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1. AAMR Home Page Promotes global development and dissemination of progressive policies, research, effective practices, Category Health Mental Health mental retardation...... A recent NIH news release on the possible gene identifying mental retardation andthe National Joint Committee's position on Access Communications Services and http://www.aamr.org/ | |
2. Massachusetts Department Of Mental Retardation: Home Page In most cases of mental retardation, the cause is unknown. http://www.dmr.state.ma.us/ | |
3. UVa Special Education: Resources On Mental Retardation What is mental retardation mental retardation refers to substantial limitations in present functioning. http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/go/cise/ose/categories/mr.html | |
4. President's Committee On Mental Retardation Acts in an advisory capacity to the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services on matters relating to programs and services for people with mental retardation. http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/opa/facts/pcmrfs.htm | |
5. Disability Info: Mental Retardation Fact Sheet (FS8) Definition, teaching tips, and contact information from the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities. http://www.nichcy.org/pubs/factshe/fs8txt.htm | |
6. New York State Office Of Mental Retardation And Developmental Welcome to the New York State Office of mental retardation web site Home Page http://www.omr.state.ny.us/ |
7. Connecticut Department Of Mental Retardation Department of mental retardation, State of Connecticut. This is the home page. http://www.dmr.state.ct.us/ | |
8. Substance Abuse The state agency responsible for serving Alabama citizens with mental illness, mental retardation and substance abuse problems. Database of mental health providers in the state. http://www.mh.state.al.us/ | |
9. ODMRDD Home Page Ensures the availability of services and supports that assist individuals in living the life they choose.Category Regional North America Government Executive Departments......Welcome to the Ohio Department of mental retardation and DevelopmentalDisabilities (MR/DD). This web site has been designed http://odmrdd.state.oh.us/ | |
10. MEDLINEplus Medical Encyclopedia: Mental Retardation Summary and links to information on causes.Category Health Mental Health mental retardation......mental retardation. Causes of mental retardation are numerous, but a specificreason for mental retardation is determined in only 25% of the cases. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001523.htm | |
11. The Arc Of The United States Voluntary organization committed to the welfare of all children and adults with mental retardation Category Health Mental Health mental retardation....... Photo of featured individual click for full story, http://www.thearc.org/ | |
12. Welcome To The American Association On Mental Retardation We've prepared an online resource that will augment our activities and give yourapid access to information about the mental retardation and disabilities field http://www.aamr.org/About_AAMR/index.shtml | |
13. Florida's Voice On Mental Retardation - FVMR.org Resources and information from this statewide grass roots organization providing advocacy, support and research materials to families and friends of persons with mental retardation. http://www.fvmr.org | |
14. Texas Department Of Mental Health And Mental Retardation - Home Page Reducing the impact of mental illness and retardation is among the goals of this agency. Contact offices, hospitals, and training facilities. Brenham State School is one of 13 state mental retardation facilities in Texas. http://www.mhmr.state.tx.us/ | |
15. The Arc Of The United States National Organization on mental retardation. Links to local chapters and information on services, education and prevention. http://thearc.org/ | |
16. Introduction To Mental Retardation Introduction to mental retardation What is mental retardation? An individual retardation.How many people are affected by mental retardation? The http://www.thearc.org/faqs/mrqa.html | |
17. Developmental Disability And Mental Retardation Research Laboratory aims at medical,sociological and educational research of developmental disabilitiesmental retardation with chromosomal abnormality,autistic disorders,physical developmental disorders,intoxication. http://www.matsuishi-lab.org | |
18. Welcome To Special Olympics An international program of yearround sports training and athletic competition for more than one million children and adults with mental retardation. http://www.specialolympics.org | |
19. President's Committee On Mental Retardation - Home Page Members Staff. State National Resources. Jan. 2728 Meeting of the President'sCommittee on mental retardation. Federal Register Announcement (PDF). http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/pcmr/ | |
20. Jablonski's Multiple Congenital Anomaly/Mental Retardation Syndromes Database of structured descriptions of congenital abnormalities associated with mental retardation.Category Health Mental Health mental retardation......Online. Multiple Congenital Anomaly / mental retardation. A database of structureddescriptions of congenital abnormalities associated with mental retardation. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/jablonski/syndrome_title.html | |
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