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         Tabes Dorsalis:     more books (71)
  1. Superior tabes by Max H Bochroch, 1902
  2. Selections from the clinical works of Dr. Duchenne (de Boulogne) (The New Sydenham Society. [Publications]) by G.-B Duchenne, 1883
  3. Treatment of locomotor ataxia by exercise of precision by John K Mitchell, 1909
  4. Progressive locomotor ataxy: Its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment by Julius Althaus, 1866
  5. Spinal anæmia due to syphilis by Orville Horwitz, 1892
  6. The treatment of tabetic ataxia by means of systematic exercise: An exposition of the principles and practice of compensatory movement treatment by H. S Frenkel, 1902
  7. Suspension in locomotor ataxia by S. Weir Mitchell, 1890
  8. Locomotor ataxia confined to the arms: Reversal of ordinary progress by S. Weir Mitchell, 1888
  9. Locomotor ataxia: Etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment by J. Arthur Taff, 1910
  10. A study of locomotor ataxia and kindred diseases: Based on the treatment of 600 cases by Clarence Henry Burton, 1914
  11. The intensive treatment of syphilis & locomotor ataxia by Aachen methods by Reginald Hewlett Hayes, 1920
  12. The treatment of locomotor ataxia by methodical exercises by Maurice Faure, 1907
  13. On sclerosis of the spinal cord: Including locomotor ataxy, spastic spinal paralysis, and other system-diseases of the spinal cord: their pathology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment by Julius Althaus, 1885
  14. Illustrations of the anomalous course of posterior spinal sclerosis by E. C Seguin, 1884

81. Medial Saúde
Translate this page parenquima (tecido) cerebral. Também ocorre o acometimento da medulacausando o que chamamos de tabes dorsalis. Quadro Clínico.

82. Charcot Joints Information At!
Musgrave. Charcot is credited for his work in 1868 for describing gaitanomalies of patients with syphilis (tabes dorsalis). Jordan Joints

83. Nörosifiliz
Tabetik nörosifiliz (tabes dorsalis) Enfeksiyöz geç meningoradikülittir.Geçmis yillarda nörosifilizin en sik görülen
Dr. Nesrin Buket Tomruk , Dr. Nesrin Karamustafalýoðlu Dr. Reþit Kükürt , Dr. Nihat Alpay
Sifiliz, geliþmekte olan ülkelerde en sýk görülen cinsel yolla bulaþan hastalýklardan biridir. Antibiyotiklerin yaygýn kullanýmý ile doðal seyri deðiþmiþ ve geç evre nörosifiliz çok farklý klinik görünümlerde ortaya çýkmaya baþlamýþtýr. Geliþmiþ ülkelerde ise AIDS ve HIV seropozitifliði ile birlikte, erken ve yeterli tedaviye raðmen nörosifilize hýzlý ilerleme görülebilmektedir. Makalemizde uzun psikiyatrik öyküye raðmen, tedaviye direnç ve belirgin biliþsel yetersizlik nedeniyle tetkikleri derinleþtirilerek nörosifiliz saptanan bir olgu ýþýðýnda, psikiyatrik hastalýklarýn ayýrýcý tanýsýnda nörosifilizin düþünülmesi gerektiði vurgulanmaktadýr. Anahtar kelimeler: Sifiliz, nörosifiliz, psikiyatrik bozukluklar Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni 1998; 8(4):235-240
Syphilis is still one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases among developing countries. Frequent use of antibiotics has altered the natural course of this disease and late stage neurosyphilis has started to be seen in various clinical manifestations. In developed countries, syphilis has made a comeback in HIV seropositive / AIDS patients and rapid progression to neurosyphilis is common despite early and adequate treatment. We would like to discuss one neurosyphilis case in whom; despite a long psychiatric history, cognitive impairment and resistance to antipsychotic medication led to further investigations. We would like to emphasize the importance of neurosyphilis’ being kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of psychiatric patients.

