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         Runners Knee:     more detail
  1. Runner's World Knee Book by Monica Halpern, 1985-01-01
  2. Runner's knee affects 30% of female athletes: the pain syndrome is usually caused by improper tracking of the kneecap in the patellofemoral groove.(Clinical Rounds): An article from: Pediatric News by Melinda Tanzola, 2006-09-01
  3. The runner's knees-- forces and torques (Honors paper) by Robyn A Wilson, 1996
  4. Sports Injuriesthe Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Shin Splints * Strains * Low Back Pain * Tennis Elbow * Runners Knee * Stiff Neck * Pulled * Hamstring * Sprains * Charlie Horses * Muscle Spasms * Stiff Shoulders by Kraus Hans MD, 1981
  5. The Runners World Knee Book
  6. Poor knee alignment.: An article from: Running & FitNews by Anne Carlyle, Robert Erickson, et all 2005-09-01
  7. Leaving Knee Pain Behind.: An article from: Running & FitNews by Gale Reference Team, 2007-09-01
  8. The ABCs of Running Injuries-Knees by Claudia Piepenburg, 2001-04-01
  9. Knee pain: three while they run.: An article from: Running & FitNews by Gale Reference Team, 2007-09-01
  10. The influence of matching populations on kinematic and kinetic variables in runners with iliotibial band syndrome.(Biomechanics)(Report): An article from: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport by Stefan Grau, Christian Maiwald, et all 2008-12-01
  11. An in-depth look at determining coronary fitness.: An article from: Running & FitNews by Gale Reference Team, 2008-11-01

41. Running Injuries - Helpful Information From Dr. Stephen M. Pribut
Contains up to date information on injuries, tips on stretching, strengthening and running style.Category Health Professions Physical Therapist Sport Therapy...... Runner's Knee Problems What is runners knee? What factors contribute to it? Whatexercises should you do for knee pain? Does pronation affect the knee?
Dr. Pribut's Running Injuries Page
by Stephen M. Pribut, D.P.M., F.A.A.P.S.M.
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Achilles Tendonitis

How can you get rid of your Achilles Tendonitis How can you reduce the risk of recurrence. What stretches are good and which ones are bad? Iliotibial Band Syndrome What causes iliotibial band syndrome. How can you treat it yourself? Can orthotics help? What stretches work best? Runner's Knee Problems What is runners knee? What factors contribute to it? What exercises should you do for knee pain? Does pronation affect the knee? Ankle Sprains What should you do immediately if you've sprained your ankle? Can the doctor help? How can you keep this from recurring? If you've read that 70% get better within 6 months what can you do to be in that 70% and to turn that 70% into 95%.

42. Frequently Asked Questions DRS
7.1. runners knee. Olaf van Buul over de runners knee Oorzaak = overbelastingRemedie = sterker maken van spieren en pezen rondom de knie. HOE?
F requently A sked Q uestions DRS-NL D UTCH LANGUAGE R UNNER'S S OCIETY Beginscherm DRS-NL Terminologie Training ... Bio's
7. Blessures (1)
  • 7.1 Runners Knee 7.2 Koorts 7.3 Voetblessures 7.3.1 Blessure aan hiel ... Deel 2
    7.1. Runners Knee
    Olaf van Buul over de Runners Knee:
    "Oorzaak = overbelasting
    Remedie = sterker maken van spieren en pezen rondom de knie HOE? 1. Veel rekken van het bovenbeen (quadriceps) 2. Als een 'klein kind' op een tafel gaan zitten en je benen heen en weer zwaaien. Ca. 10 minuten perdag. Hierdoor laat je alles in de knie werken, zonder de mechanische belasting die je bij het lopen hebt. 3. Ga in langzit op de grond zitten met een opgerolde handdoek onder de knie. Probeer je onderbeenvanuit je kniegewricht omhoog te krijgen (lukt maar maximaal 1 cm of zo, geen nood). 4. Loop vooral niet te lang achter elkaar. Ik ben middenafstander en bij mij was het zo dat duurlopen absoluut niet gingen (na 10 minuten last), maar als ik korte tempo's liep (400 meters) ging het wel." Om het risico op een runners knee te verkleinen:"Een tip is wellicht regelmatig van schoeisel te verwisselen: loop niet elke training op het zelfde model. De idee is dat je dan de je knie gevarieerder belast. "

