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21. Eye Conditions > Hyperopia -- EyeMDLink.com Last Updated 10/16/2001. hyperopia. Also referred to as FarsightednessRefractive Error hyperopia, or farsightedness, occurs when http://www.eyemdlink.com/Condition.asp?ConditionID=229 |
22. EYECARE, MD Of New Jersey Information on laser vision correction, eye surgery, treatment of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism, vision screenings and consultations. http://www.eyecaremdofnj.com/ | |
23. TLC Laser Eye Centers - What Is Laser Vision Correction? - Common Vision Problem Mild hyperopia, +2.00 diopters. Moderate hyperopia, +2.00 to +4.00 diopters.Severe hyperopia, +4.00 to +6.00 diopters. Extreme hyperopia, +6.00 diopters. http://www.tlcvision.com/what_is_laser_vision_correction/common_vision_problems/ |
24. LASIK - Sydney Laser And Vision Centre Offers LASIK and PRK eye surgery to correct shortsightedness (myopia), longsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. http://www.sydneyvision.com.au/ |
25. Hyperopia - AnsMe.com Dictionary (define) Dictionary hyperopia. Definition for hyperopia. hyperopia (noun)-. 1. abnormal condition in which vision for distant objects is http://define.ansme.com/words/h/hyperopia.html | |
26. : : Thaieye Clinic : : Thaieye Clinic, LASIK for myopia , astigmatism and hyperopia, Acrysof intraocular lens implant, Laser for glaucoma http://www.thaieyeclinic.com | |
27. Wing Eyecare - Eye Diseases & Conditions hyperopia. What is hyperopia? An individual with hyperopia is commonlyreferred to as being farsighted . Objects viewed from a distance http://www.wingeyecare.com/Ocular Diseases/hyperopia.htm | |
28. Hyperopia Vision Problems hyperopia (Farsightedness). What is hyperopia? hyperopia,or Farsightedness, occurs when distant objects are usually http://www.pecc.sk.ca/hyperopia.htm | |
29. Refractive Surgery Information, diagrams and animations about surgery for the correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. http://www.clinicareinoso.com/conditns/qx_ref.htm | |
30. Eye Disorders - Hyperopia, Laser Eye Surgery By Eyetech LASIK Clinic hyperopia (farsighted or longsighted). In hyperopia, or farsightedness,the eye is shorter that normal. The light rays come together http://www.eyetechlasik.com/hyperopia_common_eye_disorders_corrected_by_lasik_pr | |
31. Rajiv Anand, MD - Eye Conditions hyperopia Last Updated 10/16/2001 Also referred to as Farsightedness RefractiveError hyperopia, or farsightedness, occurs when images are formed behind the http://dranand.eyemdlink.com/Condition.asp?ConditionID=229 |
32. CooperVision Eye Care Information - Hyperopia Farsightedness, or hyperopia, occurs when an eyeball is too short forthe focusing power of the lens and cornea. This causes light http://www.coopervision.com/main/hyperopia.cfm | |
33. N O S T R A Hyperopia hyperopia. Farsightedness (hyperopia) is a vision condition in whichdistant objects are seen more clearly than near objects. This | |
34. David H. Haight, M.D. - Hyperopia What is hyperopia (farsightedness)? Normal Eye. hyperopia or farsightednessoccurs when the eye is too short or the cornea is too flat. http://www.laserlasik.com/eyesurgery/hyperopia.html | |
35. WellVision Learning Source® - Farsightedness Or Hyperopia Farsightedness or hyperopia. Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is a refractive errorlike astigmatism and myopia. However, not all children outgrow their hyperopia. http://www.vsp.com/source/html/farsightedness.htm | |
36. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries Farsightedness (hyperopia). nearsighted vision. astigmatism. These people sufferfrom a condition called hyperopia, more often referred to as farsightedness. http://library.thinkquest.org/C005949/diseases/hyperopia.htm | |
37. FEA - Vision Problems - Hyperopia Glaucoma. ©2002 FEA. What is hyperopia? With hyperopia (farsightedness) a flattenedcornea or shortened eyeball causes light rays to focus behind the retina. http://www.fichte.com/hyperopia.htm |
38. Blindness And Visual Impairment Centre: Hyperopia hyperopia (farsightedness). What is hyperopia? hyperopia, or far-sightedness, isthe ability to clearly see objects at a distance but not those up close. http://www.cnib.ca/eng/eye_con/cospubs/hyperopa.htm | |
39. Www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2K/MB_cgi?term=Hyperopia Similar pages hyperopia allergies. Surgical Correction Currently, there is no reliable surgicalprocedure which consistently treats hyperopia. Past attempts http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2K/MB_cgi?term=Hyperopia |
40. EMedicine - Hyperopia, LTK : Article By Parag A Majmudar, MD hyperopia, LTK hyperopia affects approximately 40% of the population.However, it is hyperopia, LTK. Last Updated May 23, 2001, http://www.emedicine.com/oph/topic660.htm | |
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