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         Nystagmus:     more books (100)
  1. Vestibulare Nystagmus und seine Bedeutung fur die neurologische und psychiatrische Diagnostik by M[ax] Rosenfeld, 1911-01-01
  2. Nystagmus: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed.</i> by J., MD Polsdorfer, 2006
  3. Neuroophthalmologie: Pupille, Nystagmus, Okulomotoriusparese, Horner-Syndrom, Trochlearisparese, Obliquus-superior-Myokymie, Duane-Syndrom (German Edition)
  4. The Relationship of Eye Muscles to Semicircular Canal Currents in Rotationally Induced Nystagmus by John (Prof. Of Neurology, Univ. Of Chicago) Favill, 1936-01-01
  5. Zur Systematik, Klinik und Untersuchungsmethodik der Vestibularisstörungen: Eine Ergänzung zu der Schrift des Verfassers: Spontan- und Provokations-Nystagmus als Krankheitssymptom (German Edition) by Hermann Frenzel, 1961-01-01
  6. Spontan- und Provokations-Nystagmus als Krankheitssymptom: Ein Leitfaden für seine Beobachtung, Aufzeichnung und Formanalyse (German Edition) by Hermann Frenzel, 1955-01-01
  7. Der Nystagmus Der Bergleute (1894) (German Edition) by Friedrich Adolf Nieden, 2010-09-10
  8. Miners' Nystagmus And Its Relation To Position At Work And The Manner Of Illumination (1892) by Simeon Snell, 2010-09-10
  9. The Analysis of Sensations, and the Relation of the Physical to the Psychical by Ernst Mach, 1959
  10. Early-onset nystagmus: A parents' guide
  11. Les nystagmus (French Edition) by D Godde-Jolly, 1973
  12. Age-related changes in caloric nystagmus (Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplement 282) by A Bruner, 1971
  13. Understanding Nystagmus (Understanding)
  14. Optometric expertise: The scientific basis for alcohol gaze nystagmus : national standardized behavioral sobriety test procedures (Curriculum II) by Constantine Forkiotis, 1987

61. Nystagmus
nystagmus. Inleiding De Nederlandse term voor nystagmus is wiebelof trilogen. In de slaap en onder narcose verdwijnt de nystagmus.

Nystagmus is een betrekkelijk zeldzame afwijking in de besturing van de oogbollen. Er bestaat een bij gezonde mensen voorkomende vorm van nystagmus: de zogenaamde 'treinnystagmus' die bij mensen opwekbaar is door het waarnemen van voor de ogen langslopende zich herhalende beelden. Bepaalde geneesmiddelen ( o.a. barbituraten, luminal en sommige geneesmiddelen tegen epilepsie) en alcohol kunnen een blikrichtingafhankelijke nystagmus oproepen. Ook via stimulering van het evenwichtsorgaan kan nystagmus optreden onder meer door draaiing van het hoofd of het hele lichaam of door warmte of koude stimulatie van het binnenoor. Deze vorm van nystagmus wordt "vestibulaire"nystagmus genoemd. De exacte oorzaak van nystagmus is niet bekend maar moet gezocht worden in het oogbesturingssysteem binnen de hersenen. Dit is een zeer complex samenwerkingsproces binnen de hersenen dat mede aangestuurd wordt door binnenkomende informatie afkomstig uit de diverse zintuigen (evenwicht, houding, visuele informatie). Wanneer er een aangeboren afwijking bestaat in het oogbesturingssysteem spreekt men van een congenitale nystagmus. Ook aangeboren afwijkingen in de bouw of functie van een of beide oogbollen leidend tot een gestoord gezichtsvermogen kunnen een aangeboren of zeer vroeg (binnen 6 weken na de geboorte) ontstane nystagmus teweeg brengen. Enkele voorbeelden hiervan zijn aangeboren staar(lenstroebeling), afwijkingen in de aanleg van het netvlies of de oogzenuw en albinisme. Tenslotte kan nystagmus optreden in het kader van een ander, veelal neurologisch ziekte -beeld bijvoorbeeld na een hersenbloeding of een ernstig hersenletsel.