84. Tohtori - Tietopankki Haku
taalto , T-aalto , T-poikkeama t-poikkeama , T-aalto , T-poikkeama taabes tabacumtabes dorsalis tabes tabletta tabletti tabu tachyarrhythmia tachycardia

85. Die. -- Dict: T.*
pepper tabasco plant Tabasco sauce tabbouleh tabby tabby cat Tabernacle TabernaclesTabernaemontana Tabernaemontana divaricate tabes tabes dorsalis tabi tabis*

86. Alumina
Translate this page der willkürlichen und unwillkürlichen Muskulatur und motorische Lähmungserscheinungenähneln denen der tabes dorsalis, wogegen Alumina, seit v
Home Geschichte Theorie Materia Medica ... Arzneistoffe in alphabetischer Ordnung Lateinische Bezeichnung Deutsche Bezeichnung Gruppe: Alumina
Al O
alum. Tonerde HAB I Vorschrift: 6 Verwendet wird
Aluminiumoxid Ha/TrR HC Aluminium ZUR SUBSTANZ
"Alumina has been used in nervous affections of a very grave charakter. Boenninghausen used the metal Aluminium for the following symptoms in that dreaded disease, locomotor ataxia: frequent dizziness; objects turn in a circle; ptosis, diplopia or strabismus; inability to walk in the dark or with the eyes closed without staggering; feels as if walking on cushions. There is formication, or sensation as from creeping of aunts in the back and legs. The nates go to sleep when sitting. The heels become numb when walking. A feeling in the face as though it was covered with cobwebs, or as though the white of an egg had dried on it. Pain in the back, as though a hot iron were thrust into the spine. These are the symptoms indicating Alumina, and these are the symptoms which led Boenninghausen to Aluminium, and enabled him to cure four cases of the disease." FM ALLGEMEINES

87. English Definition Of Tabes -
tabes. 1. a wasting of a bodily organ or part. 2. short for {tabesdorsalis}. from Latin a wasting away tabetic t b t k adj.

88. Roche Lexikon Medizin (4. Aufl.) - Neurosyphilis
WaR u. Nebenreaktionen positiv. Verwandte Themen.
Neuro syphilis engl.: neurosyphilis
die Syphilis Lues cerebri Tabes dorsalis
Verwandte Themen Lues Metasyphilis Neurolues Syphilis ... Tabes dorsalis

89. Infections & Myelopathy
bands. Spirochetes. Syphilis Meningovascular; Arachnoiditis; Tabesdorsalis. Lyme Spastic paraparasis; Bladder dysfunction. Tuberculosis.

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Neuromuscular Disorders

Tabes dorsalis
From Bramwell: Atlas of Clinical Medicine
Polio: Arm atrophy
  • Events after viral exposure
    • Asymptomatic: 90% to 95%
    • Minor illness: 1 to 5 days after exposure
      • Fever
      • Malaise, Myalgia
      • Sore throat, GI upset
    • Major illness: 4 to 10 days
      • Aseptic meningitis
      • Fever
      • Pain: Headache, stiff neck, back pain
    • Paralytic disease: 50% of those with major illness
      • After 2 to 5 days of illness
      • Fasciculations: Localized
      • Pain: Intense myalgia, hyperesthesia
      • Weakness
        • Onset: Fulminent, Acute, or Subacute
        • Focal or Asymmetric
        Acute dysautonomia
        • Blood pressure instability
        • Cardiac arrhythmia
        • GI: Atony, Constipation
        • Urinary retention
        • Sweating: Increased or Decreased
      • Differential diagnosis
      • Lab
        • Serology: Serum 4-fold rise; CSF IgM poliovirus specific
        • Culture: Stool positive in 90% @ 20 days
        • Electrodiagnostic: Selective loss of motor axons @ 7 to 10 days
      • Also see
        Other Viruses
        Varicella zoster
        • Transverse myelitis
        Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) R. Schmidt

