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61. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 14, Ch. 170, Stupor And Coma persistent vegetative state is most common after severe head injury or globalanoxia (eg, from cardiac arrest) and has a poor prognosis for recovering http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section14/chapter170/170a.htm | |
62. Transamerica Reinsurance USE OF MRI IN PREDICTION OF RECOVERY FROM persistent vegetative state, One of themost difficult conditions to assess is persistent vegetative state (PVS). http://www.transamericareinsurance.com/news_articles_jim3doc2.asp | |
63. WASHMAN'S DOMAIN -- SAMPLE LIVING WILL 3. If I am in a persistent vegetative state, as determined by 2 physicians who havepersonally examined me, the following are my directions regarding the use http://my.execpc.com/~washman/sampleoflivingwill.html | |
64. Living Will to use or not to use extreme lifesaving measures, such as life-support, if youare in an irrecoverable coma or in a persistent vegetative state. A Living http://www.livingtrustlawfirm.com/living_will1.htm | |
65. 1Up Health > Health Links Directory > Conditions And Diseases: Neurological Diso Sites. MCW HealthLink A look at coma and persistent vegetative state. Responding toPatients in the persistent vegetative state An Ethical and Legal Dilemma. http://www.1uphealth.com/links/chronic-damage-persistent-vegetative-state.html | |
66. Prediction Of Recovery From Post-traumatic Vegetative State With Cerebral Magnet Introduction. There is no more devastating or morally challenging conditionin modern medicine than the persistent vegetative state (PVS). http://www.univie.ac.at/vanswieten/preise/eisel4.html | |
67. Brain Injury Glossary P persistent vegetative state (PVS) A long-standing condition in which the patientutters no words and does not follow commands or make any response that is http://www.waiting.com/glossaryp.html | |
68. Alterations Of Consciousness And Sleep Disorders - Internet Handbook Of Neurolog Glasgow Coma Scale eMedicine. Presistent Vegetative State/Apallic syndromepersistent vegetative state - Central Washington University; http://www.neuropat.dote.hu/coma.htm | |
69. When Is Death This is a serious problem. In this country there are, at any one time, approximately10,000 individuals in comas or a persistent vegetative state. http://home.iatronet.net/Reflections/death2.htm | |
70. Legislative Guide To End-of-Life Issues The term persistent vegetative state has long been used to describepatients who are awake but show no sign of awareness. In 1994 http://www.all.org/legislat/guide04.htm | |
71. Dorlands Medical Dictionary persistent vegetative state, a condition of profound nonresponsiveness in the wakefulstate caused by brain damage at whatever level and characterized by a http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszS |
72. How To Organize And Synthesize Information It became apparent that Nancy had virtually no chance of coming outof the persistent vegetative state into which she had lapsed. http://infocomp.csuchico.edu/metis/infolit/step4/tutorial_doc4_C4.htm | |
73. How Does A TBI Affect Consciousness? Generally, there are five abnormal states of consciousness that can result from aTBI stupor, coma, persistent vegetative state, lockedin syndrome, and brain http://www.braininjurydisorders.org/tbi_5.html | |
74. Declaration (Living Will): Questions & Answers - Cape Fear Valley Health System or not you want lifesustaining treatments or procedures administered to you if youare in a terminal and incurable condition or a persistent vegetative state. http://www.capefearvalley.com/declarationqa.htm | |
75. HCE13b Suffering And Death, 13.6-13.7 persistent vegetative state (PVS) { 1 } patients have at least some periods ofconscious awareness and can respond to others at least by eye movements, but http://academic.uofs.edu/faculty/pm363/ME/hce13b02.htm | |
76. HCE13b Suffering And Death, 13.6-13.7 { 1 } coma { 2 } - locked in state { 3 } - persistent vegetative state (PVS). { 1 } - coma { 2 } - locked in state { 3 } - persistent vegetative state (PVS). http://academic.uofs.edu/faculty/pm363/ME/hce13b03.htm | |
77. Vegetative State Practice Note close to the patient cannot act as a veto to an application but they must be takenfully into account by the court Re G (persistent vegetative state) 1995 2 http://www.offsol.demon.co.uk/pract1fm.htm | |
78. Wob - BEKIS: The Moral And Legal Issues Surrounding The Treatment And Health Car Translate this page BEKIS-Datenbankeintrag zu The Moral and Legal Issues Surrounding the Treatmentand Health Care of Patients in persistent vegetative state. http://wob.drze.de/Wob/de/view_content2/class146_id1076.html | |
79. Aarogya.com The Wellness Site Legalities And Informatics - Ethics Manual. Irreversible Loss of Consciousness. Persons who are ina persistent vegetative state are unconscious but not brain dead. http://www.aarogya.com/legalitiesandinformatics/ethicse/ethics16.asp |
80. Living Will Form by artificial nutrition or hydration if my condition is determined to be terminaland incurable or if I am diagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative state. http://www.tchospital.org/AddDir/Living Will.htm | |
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