62. California Drunk Driving Law Center - Books - Drunk Driving Defense - Excerpts -
A. Of course not. Q. To determine physiological causes of nystagmus? A. No. Q. Sergeant,did you receive training in nystagmus at the highway patrol academy?
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Drunk Driving Defense, 5th Edition (2000)
By Lawrence Taylor
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Nonspecific Analysis Field Evidence
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7.4.1 Field Evidence: The Arresting Officer Q. Tell me, sergeant, are you licensed anywhere in this country to diagnose eye disfunction? A. Of course not. Q. To determine physiological causes of nystagmus? A. No. Q. Well; how many times have you qualified as an expert in court on the physiology of the eye? A. On the physiology of the eye, I have not. Q. How many times on the physiological effects of alcohol on eye musculature? A. Never. Q. Sergeant, did you receive training in nystagmus at the highway patrol academy? A. I did. Q. How many hours? A. As I recall, it was six hours of demonstration and instruction. Q. How many hours do all recruits or officers get? A. Six hours. Q. So, you got the same training as any other police officer?

63. Nystagmus
nystagmus is the involuntary, rhythmical,oscillations of one or both eyes, in any or all fields of gaze....... nystagmus.
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Nystagmus Description
Nystagmus is the involuntary, rhythmical, oscillations of one or both eyes, in any or all fields of gaze.
Pendular: undulating movements of equal speed, amplitude, and duration, in each direction or
Jerky: with slower movements in one direction, followed by a faster return to the original position.
Horizontal:from ulternating between, left and right
Vertical: ulternating between up and down Oblique: moving in a diagonal plain or any combination of these: Generally, the faster the rate, the smaller the amplitude (and vice versa). The defect is classified according to the position of the eyes when it occurs. Grade I occurs only when the eyes are directed toward the fast component;

64. ***NYSTAGMUS***
***nystagmus***. ** nystagmus is het ritmisch heen en weer gaan van de oogbol.nystagmus wordt veroorzaakt door medische ontregeling in ogen of hersenen.
Nystagmus is het ritmisch heen en weer gaan van de oogbol. Nystagmus wordt veroorzaakt door medische ontregeling in ogen of hersenen. Nystagmus:onmogelijk of tenminste zeer moeilijk om stil te zetten. 2 categorieen: * late onset(verworven) - start 6 maanden na de geboorte - oorzaak verscheidene visuele of neurologische problemen. * early onset - start in de eerste 6 maanden - oorzaak meestal als resultaat van een visueel probleem. Meestal is de nystagmus aanwezig met 3-4 maanden. Nystagmus is geen diagnose, het is een symptoom. De nystagmus is voor kinderen onopvallend in hun beleving. De nystagmus kan soms moeilijk te zien zijn met het blote oog of pas opvallen als de ogen weg bewegen van de rechtuit positie. Meestal is de early onset nystagmus overduidelijk aanwezig. Scheelzien kan een nystagmus veroorzaken. De oorzaken van nystagmus: het meest voorkomende type wordt veroorzaakt door een probleem (cataract,scheelzien)direct na de geboorte, in slechts 1 oog. Men noemt dit ook latent nystagmus omdat het optreed bij 1 bedekt oog. Treedt het op wanneer beide ogen open zijn dan noemt men dit manifest nystagmus , vaak is het zicht in 1 oog minder. De nystagmus vermindert dan ook het zicht in het goede oog. Congenitale nystagmus als beide ogen een visueel probleem hebben na de geboorte. In 10-20% wordt er geen onderliggende oorzaak gevonden, in 80-90% is de nystagmus het resultaat van een onderliggend probleem. De nystagmus verminderd de visus maar vaker is het onderliggende probleem belangrijker voor verminderd zicht.