43. Meiðsli
Sjúkraþjálfun. Hlauparahné (runners knee) Hlauparahné (runners knee) eru algengálagseinkenni langhlaupara og koma fram sem eymsli utanvert á hné.
  • Einkenni:
  • 44. Runner's Knee Rehabilitation
    runners knee rehabilitation probably the most common pain for a runneris a pain in the knee. While here. runners knee rehabilitation.
    Runner's knee rehabilitation
    It is sometimes said that even horses know not to run on pavement. Well, horses may know that, but us humans don't. In cities throughout the world, runners take to the streets, pounding the pavement. And all the while, the knees are taking quite a pounding themselves. While serious injuries, fractures, major tears of cartilage and ligaments, need quick medical care, sometimes knee pain can be relieved, or lessened, with good home treatments. bodyOffer(27464) When do knee injuries occur? In many cases, the injuries occur over time, by the constant pounding on the hard pavement. The repetitive movement creates stress on the knee joint, and eventually the pain develops. Note that serious injuries usually happen suddenly. When a football player cringes in pain on the field, he has done something like snapped a ligament so the immediate pain is excruciating. This is different than the gradual, dull ache that can develop on the knees of a runner. Do certain surfaces cause pain in the knee? Think soft, soft and soft. No, not sand, but cushioned tracks are superior to the hard pavement of streets and sidewalks.

    45. Thrift Green Trotters Athletics Club - Brentwood, Essex
    runners knee. Back to injury list Definition Pain all around and underthe kneecap, and stiffness of the knee joint. In severe cases

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    Runners Knee
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    Definition: Pain all around and under the kneecap, and stiffness of the knee joint. In severe cases, flexing the knee may produce a painful grinding sensation. Runner's knee results from running too much or too hard, too soon. Remedies: Poke around the knee. If you find a sore spot,ice it; if you don't, ice won't help. Take anti-inflammatories (see "Three Basics"). If the knee swells, ice it and see a sports-oriented physician. Swelling indicates a major problem, and it may take three to four months for the knee to heal.
    Runner's knee can occur when hamstrings are tight, when quadriceps are much stronger than hamstrings or, in the case of new runners, when quads are weak. All runners should stretch and strengthen quads and hamstrings regularly.
    If you can run through this injury, avoid downhills; flat running and uphills are easier. Wear shoes with adequate sole padding and good motion-control properties. Consider wearing a rubber sleeve with a hole that fits over the kneecap.
    Back to injury list

    © Thrift Green Trotters - 18th March 2002

    46. The Osteopath - Running Injuries, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Frozen Shoulders, Knee C
    lower back pain, aching joints, fallen arches, weak ankles, sciatic pain, kneeligament damage, sprained ankles, groin strains, muscle damage, runners knee.
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    Running Injuries
    There are many common injury presentations for runners. Achilles Tendonotis, Patellar tendonitis, Shin splints, Plantar Fasciitis, Hamstring injuries Quadriceps, Iliotibial tract External rotators and Back injuries are just a few. Many of these injuries are preventable given the correct stretching and muscle balancing exercises. Often there is dysfunction in the joints around the hips and back which prevent the huge forces developed whilst running from being dissipated throughout the body. Poor ability of some joints to rotate will mean compensating elswhere. Usually on a short run this may not cause a problem, however when stepping up to the longer races such as the marathon, breakdown will occurr at the weakest point.
    Correct trainers for your body weight and size are essential, remember most trainers lose 50% of their shock absorption capabilities within the first 50 miles. For a good runner's website where many issue regarding stretching and running are reviewe d visit

