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81. Facts You Should Know About NMS Facts You Should Know About NMS neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS).What is NMS? NMS is characterized by development of muscle http://www.dpw.state.pa.us/omr/omrNewmns.asp | |
82. Health Library - Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Your Health, Advanced Search. neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Synonyms Disorder SubdivisionsGeneral Discussion Resources National Organization for Rare Disorders. http://www.tetonhospital.org/library/healthguide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?hwi |
83. Psychiatrische Klinik Und Poliklinik- Projekt 3.5500.011 Translate this page The neuroleptic malignant syndrome. The neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a rarecomplication during therapy with neuroleptic and other psychotropic drugs. http://www.zv.uni-wuerzburg.de/forschungsbericht/e03/e035500/p011.htm |
84. JEFF MANN'S EM GUIDEMAPS - NEUROLEPTIC SYNDROME Appendix. Research criteriae for neuroleptic malignant syndrome (from DSMIV). Alternativecriteriae for the diagnosis of neuroleptic malignant syndrome. http://www.homestead.com/emguidemaps/files/rigidity.htm | |
85. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome During Olanzapine And Levomepromazine Treatment Julkaisu. Reference. Järventausta K, Leinonen E. Neuroleptic malignantsyndrome during olanzapine and levomepromazine treatment. http://www.hytti.uku.fi/tays/julkaisut/2000/200000438.html | |
86. Directory :: Look.com neuroleptic malignant syndrome (6) See Also. Sites. Emergency Medicine An in depthlook at neuroleptic malignant syndrome beginning with an introduction. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=595060 |
87. 9.3.b. Bibliografia. Síndromes Hipertérmicos 8494 48.-LEIPSIC J ABRAHAM HD., HALPERIN P. neuroleptic malignant syndrome in theelderly Journal of Geriatric Psichiat and Neurol 1995; 828-31 49.- YOUNG http://www.uninet.edu/tratado/c0903b.html | |
88. Virtual Naval Hospital: Emergency Psychiatry Service Handbook: Major Emergencies Medical Emergencies in Psychiatry neuroleptic malignant syndrome.Gerard Clancy, MD Peer Review Status Internally Peer Reviewed http://www.vnh.org/EmergPsychHB/MedEmergNMS.html | |
89. © POL.it 2001 AREA PSICOFARMACOLOGIA / CLOZAPINA Translate this page Anderson ES, Powers PS. neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated width clozapineuse. Das Gupta K, Young A. Clozapine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome. http://www.pol-it.org/ital/clozapina/smn.htm | |
90. SEROTONIN SYNDROME This disorder, brought on by excessive levels of serotonin, is difficult to distinguishfrom the neuroleptic malignant syndrome because the symptoms are so http://members.aol.com/atracyphd/syndrome.htm | |
91. Www3.health-center.com: Side Effects And Risks: Does Clozapine Cause NMS? Does clozapine cause NMS? Clozapine is an atypical neuroleptic drug that wasinitially thought not to cause neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS). http://www3.health-center.com/pharmacy/antipsychotics/clozapine/side_effects_a/n | |
92. TD Tardive Dyskinesia NMS Neuroleptic Malignancy Syndrome The NAMI/NYCMetro Web Site has moved to Please change your bookmarks and links. * * * The Schizophrenia Home Page is still at * * * You are also invited to visit the Treatment Advocacy Center http://www.schizophrenia.com/ami/meds/sidefx.html | |
93. An Analysis Of 17 Catatonic Patients Diagnosed With Neuroleptic Malignant Syndro TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF 17 CATATONIC PATIENTS DIAGNOSED WITH NEUROLEPTICMALIGNANT syndrome. Case, Age, Sex, Preneuroleptic Diagnosis (DSM http://www.medicalbroadcast.com/CMEReviews/catatonia/white1.html | |
94. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://katalog.wp.pl/DMOZ/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_Disorders/ | |
95. PowerPoint v[e[V - ««ÇóQ (neuroleptic Ma The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www1.linkclub.or.jp/~och-gim/NMS grand round.htm |
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