65. Eye Problems In Cats
Mike Richards, DVM 2/10/2000. Quivering eyes nystagmus. Q Dear Dr.Richards I am a subscriber and have a question about Shadow's eyes.
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Eye Problems in Cats
Herpes eye infection in stray kitten

Problem with remaining eye after one is removed

Sudden blindness

Melanosis or Melanoma in eye
Chronic eye problem
also see Horner's Syndrome also see Infectious Disease also see Herpes virus infection
Herpes eye infection in stray kitten Question: My husband found a tiny kitten in the street and like an animal lover brought it home. We of course ended up in the animal ER. One eye was completely matted shut, he was covered in fleas and ticks and was infested with parasites and hook worms. Well, everything has improved except the eye. My vet felt it probably started with an untreated respiratory infection. The

nystagmus Abnormal rhythmic movements of the eyes generally mostpronounced on extreme lateral gaze. Can be associated with a
NYSTAGMUS - Abnormal rhythmic movements of the eyes generally most pronounced on extreme lateral gaze. Can be associated with a wide variety of diseases which include labyrinthitis acoustic neuroma multiple sclerosis cerebrovascular disease ... stroke ), and phenytoin toxicity.
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67. Nystagmus
Subject nystagmus Topic Area Neurology General Forum The Neurology and NeurosurgeryForum Question Posted By gary on Saturday, January 08, 2000 My son
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The Cleveland Clinic , consistently ranked one of the best hospitals in America. Subject: nystagmus
Topic Area: Neurology - General
Forum: The Neurology and Neurosurgery Forum
Question Posted By: gary on Saturday, January 08, 2000
Gary Answer Posted By: CCF Neuro[P] MD, RPS on Saturday, January 08, 2000
Dear Gary: I am not sure what to make of what your telling me. Do they not think that your son may have Bell's Palsy as a result of the viral infection? The idea that your son has myasthenia gravis should be testable by looking at the level of acetyl choline receptor blocking, binding, and modulating antibodies. If your son cannot make antibodies then it would extremely doubtful that he has MG. In addition, they should be able to tell by EMG if your son has MG. Is the ptosis getting better, worse or staying the same? When they did the MRI, did it show anything? In relationship to the viral meningitis (what was the virus?) when did the ptosis occur. When did the nystagmus arise? Is it getting better or worse or staying the same. Is your son's epilepsy under control? I think the best thing is to sit down with your pediatric neurologist and sort through all the issues. It may be that there is a communication problem with what is causing what symptom in your son.

68. Nystagmus
What is nystagmus? EarlyOnset nystagmus (RNIB). The Effects of nystagmus (RNIB).Information from the American nystagmus Network. Understanding nystagmus (RNIB).
What is Nystagmus?
Early-Onset Nystagmus (RNIB) The Effects of Nystagmus (RNIB) Information from the American Nystagmus Network Information from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (UK) ... Understanding Nystagmus (RNIB)
Discussion, Publications, and Support
American Nystagmus Network Nystagmus Discussion Board (from ANN) Nystagmus Email Discussion Group (from ANN)
Research and Treatment
International Symposium for Therapy of Ocular Motility and Related Visual Disturbances Table of Contents Nystagmus and the Related Ocular Oscillations (lecture) Review of Therapies for Abnormal Eye Movements that Disrupt Vision Therapies for Congenital Nystagmus
Link Lists
Nystagmus site at Geocities - Link Page Patient UK
Personal Pages
"How I Handle Nystagmus and Oscillopsia" by Ginger Trench Nystagmus site at Geocities

69. Nystagmus
nystagmus. Introduction to nystagmus. Understanding nystagmus RichardL. Windsor, OD and Laura K. Windsor OD Vision Enhancement Magazine.
Nystagmus Introduction to Nystagmus Understanding Nystagmus
Richard L. Windsor, O.D. and Laura K. Windsor O.D.
Vision Enhancement Magazine