    47. Runners Knee
    runners knee. Mange kender det man vil gerne løbe alligevel, men det før fandens ondt på ydersiden af knæet. Et område på størrelse med en 10 kr.
    Runners Knee. Mange kender det man vil gerne løbe alligevel, men det før "fandens" ondt på ydersiden af knæet. Et område på størrelse med en 10 kr. Det kommer og går, holder man det varmt, kan man løbe lidt længere, men det giver en stikkende smerte langt ind i knæet ! De faktorer der gør at man er disponibel for denne skade: - man overpronerer foden (løber indad) - sadlen er for højt indstillet - manglende stødabsorbering i skoene - musklen på ydersiden af hoften er svag Rettelse: Få evt. indlagt en sål (special). Man kan også afhjælpe ved at få indlagt en svangstøtte, for at undgå overproneringen. Saddelhøjden skal helst passe så man mindst kan nå med sin hæl. Vær sikker på at din løbesko modvirker den "negative" belastning du er udsat for. Jeg kan her varmt anbefale Saucony. Lav nogle "Funny jumps" specialøvelser for at styrke musklerne omkring hofteleddet. De er meget effektive - ofte glemte øvelser. Til sidst er kun at sige, sæt belastningen ned til 70 % af max. Lyt til din krop.

    48. Athlete's Advisor Newsletter Back Issue - January 1998 Text
    ARTICLE 3 CROSS TRAINING. ARTICLE 4- runners knee. ARTICLE 5- DON''T BE FOOLEDBY THE WALK-ON LETTER. Leave nothing to chance. ARTICLE 4- runners knee.
    Home Hitting Tips Nutrition ... Sample- Chapters January 1998 Newsletter Articles To Newsletter Menu Author: Ray Lauenstein , Athlete's Advisor ARTICLE 1 -GOAL SETTING TIPS ARTICLE 2 - ASK THE ADVISOR ARTICLE 3 - CROSS TRAINING ARTICLE 4 - RUNNERS KNEE ARTICLE 5 - DON''T BE FOOLED BY THE WALK-ON LETTER ARTICLE 6- SPEED SERIES Part 3 of 7 BALLISTICS ARTICLE 7- HEART RATE TRAINING ARTICLE 8 - SENSIBLE WEIGHT LOSS by Nancy Clark ARTICLE 9 - CAN MUSIC IMPROVE PERFORMANCE? ARTICLE 10 - NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS THAT WORK! ARTICLE 1 - Goal Setting Tips January is a time when we often set goals for the upcoming year. Follow these proven goal setting tips:
  • Be as specific as possible and define the desired behavior. Challenge yourself to reach for new levels but make it realistic. Have a way to measure the results of your efforts. State your goals in the positive by avoiding words such as can’t won’t and not. Whatever it is you want to achieve, write it down. Reward yourself for attaining goals. MOST IMPORTANTLY - WRITE YOUR GOALS DOWN!
  • 49. Running Knee Injury
    Sports Injuries Chondromalacia (runners knee) and Iliotibial Band Syndrome KneeInjury and Cross Training Chondromalacia (runners knee) and Iliotibial Band knee injury

    50. !Hely And Weber Sells The Matt Pat Strap, The World Famous Athletic Injury Preve
    patellar tendon. Useful in treating the following Patellar tendinitis(Jumpers or runners knee); Epiconoylitis; Osgood Schlatter's
    MATT//PAT. STRAP *Matt//Pat.strap
    • Unique composite buttress fabricated of foamed silicone with a "Spectron" non-slip backing Full two inch band of support anteriorly, narrows conveniently posteriorly to limit restriction in the popliteal area.
    Useful in treating the following:
    • Patellar tendinitis (Jumpers or Runners Knee) Epiconoylitis Osgood Schlatter's Disease Chondromalacia Patella Improved Patella Tracking Iliotibial Band Sydrome Other Extremity Tendinitis
    Order Number
    *Sized to mimic our Knee sleeve sizing measurements:
    Measure at mid patella with leg fully extended
    XS= 12"-13" SM= 13"-14" Med= 14"-15"
    LG= 15"-17" XL= 16"-18" *Designed in collaboration with Matt Shapiro, M.D. Eugene, OR Max Patella Stabilizing Orthosis
    • Uniquely uncomplicated design that functions with superiority Constructed of contact closure 1/8" Neoprene with a "Spectron" buttress Simple wrap-around design, one size fits all, left or right

