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1. Narcolepsy.com Home Page Online version of patient, researcher and physician newsletter. http://www.narcolepsy.com/ | |
2. NINDS Narcolepsy Information Page National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke describes narcolepsy and its prognosis. Table of Contents (click to jump to sections). What is narcolepsy? Is there any treatment? http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/narcolep_doc.htm | |
3. CENTER FOR NARCOLEPSY The Stanford University Sleep Clinic was the first medical clinic established to specialize in sleep Category Health Conditions and Diseases Sleep Disorders narcolepsy......narcolepsy is a serious medical disorder and a key to understanding othersleep disorders. It is the world leader in narcolepsy research. http://www-med.stanford.edu/school/Psychiatry/narcolepsy/ | |
4. Narcolepsy VER. 6.0 A large B/S and B/other archive. Also includes fanart and challenges. http://www.my-brain-hurts.org/narcolepsy/ | |
5. [Narcolepsy Internet] Support and Information for people with narcolepsy or ideopathic hypersomnia, their family, and care-prov Category Health Conditions and Diseases Sleep Disorders narcolepsy......Online support and education for people with narcolepsy, their family and partners,and care providers. My talk at narcolepsy Network's 1997 Conference http://www.narcolepsy.org/ | |
6. Narcolepsy Association UK (UKAN) The homepage for narcolepsy Association UK UKAN a registered charityCategory Health Conditions and Diseases Sleep Disorders narcolepsy......narcolepsy Association UK (UKAN). narcolepsy Association UK (UKAN). This Association.Can you help with our study of children with narcolepsy? http://www.narcolepsy.org.uk/ |
7. Narcolepsy Nnetwork narcolepsy Network You will now be redireted to http//www.narcolepsynetwork.orghttp//www.websciences.org/narnet January 29, 2003 - 1 KB4. Center for narcolepsy ResearchPeople with narcolepsy are unable to resist falling asleep. Includes facts, support networks, and research activities. Tapes of Experts speaking on topics of interest to persons with narcolepsy http//www.uic.edu/depts/cnr - March 5, 2003 - 27 KB5. narcolepsy InternetOn-line support and education for people with narcolepsy, their family and partners, and care providers. An annotated list of WWW links that have been mentioned on the narcolepsy InterNet's list .http//www.narcolepsy.net/ - July 20, 2000 - 14 KB6. narcolepsy Association U.K. (UKAN)Nonprofit organization based in the United Kingdom, supporting the interests of people with narcolepsy. Provides information on symptoms, diagnosis and medications. narcolepsy Association UK (UKAN) http://www.websciences.org/narnet | |
8. Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, Hypersomnia And Other Sleep Disorders Sleep medicine resources for detection and control of sleep apnea, narcolepsy, hypersomnia, insomnia and sleep disorders. http://www.netexp.net/~flamenco/sleepresources.html | |
9. NHLBI Home Page: Jump To New Location Basic information on narcolepsy from National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/nhlbi/sleep/gp/narcolep.htm | |
10. SNaG Schweizerische Narkolepsie Gesellschaft/SNA Swiss Narcolepsy Association http://www.narcolepsy.ch/ | |
11. Narcolepsy And Hypocretin: Information And Background narcolepsy. Epidemiology; Symptoms; Diagnosis; Treatment1, 2; Genetics and HLA Part 1, 2, 3; Links. http://www.geocities.com/mhungs/ | |
12. Narcolepsy Information on the difficulties associated with diagnosis and treatment. http://users.pullman.com/beaumont/Narcolepsy.htm | |
13. Narcolepsy - A Sleep Disorder Site dedicated to narcoleptics by a narcoleptic. Includes experiences with this disorder, FAQs, message board, chat and information on medicine. http://www.cataplexic.com/ | |
14. Narcolepsy Nnetwork narcolepsy Network. You will now be rediretedto http//www.narcolepsynetwork.org. http://www.websciences.org/narnet/default.html | |
15. Living With Narcolepsy A site dedicated to narcolepsy and the people who live with it, including a description of symptoms, tips for coping with the disorder, treatment options, sources of help, and links to research and sleep disorder sites. http://expage.com/page/livingwithnarcolepsy | |
16. Narcolepsy Research Project - University Of Pennsylvania Flyer for research project looking for narcoleptic volunteers. http://www.nursing.upenn.edu/Narcolepsy/ | |
17. Narcolepsy Internet Jumpstation Jumpstation and WWW links for narcolepsy, sleep disorders, and other healthrelated information. N, narcolepsy Disabilities narcolepsy. Support http://www.narcolepsy.org/narc.links.html | |
18. Welcome To HealthGate Data Corp. From Healthgate information about insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, snoring, and restless legs . http://www3.healthgate.com/default.asp?docid=/hic/sleep/index |
19. OMIM ENTRY 161400 narcolepsy Epidemiology Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment 1, 2 Genetics and HLA Part 1, 2, 3 Links narcolepsy http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Omim/dispmim?161400 |
20. Center For Narcolepsy Research Homepage General narcolepsy information and faqs, support groups, research and schedule of events. Part of Category Health Conditions and Diseases Sleep Disorders narcolepsy...... http://www.uic.edu/depts/cnr/ |
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