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1. Categorical Logic Instructor Steve Awodey Office Baker 152 (mail Baker 135) Office Hour Thursday 12, or by appointment Secretary Baker 135 This course focuses on applications of category theory in logic and computer science. categorical logic. 80-520/820 Borceux, F. Handbook of categorical algebra (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications). http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/catlog | |
2. MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES RESEARCH Research topics include mathematical models and theories in the empirical sciences, models and theories Category Society Philosophy Philosophy of Mathematics...... Handbook of categorical algebra 3Categories of Sheaves. Locales, Sheaves, GrothendieckToposes, The Classifying Topos,Elementary Toposes, Internal logic of a http://www.mmsysgrp.com/mathstrc.htm | |
3. MAA-Amazon Math Book List: Logic Modern algebra and the Rise of Mathematical A logical Approach (Oxford logic Guides,No 16 Uncountably categorical Theories (Translations of Mathematical http://www.maa.org/amazon/algebra/category_theory1.html | |
4. Handbook Of Categorical Algebra - Cambridge University Press This document provides an introduction to the interaction between category theory and mathematical logic which is slanted towards computer scientists. categorical and algebraic aspects of martinlof type theory (context) - Obtu - 1989. 1 with English summary (context) - Minc, the et al. - 1977. 1 the unity of algebra and logic http://books.cambridge.org/0521441803.htm | |
5. Categorical Geometry Homepage This site contains online books and research papers on the subjects of categorical algebra, categorical logic, categorical geometry, lattice theory, universal algebra, algebraic geometry. categorical Geometry. categorical algebra. 1 0. categorical logic. 0 1. categorical Geometry http://www.e99.com/cg |
6. Springer NY Categorical Algebra And Its Applications categorical algebra and its applications contain several fundamental papers on general category theory, by the top specialists in the field, and many interesting papers on the applications of category theory in functional analysis, algebraic Go to the Mathematics home page. categorical algebra and its Applications ring theory, cohomology, differential geometry, group theory, mathematical logic and computer sciences. http://www.springer-ny.com/staticpages/0387503625.htm | |
7. Introduction Lambek continued his work in ring theory and categorical algebra (often in Therethen followed a fruitful collaboration on categorical logic with P. Scott http://www.math.mcgill.ca/triples/lambek97/lamintro.html | |
8. Logic In New York City foundations of logic programming. Semantics Universal algebra; category theory; categorical model theory; classical http://math.gc.cuny.edu/Logic | |
9. WebGuest - Open Directory : Science : Math : Algebra : Category Theory Homepage This site contains online books and research papers on the subjects ofcategorical algebra, categorical logic, categorical geometry, lattice theory http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Science/Math/Algebra/Category_Theory/ | |
10. Categorical Logic - Pitts (ResearchIndex) 1988 1 categorical logic (context) Crole, Types et al. - 1993 1 categoricaland algebraic 1977 1 the unity of algebra and logic (context) - Lambek http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/pitts01categorical.html | |
11. Rewriting Properties Of Combinators For Intuitionistic Linear Logic - Nesi, De P lambda calculus Maria Emilia Maietti (Correct) 0.3 Relating categorical Semanticsfor In Proceedings of the Workshop on Higher Order algebra, logic and Term http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/nesi94rewriting.html | |
12. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Foundations, Sets And Categories algebra and logic Yuri L Applied categorical Structures A Journal Devoted to Applicationsof categorical Methods in algebra, Analysis, Order, Topology and http://www.wkap.nl/home/topics/J/4/ | |
13. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Category Theory, Homological Algebra Universal algebra, algebraic logic, and Databases B Theory of Topological StructuresAn Approach to categorical Topology Gerhard Preuss December 1987 http://www.wkap.nl/home/topics/J/4/4/?sort=Z&results=0 |
14. Research FE J. Linton, Ph.D. Columbia categorical algebra, functorial semantics, topoi.James Lipton, Ph.D. Cornell logic and computation, logic programming, type http://www.math.wesleyan.edu/research.htm | |
15. Graduate Mathematics And Computer Science Program algebraic topology, analysis of algorithms, categorical algebra, combinatorics,complex analysis, computational logic, data mining, ergodic theory, geometric http://www.math.wesleyan.edu/graduate.htm | |
16. Categorical Logic, Also Called Aristotelian Logic And syllogistic Logic the algebra of logic how to handle proper names ( Socrates is mortal ), the oddityof 1+1=1, the existential quantifier, and the relationship of categorical http://neologic.net/rd/logic/History of logic.html | |
17. Pespmc1.vub.ac.be/CLEA/Seminars/Lambek.txt Grammar, algebra and logic ***** Prof. Em. resulting in a monographwith Phil Scott Introduction to Higher order categorical logic . http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/CLEA/Seminars/Lambek.txt | |
18. Hidden Algebra algebraic exposition of first order logic, proof planning and a systematic expositionof universal algebra and its in August 1999.); A categorical Manifesto, in http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/users/goguen/projs/halg.html | |
19. Guests Of The Algebra And Logic Group At The University Of Saskatchewan the strict refinement property) in terms of certain formulas (hformulas) definedby E. A. Palyutin in categorical Horn classes, I. algebra and logic 19(1980 http://math.usask.ca/fvk/alggtalk.htm | |
20. Algebra And Logic In Computer Science Group - Department Of Computing Science algebra and logic in Computer Science Group Nonclassical logic, generalised terms compositionsare used to provide a basis for categorical unification in http://www.cs.umu.se/~peklund/groupsonweb/al/al_mon.htm | |
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