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Primary Progressive Aphasia: more detail | ||||||
41. A P.E.T. Activation Study Of Progressive Aphasia: Developing New Standards For I primary progressive aphasia (PPA) affords the opportunity to define these correlates,since its pathology does not break down the coupling of regional cerebral http://pet.radiology.uiowa.edu/webpage/Research/research projects/Activation.htm | |
42. Curso De NeurologĂa De La Conducta Y Demencias primary progressive aphasia with focal neuronal achromasia . Neurology, 41882886. The pathology and nosology of primary progressive aphasia . http://oaid.uab.es/nnc/html/entidades/web/22cap/c22_11.html | |
43. Aphasia With A Person Who Has Aphasia SOME DOs and DON'Ts Impact of Aphasia on Patientsand Families Understanding primary progressive aphasia Technology Resource http://www.communicationdisorders.net/Aphasia.html | |
44. Untitled Primaire Progressieve Afasie (primary progressive aphasia, PPA) is een zeldzaamneurologisch syndroom, waarbij iemands taalvermogen langzaam steeds meer http://www.afasie.nl/nieuws/primaire.progressief.html | |
45. Aphasia Center Of California My family member was recently diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia. PrimaryProgressive Aphasia (PPA) differs from aphasia following stroke. http://www.employees.org/~accadmin/answers.html | |
46. Aphasia Center Of California My family member was recently diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia. Do youhave information on that disorder? How does one know if they have aphasia? http://www.employees.org/~accadmin/faq.html |
47. References Understanding primary progressive aphasia. (Date accessed, February 14, 2001). Woburn,MA. What is primary progressive aphasia? (Date accessed March 23,2001). http://webpages.marshall.edu/~yarber1/references.htm | |
48. Paper primary progressive aphasia and the Role of the SpeechLanguage Pathologist.In deciding on a topic for my research paper I wanted http://webpages.marshall.edu/~yarber1/paper.htm | |
49. Selected Publications Of The Clinical Neuropsychology Faculty: Mesulam MM, Johnson N, Grujic Z, Weintraub S Apolipoprotein E Genotypesin primary progressive aphasia, Neurology, 49, 5155, 1997. http://www.clinpsych.northwestern.edu/htm/johnsonpub.htm | |
50. Selected Publications Of The Clinical Neuropsychology Faculty: primary progressive aphasia Longitudinal course, neuropsychologicalprofile and language features. Arch Neurol 1990; 47 13291335. http://www.clinpsych.northwestern.edu/htm/weinpub.htm | |
51. SpringerLink: Neuroradiology - Abstract Volume 39 Issue 8 (1997) Pp 556-559 Imaging in primary progressive aphasia. Abstract primary progressive aphasia (PPA)presents with aphasia, with or without other minor cognitive dysfunction. http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00234/bibs/7039008/70390556.ht | |
52. SpringerLink: Acta Neuropathologica - Abstract Volume 92 Issue 5 (1996) Pp 534-5 Corticobasal degeneration with primary progressive aphasia and accentuatedcortical lesion in superior temporal gyrus case report and review. http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00401/bibs/6092005/60920534.ht | |
53. EMedicine - Pick Disease : Article Excerpt By: Anna M Barrett, MD primary progressive aphasia (Weintraub, 1990) is a focal atrophy syndrome thatmay be associated with Pick, Alzheimer, or other pathology; clinically the http://www.emedicine.com/neuro/byname/pick-disease.htm | |
54. Surface Dyslexia In Nonfluent Progressive Aphasia This article presents the case of a 59year-old male, JH, with a 6-year historyof primary progressive aphasia (PPA), a disorder characterized by isolated http://www.lab-io.it/abstract/abs53.htm | |
55. [DYSPHAGIA] Primary Progressive Aphasia DYSPHAGIA primary progressive aphasia. A recent article by Westbury,and Bub (1997) primary progressive aphasia A review of 112 cases. http://www.b9.com/dysphagia/1999-June/msg00129.html |
56. [DYSPHAGIA] Primary Progressive Aphasia DYSPHAGIA primary progressive aphasia. Please pardon the languagequestion but I am seeking info on primary progressive aphasia. http://www.b9.com/dysphagia/1999-June/msg00086.html |
57. Directory :: Look.com primary progressive aphasia (3) Sites. primary progressive aphasiaA description of what this is, the symptoms and its course. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=594550 |
58. [Cadig] Reading Notes For December Article 2000). Proactive management o= f primary progressive aphasia. In Builders.McNeil, MR, Duffy, JR (in press). primary progressive aphasia. In http://www.maccs.mq.edu.au/pipermail/cadig/2001-December/000011.html | |
59. Michel Habib research on the specific theme of cerebral plasticity in the elderly subject sufferingfrom degenerative pathology, specifically primary progressive aphasia. http://www.criugm.qc.ca/Anglais/habmA.html | |
60. Colin David Field primary progressive aphasia Serial neurolinguistic, neuropsychological and radiologicalfindings with neuropathological results. Aphasiology, 9, 495-516. http://www.psychology.adelaide.edu.au/members/external/colinfield/colinfield.htm |
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