    51. It's Runner's Knee, But Soccer And Basketball Players And Cyclists Get It
    Click Here. Sports News, Sports Features, Books. HaLife Sports. It's calledrunners knee, but soccer and basketball players and cyclists get it.
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    Sports News, Sports Features, Books HaLife Sports It's called runners knee, but soccer and basketball players and cyclists get it Whether you refer to it as chondromalacia patella, anterior knee syndrome, or runner's knee, anyone whose foot rolls inward when playing or walking can get it. It's not age-related, and the treatment is the same for everyone from the kids to grandpa. It starts with the kneecap, which is supposed to ride smoothly up and down as you walk, run, or cycle. More often, your foot rolls in as you move from heel to toe, and the kneecap scrapes the cartilage on one side. The cartilage weeps in protest, and the joint hurts from no particular injury. It's worse going up and down stairs, and the knee feels stiff after you sit awhile. What can you do? Athroscopic surgery doesn't help much, and most other fixes are only temporary. Proper orthotics are the most important step. They prevent the roll that causes the scraping. Soon the patella cartilage that has been injured can start to regenerate itself. Orthotics alone won't do it, however. The muscle in the front of your thigh that's supposed to hold the kneecap in the center has to be strengthened.

    52. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 4
    Patellofemoral Syndrome runners knee, If you would This Month PatellofemoralSyndrom or runners knee. Disabilities involving the
    Patellofemoral Syndrome "Runners Knee I f you would like a copy of our monthly newsletter discussing the cause and treatment of different common injuries that we treat at Maumee Physical Therapy, please leave us your e-mail address below: NEWLETTER ARCHIVE:
    Tennis Elbow Osteoporosis Plantar Fascitis ... Shoulder Injuries This Month - Patellofemoral Syndrom or "Runners Knee D isabilities involving the knee and more specifically the patella (knee cap) are common in all age groups. Many causes can be blamed on these problems including direct trauma such as falls and auto accidents, biomechanical deficiencies, and training errors in runners. Over time these problems can lead to a wearing of the cartilage which covers the underside of the patella, leading to osteoarthritis characterized by joint noises and pain. Activities such as stair climbing, stooping, and kneeling can often aggravate these symptoms.
    Depending on the cause of the problem and the severity of the condition, physical therapy may be prescribed as a conservative treatment option. An exercise program designed to strengthen the quadriceps (upper thigh) muscles without irritating the patellofemoral joint can help to "realign" the patella and reduce frictional forces. Tightness in the hamstring and lateral (outside) hip muscles must also be addressed. Ice application after exercise is often used to prevent joint inflammation. A good home program includes appropriate exercise and instruction of activities to avoid such as excessive stooping and stairclimbing.

    53. Gary Sobel Physiotherapist
    Johannesburg, South Africa, Fax (011) 6473569. runners knee Injury. Astore bought arch support may alleviate many a runners knee pain.
    Suite 411, Linksfield Park Clinic Gary Sobel 24, 12th Avenue B.Sc. (Physiotherapy) Wits E-mail: Linksfield West Physiotherapist Tel: (011) 647-3570 Johannesburg, South Africa Fax: (011) 647-3569 Runners Knee Injury
    Pain around and under the kneecap is probably the most common complaint amongst runners. This peri-patella pain, because of it's high frequency amongst runners, is termed "runner's knee". Generally the knee pains develop after a couple of kilometres of running and grow in intensity as the running continues. Hard downhill running will tend to be extremely painful with an already painful knee. After a night's rest, the knee might feel a little better to begin with, but the pain is likely to recur at approximately the same point in your run. The same may be true of taking time off. When you begin training again, the pain may return when you reach your old level of distance and intensity. The runner must be aware of any pains that develop in his knees, and should write down in his log-book exactly when his symptoms developed, how painful it became, what aggravated and/or eased his symptoms and the time period his pain lasted for after the run. Based on the above information, the runner can assess whether his problem is likely to be a biomechanical problem, or simply an

