalHealth/FFHJuly2000.asp | |
65. Neuroradiology tonsils into postlat cerv subarachnoid NOT assoc w open spinal dysraphia or brainmalformation IS assoc w basilar skull defects hydrosyringomyelia Chiari II http://radiology.creighton.edu/Neuroradiology2.html | |
66. Pediatrics: Complete Spontaneous Resolution Of Childhood Chiari I Malformation A 1997;26190196. 7. Isu T, Iwasaki Y, Akino M, Abe H. hydrosyringomyelia associatedwith Chiari I malformation in children and adolescents. Neurosurgery. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0950/1_107/69651854/p4/article.jhtml?term=syri |
67. Browsing Health Conditions And Diseases H Category HolmesAdie Syndrome Homocystinuria Horner Syndrome Huntington's Disease HydranecephalyHydrocephalus hydrosyringomyelia Hyperhidrosis Hyperhomocysteinemia http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/H/ |
68. CHIARI MISVORMING - SYRINGOMYELIE 1900. Het onderscheid werd alsmaar vager 1971 Ballantine hydrosyringomyelia;1988 Rhoton Syringomyelia syndrome. Naarmate http://users.pandora.be/zeldzame.ziekten/List.a/Acm-syr(1).htm | |
69. Www.patientcenters.com -- Hydrocephalus Centeri -- What Is Hydrocephalus This may be asymptomatic or be associated with cranial nerve dysfunctionor fluid buildup in the spinal cord (hydrosyringomyelia). Type II. http://www.patientcenters.com/hydrocephalus/news/whatishydro.html | |
70. Neurosurgery-Children's Hospital, Faculty, R. Michael Scott, M.D. Sathi S, Filiano J, Scott RM. The development of Chiari I malformation andhydrosyringomyelia on sequential MRI scans in a threeyear-old child. http://www.boston-neurosurg.org/faculty/scott2.html | |
71. H Website Results :: Linkspider UK Hydranecephaly@ (8); Hydrocephalus@ (53); hydrosyringomyelia@ (4);Hyperhidrosis@ (30); Hyperhomocysteinemia@ (4); Hyperinsulinemia@ (20 http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/H/ | |
72. Pediatric Radiology Goals And Objectives myelomeningocele/meningocele 2. lipomyelomeningocele 3. diastematomyelia 4. tetheredcord 5. dermal sinus 6. intradural lipoma 7. hydrosyringomyelia B. Tumors l http://radiology.ouhsc.edu/pages/pedgoals.html | |
73. Katalog Health Conditions_and_Diseases H - Netz-Tipp. hydrosyringomyelia(*); Hyperhidrosis (*); Hyperhomocysteinemia (*); Hyperinsulinemia http://www.netz-tipp.de/kat/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/H/ |
74. ECR '99 - Presentation 581 Is there more than one lesion? Is there hydrosyringomyelia? Where is theposition of the conus medullaris? How wide is the spinal canal? http://www.ecr.org/Conferences/ECR1999/sciprg/abs/p000581.htm | |
75. DINO - Language: Englisch - Health - Conditions And Diseases - H Hydranecephaly Dieser Link verweist auf eine HauptKategorie Hydrocephalus DieserLink verweist auf eine Haupt-Kategorie hydrosyringomyelia Dieser Link http://www.dino-online.de/dino_page_5eb30c831041b37311023286c4a3ca2d.html | |
76. 1999 Recalls interdigitated falx; hydrosyringomyelia. Answer D hydrosyringomyeliadefn coexistence of hydromyelia and syringomyelia hydro http://www.radquiz.com/1999_recalls.htm | |
77. RadiologyResources - Nuclear Med.Teaching Cases What is associated with Chiari I malformation A. Beaked tectum B. ElevatedTorcula C. Cervical hydrosyringomyelia D. Elongated Fourth Ventricle E http://www.radquiz.com/Peds-Questions.html | |
78. Untitled More MS news articles for April 2002 hydrosyringomyelia in demyelinatingdiseases http//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd http://www.mult-sclerosis.org/news/Apr2002/MedlineDevicsSyndromeAndMS.html | |
79. Definition Of The Adult Chiari Malformation: A Brief Historical Overview J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 13849851, 2000; Isu T, Iwasaki Y, Akino M, et alhydrosyringomyelia associated with a Chiari I malformation in children and http://www.cfs.inform.dk/Chiari/alden.etal01.htm | |
80. Chiari Long tract signs Demylinating like sx. Associations hydrosyringomyelia(3060%);Hydrocephalus(20-25%); Basilar invagination(25-50%); http://www.ohsu.edu/ps-DiagRadiol/kojima/chiari.htm | |
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