70. Understanding Nystagmus
Understanding nystagmus. Richard L. Windsor, OD, FAAO Laura K. Windsor.OD. nystagmus is life. nystagmus from Early in Life. Early
Understanding Nystagmus Richard L. Windsor, O.D., F.A.A.O.
Laura K. Windsor. O.D. Nystagmus is an involuntary rhythmic shaking or wobbling of the eyes. The term nystagmus is derived from the Greek word, “ nystagmus”, which was used to describe the wobbly head movements of a sleepy or inebriated individual. Nystagmus has also been described as “dancing eyes” or “jerking eyes”. Doctors and researchers classify nystagmus by the characteristics of the eye movements like do they move back and forth like a pendulum or do they move slowly in one direction and then rapidly in another. Do the eyes move laterally or vertically and by how much? How fast do the eyes move? There are various methods of classifying nystagmus. Traditionally nystagmus has been divided into two groups. Sensory nystagmus is related to vision loss and motor nystagmus is related to the control of muscle function. There are over 45 types of nystagmus. To simplify our explanation of nystagmus, we will divide nystagmus into two basic types. The first is nystagmus that begins very early in life and is associated with vision loss. The second is called acquired nystagmus and is associated with neurological disorders occurring later in life.
Nystagmus from Early in Life
Early onset nystagmus often accompanies vision loss acquired at birth or soon after and may be one of the first signs that a child has a loss of vision. Studies suggest 1 in every 1000 children have nystagmus. In 80-90% of cases, it is a side effect of vision loss from eye diseases such as albinism, aniridia, optic nerve hypoplasia, achromatopsia congenital cataracts, coloboma or retinopathy of prematurity. This type of nystagmus is usually observed around the sixth to eighth week of life and is rarely seen before then. In about 10-20% of cases, it presents with mild vision loss not associated with other diagnosed ocular diseases. The discovery of nystagmus in a child is reason for an immediate examination!

71. Nystagmus
nystagmus Mnemonic. 'VOCAL' © Psychejam 2001. The Possible causes of nystagmusare as follows. V = Vestibular due to vestibular pathology.

72. Nystagmus
Back Home Next. nystagmus. American nystagmus Network. nystagmus. Linda'snystagmus Page Information on nystagmus causes, treatments, and types.
"see the ability, not the disability" You to can help support the Ability Project by: Our Aims ... Z Nystagmus American Nystagmus Network Nystagmus Linda's Nystagmus Page - Information on nystagmus causes, treatments, and types. Nystagmus Action Group - information on the eye disorder. Nystagmus Network - Provides information and support for sufferers. Webmaster . Site Design by Ability "see the ability, not the disability" Acknowledgments

73. Nystagmus
What is nystagmus? The following postings from the ROP list providesome information about nystagmus. nystagmus is often associated
What is nystagmus?
The following postings from the ROP list provide some information about nystagmus. Nystagmus is often associated with conditions other than ROP, but it is often found in people with ROP as well. The ROP list was moderated by Dr. Scott Richards until August, 2002. The list has closed now. For more information about lists of interest to people with visual impairments, please visit the email list index Date: August 2, 1998
From: Sarah J. Blake The way my optometrist explained it to me is the eye's attempt to focus when the vision is so poor. I had some pretty clear vision as a child. I could read with a lot of magnification and could see the stripes on people's shirts if I was walking behind them. That was all when I was about 9 or 10. I still have a memory of preferring to walk in line at school behind one girl in particular. She was Hispanic with blonde hair, and she always wore white shoes. I thought she was beautiful. Things got fuzzier very gradually, and now it alternates between varying levels of fuzz. I have no doubt that my nystagmus has become worse as my vision has become worse. It would be a dream come true for me just to be able to see the kind of things I could see at age 9 or 10, to be able to use a magnifier to read anything or have those huge glasses that people hate. From seeing my niece's face the other day, I think she is beautiful. I want to see other people's faces, and they're just not going to be too likely to get that close. (giggle) I think they call that personal space. (LOL)

74. MedWebPlus Subject Diseases And Conditions Eye Diseases
A, , GO, nystagmus Action Group nystagmus Information Page. Version 2.3.0 ©1998-2002 Flexis, Inc. All rights reserved. Privacy statement Powered by y-Base.