    54. Knee Pain Among Runners
    KNEE PAIN AMONG RUNNERS By Carey DonohueLawson PT. Knee pain is acommon complaint among runners. Patellofemoral pain syndrome 2/knee.htm
    KNEE PAIN AMONG RUNNERS By Carey Donohue-Lawson P.T. Knee pain is a common complaint among runners. Patellofemoral pain syndrome accounts for many injuries that runners suffer. This condition is due to irritation of the cartilage on the undersurface of the patella (kneecap). The patellofemoral joint consists of the kneecap and the thigh bone (femur). As you bend and straighten the knee, the patella should travel in a groove on the femur. In patellofemoral syndrome, the patella is not centered in this groove, causing wear and tear on the patellar cartilage. The undersurface of the patella is usually smooth, however, due to the uneven wear, it becomes roughened and softened (chondramalacia). Pain, swelling and grinding noises (crepitus) result due to the increased tension and pressure in the knee while it is in the bent position. Factors that may increase the likelihood of having patellofemoral pain syndrome include: overuse with activities involving deep knee bending and pounding (jogging, hiking, downhill running), "knock- knees", flat (pronated) feet, wide hips, weak front and inner thigh muscles and tight lateral thigh muscles, a family tendency or a previous injury. Pain and swelling due to this condition can be relieved by rest, ice and over the counter anti-inflammatory medications. Modification of activities that require bending the knee may also be helpful. However, if the symptoms worsen or persist, you should consult your Physician. Anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed to alleviate the pain and swelling. Physical Therapy will help decrease inflammation and restore the optimal positioning of the patella. Exercises are employed that are intended to stretch the muscles on the outside of the thigh and strengthen the muscles in the front and inner part of the thigh. The patella will then move smoothly through the groove on the femur when the thigh muscles are strong and well balanced. Surgery may be indicated in cases not responding to conservative treatment.

    55. Fitness Find's Injury & Prevention Page: Sport Injury Information, Prevention, S
    Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper's Knee); runners knee;Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (runners knee)
    Fitness Find Home Page Bicycling Cross Training Motivation ... Yoga
    Sport Injury Information, Prevention, Stretching Tips,
    FAQ's,and More!
    General Injury Information

    56. New Page 0
    Anterior knee pain known as “runners knee” among road runners and “cyclist’sknee” in the cycling fraternity is one of the most common disabling
    Home What is Physiotherapy Enquiries Site Menu Find a Physio Physios with a Special Interest Find a Supplier FREE Classified Ads ... Education Physiotherapy Newsletter Subscribe to our
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    It will provide you with in teresting articles, product news, special promotions and more! Name: Email:
    The physiotherapy newsletter is FREE and published monthly. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your email address is kept confidential. News or article submissions are welcomed. Send your submission to Advice from: Tel:(011) 640-2097 or 485-3447
    Taping Method for Painful Knees
    While exercise is known to be vital for one’s general health, many physically active people develop conditions, which make it impossible for them to continue with their chosen form of activity. Anterior knee pain known as “runners knee” among road runners and “cyclist’s knee” in the cycling fraternity is one of the most common disabling conditions affecting physically active people of all ages – particularly athletes. The symptoms of this condition are pain behind or around the kneecap which might be associated with “creaking” while bending and straightening the knee when running, riding or exercising. The pain is usually aggravated by various activities, especially

    57. Sports Knee Braces
    Braces Useful Links common knee injuries, knee injuries symptoms, runners knee,iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), knee injuries treatments hyperbaric oxygen
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    New book for over 40s by the Tullohs Click here for details Free copy of Sports Injury Bulletin delivered to you Reporting on the most interesting new research in the Sports Injury field Click here for free copy Home Recommended Products ... Peak Talk Submit your email address for a FREE training tips newsletter:
    Sports Knee Braces
    Sports Knee Braces: Does wearing a knee brace improve or hamper your ability to perform? Squash and basketball players, runners and other athletes often wear sports knee braces during workouts and competitions. Sometimes the sports knee braces are worn after injury or surgery to limit and control movement at the knee and protect the knee from further damage; on other occasions, the sports knee braces may simply assist or provide stability for unsteady knees. Lots of athletes with knee troubles report that running feels easier and more sustainable when they are wearing a brace However, it's not clear to what extent sports knee braces actually affect performance. Because they tend to limit and control movement at the knee, can they slow athletes down significantly?