90. Ophthalmologist And Eponyms - Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb ARgyll Robertson
Argyll Robertson's syndrome = A frequent symptom of neurosyphilis, especially tabesdorsalis, and other diseases of thecentral nervous system, in which the
Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson Scottish ophthalmologist, born 1837, Edinburgh; died 3rd January, 1909, Gonday near Bombay, India.
Argyll Robertson's syndrome = A frequent symptom of neurosyphilis, especially tabes dorsalis, and other diseases of thecentral nervous system, in which the pupil is small and responds slowly or not at all to light, but reaction to accommodation and convergence is retained. Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson
was one of the first surgeons to specialize entirely in the field of ophthalmology and his name has been forever associated with the phenomenon he described in the pupil found in tabes dorsalis. Not until the beginning of this century was lues generally accepted as the definitive causes of the different manifestations from the nervous system, following the discovery by Schaudinn and Hoffmann of the treponema pallidium in 1905 and August Paul von Wassermann’s (1866-1925) serologic test in 1906. Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson was born in 1837 in Edinburgh, where his father, John Argyll Robertson, was a general surgeon, with a special interest in surgery of the eye. He received his early education in Edinburgh, and then studied medicine at St. Andrews, from where he graduated in 1857, the year of his father’s death. He returned to Edinburgh to work as a house surgeon at the Royal Infirmary before departing for Berlin to study under the leading ophthalmologist of the day, Albrecht von Graefe (1828-1870). In this he was following on the work of his father who had been a lecturer in surgery at Edinburgh in the extra-mural school and had confined himself chiefly to ophthalmic surgery. During the 1850s, the invention of the ophthalmoscope by Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821-1894) in 1851, and the new operations such as iridectomy introduced by von Graefe in 1856 ensured that ophthalmology developed into a specialty of its own right.

91. Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson (
Argyll Robertson's syndrome A frequent symptom of neurosyphilis, especially tabesdorsalis, and other diseases of the central nervous system, in which the


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Eponyms A-Z

Biographies by country

Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson
Scottish ophthalmologist and eye surgeon, born 1837, Edinburgh; died January 3, 1909, Gonday near Bombay, India.
Associated eponyms:
Adie's syndrome

A neurological phenomenon in which one or both pupils is dilated and responds slowly or not at all to light and a near stimulus, accompanied by slow constriction and relaxation in the change from near to distant vision, and impaired accommodation. Argyll Robertson's syndrome A frequent symptom of neurosyphilis, especially tabes dorsalis, and other diseases of the central nervous system, in which the pupil is small and responds slowly or not at all to light, but reaction to accommodation and convergence is retained. Biography: Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson was one of the first surgeons to specialize entirely in the field of ophthalmology and his name has been forever associated with the phenomenon he described in the pupil found in tabes dorsalis. In 1869 Argyll Robertson described the phenomenon in two articles. The pupils of these patients were small; they did not react to light, but reacted at accommodation and were only incompletely dilated by atropine. Miotic, irregular pupils without reaction to light were known in singular cases of tabes dorsalis and paralysie générale since the end of the eighteenth century. The combination of miosis and pupils without reaction to light while the power of contraction during accommodation was retained, however, had never before been described.

92. Wilhelm Erb (1840 - 1921)
Wilhelm Erb
- geboren am 30.11.1840 - Assistent an der Medizinischen Klinik Heidelberg - 1865 Habilitation in Heidelberg
E. Kraepelin
und - 1907 Emeritierung - gestorben am 29.10.1921
- Ueber das Zusammenvorkommen von Neuritis optica und Myelitis subacuta. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr - Spinal myosis and reflex pupillary immobility. Arch Med (New York) 1880; 4: 105-119 (Paris) 1880; 8: 919, 941, 987 Vortrag, gehalten bei dem Antritt des Lehramtes an der Univ. Leipzig am 16. Juni 1880 ) Leipzig: Vogel Ueber spinale Myosis und reflectorische Pupillenstarre - Ein Fall von Tumor in der vorderen Centralwindung des Grosshirns. Dtsch Arch klin Med - Tabes und Syphilis. Zbl med Wiss Zbl Nervenheilk Psychiatr Trans Int Congr Med (London) 1881; 7th Session, Bd. 2: 32-42 Zbl Nervenheilk Psychiatr - Clinical lecture on the diseases of the nervous system. Boston Med Surg J - Ueber den Weg der geschmackvermittelnden Chordafasern zum Gehirn. Neurol Cbl - Notiz zur Aetiologie des Herpes zoster. Neurol Cbl - Handbuch der Elektrotherapie. = Bd. 3 des Ziemssenschen Handbuchs der allgemeinen Therapie.

93. ÇغÎÇб³½Ç
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94. ICD-10 Gruppe A50-A64
Translate this page Dementia paralytica juvenilis Juvenile · progressive Paralyse · Tabesdorsalis · taboparalytische Neurosyphilis Konnatale spätsyphilitische

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