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Shwachman Syndrome: more detail |
61. IRSC - Rare Disorders RubinsteinTaybi Syndrome, Schizencephaly, shwachman syndrome. Sturge-WeberSyndrome, Turner-Syndrome, Williams Syndrome. Web Pages, Online Community, http://www.irsc.org:8080/irsc/irscmain.nsf/cat?readform&cat=Rare Disorders&type= |
62. Mioti: Medical Condition Shingles, Shock. SHORT Syndrome, Shprintzen Goldbert. ShulmanSyndrome, shwachman syndrome. Shy Drager Syndrome, Sialadenitis. http://www.mioti.com/cat/condition/results.asp?Alpha=S |
63. Useful Links SeptoOptic-Dysplasia Support Group, 3398. shwachman syndrome Support International,3453. Shwachman-Diamond America, 3453. Shwachman-Diamond Friends, 3453. http://www.possum.net.au/links.htm | |
64. Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome What is shwachmanDiamond syndrome? shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS) is a rare genetic disorder that occurs in http://www.shwachman.org/ |
65. Angelica And Gabriel's In-site Due to the rarity of the disease shwachman Diamond syndrome (SDS), or shwachmansyndrome (SS) when Angel was born, including the lack of knowledge http://users.chariot.net.au/~dna/angelica.html | |
66. Shwachman-Diamond America Profiles SDA, a nonprofit that educates doctors and families about shwachmandiamond syndrome and also supports research. http://shwachmandiamondamerica.org | |
67. What's Shwachman's Syndrome? What's shwachman's syndrome? It is a pathological condition, describedfor the first time by Dr shwachman and by Dr Diamond from http://users.libero.it/aiss/Pag1_ing.html | |
68. A.I.S.S. Shwachman's Syndrome Italian Association Translate this page A.I.S.S. Associazione Italiana Sindrome di shwachman http://users.libero.it/aiss/index_ing.html | |
69. EMedicine - Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome : Article By Antoinette C Spoto-Cannons, shwachmanDiamond syndrome - shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS) is a rare congenitaldisorder characterized by pancreatic insufficiency, bone marrow dysfunction http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic2060.htm | |
70. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med -- Page Not Found shwachman's syndrome a review of 21 cases. Arch Dis Child. 1980;55331347. shwachman'ssyndrome and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. BMJ. 1978;218. MEDLINE 11. http://archpedi.ama-assn.org/issues/v155n5/ffull/ppc9915-1b.html | |
71. Shwachman-Diamond America shwachmanDiamond America, Charity site dedicated to Funding and promoting researchin all aspects of shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS), and to Facilitate http://www.shwachmandiamondamerica.org/ | |
72. Classic Neutropenic Syndromes - Neutropenia Support Association Inc. shwachman's syndrome shwachman's syndrome, described in 1964, is characterizedby pancreatic insufficiency and neutropenia. It is http://www.neutropenia.ca/about/classic_syndromes.html | |
73. Back To School With Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome- Neutropenia Support Association Real Life Stories. Back To School With shwachmanDiamond syndrome. By Kelly Bright.Fall is just around the corner and soon it will be back to school time. http://www.neutropenia.ca/community/rls/back_to_school.html | |
74. IBMFS - Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome shwachmanDiamond syndrome (SD). SD patients have poor food absorption(malabsorption) and low white blood cell counts (neutropenia). http://marrowfailure.cancer.gov/SD.html | |
75. The Second International Congress On Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome J O I N U S I N T O R O N T O. The Second International Congress on shwachmanDiamondSyndrome June 16 - 17, 2003, THE SUTTON PLACE HOTEL TORONTO, CANADA. http://www.cme.utoronto.ca/sds/ | |
76. The Second International Congress On Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome J O I N U S I N T O R O N T O. The Second International Congress on shwachmanDiamondSyndrome, THE SUTTON PLACE HOTEL TORONTO, CANADA June 16 - 17, 2003. http://www.cme.utoronto.ca/sds/tourism.htm | |
77. Sick Kids Researchers Identify Gene For Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome at The Hospital for Sick Children (HSC) and the University of Toronto (U of T)have identified the gene that is altered in shwachmanDiamond syndrome. http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2002-12/uot-skr122002.php | |
78. Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Canada DIVISION TYPE DEADLINE LIFE (MED RELATED) GRANT (LOI) APR 25, 2002 (LOI) shwachmanDIAMONDSYNDROME CANADA (SDS) Dr. RA Speers, Chair Research Committee http://www.umanitoba.ca/vpresearch/ors/funding/pages/index_qt/rz162d.htm | |
79. Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome INCIDENCE, Rare. GEOGRAPHY, shwachmanDiamond syndrome in a Mexican family. IMMUNEDEFECTS, Immune function in patients with shwachman-Diamond syndrome. http://www.thedoctorsdoctor.com/diseases/shwachman-diamond_syndrome.htm | |
80. Entrez-PubMed here to read shwachmanDiamond syndrome with exocrine pancreatic dysfunction andbone marrow failure maps to the centromeric region of chromosome 7. Goobie S http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1 |
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