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101. The Atomic Physics Group At The KVI atomic physics at the KVI in Groningen collisions of highly charged ionswith atoms, molecules, clusters and surfaces. *the atomic physics team. http://www.kvi.nl/~atf/ |
102. Who Is Who In Atomic And Plasma Physics (WWAPP) Database from Plasma Laboratory at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/cgi-bin/wwapp |
103. WIS List Of Databases For Atomic And Plasma Physics From Plasma Laboratory of Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/DBfAPP.html |
104. Databases For Atomic And Plasma Physics Collection of several links to databases for atomic and Plasma physics Opacities, atomic spectra, ElectronImpact Ionization Cross Sections, Electron binding energies, X-Ray emission lines, Photoionization, Recombination, Collisional Ionization and Autoionization, Charge Transfer, Auger Processes, Energy Levels, Wavelengths, Transition Probabilities, Collision Strengths, Excitation Rates, Stark Broadening, and much more (from WIS Plasma Laboratory). http://www.astro.spbu.ru/db_web/AtDatCent/DBfAPP.html |
105. All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Of Experimental Physics A history of one of the Soviet Union's leading atomic research institutes. Includes a virtual museum of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons and delivery systems. http://www.vniief.ru/english/index.html |
106. Four Discoveries In Radiation Physics Four discoveries were made recently in radiation physics by M.A.Padmanabha Rao. Three of them experimental observations, the fourth one a new atomic phenomenon. Published in Symposia. http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Facility/8252 |
107. Databases For Atomic, Molecular Optical Physics Research Databases for atomic, molecular optical physics research programsat Kansas State University. AMO physics Databases. Adapted from http://www.phys.ksu.edu/area/jrm/atomic_database.html |
108. Atomic And Plasma Physics Research Group A research group at IAP/TU Wien, Austria. http://www.iap.tuwien.ac.at/www/atomic/ |
109. New Physics 2000 The nature of atomic particles, atomic nuclei and atoms. http://www.newphysics2000.org/ |
110. Learning Science With Computer Assistance Physics Topics A set of simulations to illustrate the historical models of atomic structure and the behavior of light. http://www.alphalink.com.au/~vmck/ |
111. Jobs At The FOM Institute For Atomic And Molecular Physics A listing of doctoral and postdoctoral positions in this institute. http://www.amolf.nl/vacancies/ |
112. Cornell University Laboratory of atomic and Solid State physics, Complex Matter physics Group. http://milou.msc.cornell.edu/ |
113. Physicists And The Bomb College course taught at U of Michigan in the fall of 1999, mainly covering atomic energy, its history and its uses. Has an extensive link collection as part of the course. http://tms.physics.lsa.umich.edu/214/ |
114. Ken Libbrecht @ Caltech Ph76 Advanced atomic and Optical physics Laboratory. For course information,including downloadable descriptions of the individual labs, click here. http://www.its.caltech.edu/~atomic/ |
115. International Baccalaureate Physics Notes Includes HL and SL mechanics, thermal physics, waves, electricity and magnetism, and atomic and nuclear physics. http://homepage.mac.com/stray/ib/ |
116. The Nobel Prize In Physics 1933 Awarded jointly to Erwin Schr¶dinger and Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1933/ |
117. TEL-Atomic Incorporated Sells physics educational apparatus. http://www.telatomic.com/ |
118. Atomic Spectroscopy A compendium of basic ideas, notation, data and formulas from the NIST physics laboratory. http://physics.nist.gov/Pubs/AtSpec/index.html |
119. Atomic Energy Industrial Lab (AEIL) Houston, Texas based company provides radiation safety (health physics) services to the medical, industrial and research community. Services include dosimetry (film and TLD badges), leak and wipe test analysis for radioactive materials, and portable survey instrument calibrations. http://www.aeil.com/ |
120. Conference On Ion-Surface Interactions - 2003 ISI2003 is the 16th traditional conference in a series of biennial meetings promoting the growth and exchange of scientific information on the physics of atomic collisions with solids and related areas. Held Aug 25-29, 2003 in the town of Zvenigorod near Moscow http://www.spbstu.ru/isi/isi.html |
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