    58. Knee Cartilage (meniscal) Tears
    operative procedures. (see runners knee in archives). Fragments ofthe torn cartilage found during arthroscopy can be removed. This
    Knee cartilage (meniscal) tears Background information
    There are two cartilages in each knee. They are half-moon shaped pads between the large bones of the upper and lower leg. They absorb shocks and allow smooth functioning of the joint. Normal knee movement involves rotation. Forced rotation together with weight-bearing can lead to cartilage tears of varying severity. The cartilage on the inside of the knee is the most commonly affected. Symptoms
    The symptoms range from minimal aching to a painful, locking knee. There may be clicking and swelling. The knee can also give way in various positions and the range of movement of the joint may be limited. Diagnosis
    Full details of how the injury occurred and an examination of the knee are required, sometimes followed by other investigations such as arthroscopy or MRI. Meniscal tears can be difficult to diagnose. They can be combined with ligament injuries. Arthroscopy is a visual examination inside the knee using a special illuminated instrument and usually provides an accurate diagnosis. This investigation has been partly replaced by a new non-invasive imaging technique called MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), which also often confirms the diagnosis.

    59. Roswell, GA Doctor Interviewed On National Television
    run. This knee condition is called chondromalacia or runners knee andyou don't have to be a runner to suffer from this condition.
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    Roswell, GA Doctor Interviewed on National Television
    by Daniel Batchelor,DC Sachi Koto, anchor reporter for CNN, called me and wanted to do an interview for a special report on running injuries. She wanted to know what it is that we do, and why we provide help when many other doctors do not. Sachi Koto is a runner, and she understands that many people have been brainwashed by the commercials and propaganda of the multi-billion-dollar drug and medical-related industries. She wanted to provide the public with the knowledge that there is a better way of treatment. Pain killers, muscle relaxants, and surgery are not the answers. Here are the highlights: Sachi Koto : Dr. Batchelor, why is it that you are able to help so many runners? What is it that makes you different? Dr. Batchelor : I've been a runner for the past 30 years. I've been a doctor that treats runners for almost 20 years. I have run more than 60,000 miles, won more than 300 road races, had almost every injury that a runner could have, and I have rehabilitated every one of my own injuries. It is for these reasons that I am able to help runners that have not been able to receive help elsewhere. Sachi Koto : What are the most common conditions that you treat in runners?

    60. Runner's Knee (Chondromalacia Patella) - Silicone Dynamic Orthotics - Help For H
    runners knee refers to pain primarily on the inside of the knee, althoughpain on both sides or beneath the kneecap can also occur.
    Prescription Shock Absorbers for Your Feet
    Runner's Knee
    (Chondromalacia Patella)
    Runners Knee refers to pain "primarily" on the inside of the knee, although pain on both sides or beneath the kneecap can also occur. It is more commonly seen in runners as opposed to walkers due to high level of activity, particularly mileage. The key element in this injury is due to overpronation causing a repeated stress of the patella bone moving abnormally from side to side over the groove of the thigh bone (femur), gradually softening the cartilage under the kneecap. The result is the surface of the joint can become rough. Pain may be just a prelude to further destruction of the surface (traumatic arthritis). This injury can be confused with "Patella tendonitis" which is usually pain beneath the patella bone. In either case it is the "tracking" of either the bone or tendon which needs to be addressed.
    Other causes of this injury can be:
  • Weak quads Muscle imbalance Direct or repeated trauma An untreated ligament injury Running on a banked surface (similar to ITB Syndrome History of trauma
  • To treat:
  • Decrease activity Rest if pain and swelling Ice (for 15-20 minutes) Aspirin or Ibuprofen Physiotherapy Silicone Dynamic Orthotics to correct musculo-skeletal alignment, by correcting over- pronation.
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