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San Joaquin Valley Fever: more detail | |||||
21. Health Ency.: Index Page Salmon patch Salmon patches Salmonella enterocolitis Salmonellosis Salpingitis SalpingooophoritisSalpingo-peritonitis san joaquin valley fever San Joaquin http://www.austin360.com/shared/health/adam/ency/index/diseidxs.html | |
23. San Joaquin Valley Fever san joaquin valley fever. A Hospital. A resource with informationon over 4000 medical topics including san joaquin valley fever. http://www.bloodandmarrowtransplant.com/medical-terms/03389.htm | |
24. San Joaquin Valley Fever san joaquin valley fever. A Hospital. A resource with informationon over 4000 medical topics including san joaquin valley fever. http://www.bloodandmarrowtransplant.com/medical-terms/00272.htm | |
25. Posadas-Wernicke Disease (Robert Johann Wernicke) (www.whonamedit.com) disease Synonyms Coccidioidal granuloma, coccidioidomycosis, desert rheumatism,valley fever, San Joaquin fever, san joaquin valley fever, Valley fever. http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/3062.html | |
26. Valleyfeversurvivor.com After an outbreak in the 1930s in the San Joaquin Valley of California, this diseasewas given its nickname san joaquin valley fever, often shortened http://www.valleyfeversurvivor.com/history.html | |
27. MEDLINEplus Medical Encyclopedia: Topics Beginning With S-Sh PID); san joaquin valley fever see Coccidioidomycosis chronic pulmonary;san joaquin valley fever see Coccidioidomycosis; Sanfilippo http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/encyclopedia_S-Sh.htm | |
28. MEDLINEplus Medical Encyclopedia: Coccidioidomycosis - Chronic Pulmonary Alternative names Return to top san joaquin valley fever; Desert Rheumatism.Definition Return to top A disease caused by breathing http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000096.htm | |
29. MDAdvice.com - Health Library - Pediatric Symptoms & Illnesses VALLEY FEVER (san joaquin valley fever; Coccidioidomycosis; ''Cocci'') MDAdvice.comHome Health Library Pediatric Symptoms and Illnesses . http://www.mdadvice.com/library/ped/pedillsymp451.html | |
30. Health Library Find Information On Disease Reference At gland tumors Salmon patch Salmonella enterocolitis Salmonellosis Salpingitis SalpingooophoritisSalpingo-peritonitis san joaquin valley fever San Joaquin http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_adam.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszSzcns |
31. Dorlands Medical Dictionary nodosum (bumps). Called also desert or valley fever, San Joaquin orsan joaquin valley fever, and desert rheumatism. progressive http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszS |
32. Coccidioidomycosis - Chronic Pulmonary pulmonary) condition. Alternative Names san joaquin valley fever; DesertRheumatism. Causes, incidence, and risk factors The infection http://www.pennhealth.com/ency/article/000096.htm | |
33. Emerging Diseases In Southern Sea Otters Before our study, coccidioidomycosis, or san joaquin valley fever, hadbeen described in a sea otter only once, in 1976 (Cornell et al. http://biology.usgs.gov/s t/SNT/noframe/ca165.htm |
34. PH Letter 4/94 COCCIDIODOMYCOSIS SAN JOAQUIN VAL FEVER, NON-TB LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. PUBLIC HEALTH LETTER.April 1994 Vol. 16, No 3. COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS (san joaquin valley fever). http://www.lapublichealth.org/acd/news/phl94/acdn1603.htm | |
35. ILDS: ICD-10 - By Code [B379 - B889] B379 Moniliasis (NOS), B380 Fever San Joaquin valley, B380 Fever valley, B380san joaquin valley fever, B380 Valley fever, B383 Coccidioidomycosis of skin, http://www.ilds.org/icd10/bycode/B-02.html | |
36. Coccidioides Immitis, Cause Of Coccidioidomycosis, Aka Valley Fever, San Joaquin This month's fungus is Coccidioides immitis, cause of the fungal disease coccidioidomycosis,aka Valley Fever, san joaquin valley fever, desert bumps, desert http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/jan2002.html | |
37. Trapline By 1954, the army added anthrax, san joaquin valley fever (a hardy sporeformingfungus found in California's San Joaquin Valley), and Venezuelan equine http://home.attbi.com/~kknowlto/trapline.htm | |
38. LANDLINE MAGAZINE - October 2001 Valley Fever (or san joaquin valley fever) is a disease of the lungs that is commonin the southwestern United States (California, Arizona, West Texas, New http://www.landlinemag.com/Archives/2001/Oct2001/Your Health/valley_fever.html | |
39. American Lung Association Of Santa Clara-San Benito Counties Cocci, otherwise known as valley fever, desert fever, and san joaquin valley fever,is a sickness of degree, meaning that most people catching it do not get http://www.lungsrus.org/cocci.html | |
40. National Health Service Corps:Success Stories was not good, with residents having a high incidence of diabetes, high blood pressure,high cholesterol, asthma, and san joaquin valley fever, a respiratory http://nhsc.bhpr.hrsa.gov/success_stories/california.html | |
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