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1. Pinworms And Your Child American Academy of Family Physicians patient information handout with information on treatment, symptoms Category Health Conditions and Diseases Parasitic pinworms......pinworms and Your Child. What are pinworms? pinworms are a type of worm that canget inside your body. How do people get pinworms? pinworms are easy to get. http://familydoctor.org/handouts/139.html | |
2. Enterobius Vermicularis (pinworms) Includes pinworm life cycle, signs and symptoms, photographs and drawings of the parasite, and detection procedures. http://www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/~parasite/enterobius.html | |
3. Pinworms pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis, for all you taxonomists) are a common parasite of humans. I've read that perhaps 40 or 50% of us harbor at least a few pinworms at any given time. http://www.drhull.com/EncyMaster/P/pinworms.html | |
4. Pinworms pinworms. Within the Order Ascaridida, in the superfamily Oxyyuroidea is a nematode parasite commonly associated with http://martin.parasitology.mcgill.ca/jimspage/biol/pinworm.htm | |
5. Pinworms pinworms are the most common type of intestinal infection in children in America. http://www.childnetma.org/KB/pinworm.html | |
6. Case Pinworms In A Wormy World The European Module on VPH pinworms in a "wormy" world Subjects to be covered parasitic transmission routes guiding the discussion between the family doctor and his patients advice for prevention what is a zoonosis? http://pc-3.vvdo.vet.uu.nl/vph/CasePinworms.htm | |
7. Pinworms and comes out at night to lay its eggs around the anus. pinworms are sometimes called thread worms or seat worms. http://www.bodyfixer.com/pinworms.htm | |
8. Division Of Parasitic Diseases - Pinworm Fact Sheet Government agency's Division of Parasitic Diseases offers a fact sheet on this infection that affects schoolchildren. Find scientific reports. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dpd/parasites/pinworm/factsht_pinworm.htm | |
9. Enterobius Vermicularis (pinworms) pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis spp.). Adult pinwormson the perianal skin. Return to previous page . http://www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/~parasite/pinworms_anus.html | |
10. Pinworms - DrGreene.com - Caring For The Next Generation pinworms. I have 3 children. In the last 2 years the same child has beeninfected with pinworms 3 times. We belong to a family medicine group. http://www.drgreene.com/21_500.html | |
11. Pinworms F r o m Y o u r F a m i l y D o c t o r A pinworm is a white, very thin worm about 1/4 inch long that moves. If it doesn't wiggle it's probably lint or a thread. http://home.earthlink.net/~krauthwa/Docs/Inst_For_Peds/pp_pinworms.htm | |
12. Pinworms - DrGreene.com - Caring For The Next Generation pinworms. What are pinworms? Somewhere between 10% and 40% of children have pinwormsat any given time (Pediatric Consult, Williams and Wilkins 1997). http://www.drgreene.com/21_175.html | |
13. Pinworms pinworms. The most common intestinal parasite among U.S. children 12 and under. http://www.uttyl.edu/nursing/patho/pinworm/tsld002.htm |
14. Pinworms pinworms This sounds really weird, but I have these things that come out of myanus. Small, white, moving wormlike things ARE worms probably pinworms. http://www.ivillagehealth.com/experts/womens/qas/0,,233796_151584,00.html | |
15. Health And Wellness Dictionary: Pinworms pinworms. pinworms are tiny parasitic worms that live in the large intestine. http://www.geoparent.com/dictionary/Detailed/390.htm | |
16. Pinworms Discuss with your physician how to order this. Treatment of pinworms. Alert yourphysician if anyone in the family is pregnant. Prevention of pinworms. http://www.callyourped.com/pinworms.html | |
17. EMedicine - Pinworms : Article By Joseph Bocka, MD pinworms Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) is the most common intestinalparasite in the US. pinworms. Last Updated July 12, 2001, http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic424.htm | |
18. EMedicine - Pinworms : Article By Robert W Shaffer, MD pinworms pinworms are extremely common. Although anyone can catchpinworms, they are most common in children aged 5-14 years. http://www.emedicine.com/aaem/topic351.htm | |
19. Pinworms Discussion. pinworms mostly live in the colon, and females migrate downto the perianal skin to lay eggs at night. Eggs on contaminated http://www.ncemi.org/cse/cse0609.htm | |
20. Pinworms pinworms. What are pinworms? pinworms are tiny, white threadlike worms thatlive in the intestines. Usually, children with pinworms have no symptoms. http://www.caringforkids.cps.ca/whensick/Pinworms.htm |
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