75. Gale Encyclopedia Of Medicine: Nystagmus
Page 1 2 Next. nystagmus. Author/s J. Ricker Polsdorfer. Definition. Rhythmic,oscillating motions of the eyes are called nystagmus.

76. Nystagmus
nystagmus. Definition Rhythmic, oscillating motions of the eyes are callednystagmus. The toand-fro motion is generally involuntary.

Main Search Index
Definition Description Causes ... Resources
Rhythmic, oscillating motions of the eyes are called nystagmus. The to-and-fro motion is generally involuntary. Vertical nystagmus occurs much less frequently than horizontal nystagmus and is often, but not necessarily, a sign of serious brain damage. Nystagmus can be a normal physiological response or a result of a pathologic problem. Description
The eyes play a critical role in maintaining balance. They are directly connected to other organs of equilibrium, most important of which is the inner ear. Paired structures called the semicircular canals deep in the skull behind the ears sense motion and relay that information to balance control centers in the brain. The eyes send visual information to the same centers. A third set of sensors consists of nerve endings all over the body, particularly in joints, that detect position. All this information is integrated to allow the body to navigate in space and gravity. It is possible to fool this system or to overload it with information so that it malfunctions. A spinning ride at the amusement park is a good way to overload it with information. The system has adapted to the spinning, expects it to go on forever, and carries that momentum for some time after it is over. Nystagmus is the lingering adjustment of the eyes to tracking the world as it revolves around them.

77. Nystagmus
MAIN SEARCH INDEX nystagmus. Definition. Rhythmic, oscillating motions of theeyes are called nystagmus. The toand-fro motion is generally involuntary.
Rhythmic, oscillating motions of the eyes are called nystagmus. The to-and-fro motion is generally involuntary. Vertical nystagmus occurs much less frequently than horizontal nystagmus and is often, but not necessarily, a sign of serious brain damage. Nystagmus can be a normal physiological response or a result of a pathologic problem.
The eyes play a critical role in maintaining balance. They are directly connected to other organs of equilibrium, most important of which is the inner ear. Paired structures called the semicircular canals deep in the skull behind the ears sense motion and relay that information to balance control centers in the brain. The eyes send visual information to the same centers. A third set of sensors consists of nerve endings all over the body, particularly in joints, that detect position. All this information is integrated to allow the body to navigate in space and gravity. It is possible to fool this system or to overload it with information so that it malfunctions. A spinning ride at the amusement park is a good way to overload it with information. The system has adapted to the spinning, expects it to go on forever, and carries that momentum for some time after it is over. Nystagmus is the lingering adjustment of the eyes to tracking the world as it revolves around them.

78. Untitled Document
HORIZONTAL GAZE nystagmus THE SCIENCE THE LAW A Resource Guidefor Judges, Prosecutors and Law Enforcement. Table of Contents.

A Resource Guide for Judges, Prosecutors and Law Enforcement
Table of Contents

79. Mot Clé: Nystagmus
Translate this page page d'accueil sommaire, recherche. nystagmus Liste des unités de rechercheet des chercheurs ayant déclarés ce mot clé. unités de recherche,
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recherche nystagmus
Mme Monique CORDONNIER M. Christian VAN NECHEL M. Andre ZANEN

80. Eye Conditions > Nystagmus --
nystagmus. nystagmus is the condition characterized by repetitive oscillationsof the eyes. The cause of congenital nystagmus is frequently unknown.

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