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41. Science/Math/Algebra/Category_Theory Geometry Homepage This site contains online books and research papers on the subjectsof categorical algebra categorical logic categorical geometry lattice http://www.science-and-research.com/Science/Math/Algebra/Category_Theory/ | |
42. Untitled Once more on countably categorical theories, Siberian mathematical journal, 1999,Vol. 40, No. 2. 63. Once more on Higman's question, algebra and logic, Vol. http://server.math.nsc.ru/~asm256/Papers.html | |
43. ESSLLI'01 Course On Coalgebras And Modal Logic Modal and Equational logic Using a categorical formulation of of view is W. Wechler,Universal algebra for Computer For background on modal logic I recommend P http://www.cwi.nl/~kurz/cml-esslli01.html | |
44. WEBCSBMI: Online: Seriali On-line The ANZIAM Journal, SI, SI, NO. Applied categorical Structures, SI, SI, SI. Journalof Pure and Applied algebra, SI, SI, SI. Journal of Symbolic logic (The), SI,NO, SI. http://www.csb-main.unige.it/Online/rivisteol/ | |
45. Fundamenta Informaticae, Volume 32 for abstract Fork algebras in algebra, logic and Computer Science MF FRIAS , GA BAUMand A. M.HAEBERER The Topos of Labelled Trees A categorical Semantics for http://fi.mimuw.edu.pl/vol32.html | |
46. Accompanying Literature Fibrations Bart Jacobs categorical logic and Type Theory, NorthHolland, 1999.F. Borceaux Handbook of categorical algebra, volume 50, 51, 52 of Encyclopedia http://siskin.pst.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/spring-school99/lit.html |
47. UCL/AGEL - logic 103, no On the abstract characterization of quasivarieties, algebra Universalis43 F. and VITALE E., Azumaya categories, Applied categorical structure (to http://gauss.math.ucl.ac.be/AGEL/AGELrech1.html | |
48. Electronic Journals On Mathematics algebra and logic; algebras and Representation Theory; algebra universalis; Analysis ofMathematics; Applied categorical Structures; Applied http://www.uark.edu/libinfo/subject/math/Journals.html |
49. Meeting AMS-UMI - Session 51 - Algebraic Logic And Universal Algebra systems in abstract algebraic logic postscript PDF. Poland) Generative complexityin algebra postscript PDF. of Tartu, Estonia) On categorical equivalence of http://spot.colorado.edu/~kearnes/Pisa/session51.html | |
50. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Category Theory, Homological Algebra Theory of Topological Structures An Approach to categorical Topology Gerhard PreussDecember 1987 Universal algebra, algebraic logic, and Databases B http://kapis.www.wkap.nl/home/topics/J/4/4/?sort=A&results=20 |
51. OSU Math - Online Mathematics Journals - OhioLink: Math of Pure and Applied logic; Annals of the Applicable algebra in Engineering, Communicationand Computing; Harmonic Analysis; Applied categorical Structures; Applied http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/library/online/ohiolink/math.html | |
52. Concurrency-1993: Algebraic And Categorical Methods In Computer Science Process algebra Workshop ; Tempus Summer School for algebraic and categorical Methods. CoursesPJ Freyd (Philadelphia), Cartesian logic and Cartesian Categories. http://www-i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Forschung/MCS/Mailing_List_archive/con_h | |
53. Logic From FOLDOC Bocardo; Boolean; Boolean algebra; Boolean logic; bottom; bound variable; Busy Beaver;c; Camenes; Camestres; Cantor's theorem; categorical logic; categorical http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/foldop/contents/logic.html | |
54. HTML Generated By Txt2html Via TOM or logic. Text Barr, M. Wells, C. Categories for Computing Science. New a. FurtherReferences Borceux, F. Handbook of categorical algebra (Encyclopedia of http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/introcat/ | |
55. Chronological List Of Publications Symbolic logic, Abstract, Vol. 31 (1966), 294295. 5. The Category of Categoriesas a Foundation for Mathematics, La Jolla Conference on categorical algebra, http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~wlawvere/list.html | |
56. ONT Re: Higher Order Categorical Logic f!(x) in an indeterminate x over a Schoenfinkel algebra A can be J. Scott, PJ, 'Introduction To Higher Order categorical logic', Cambridge University http://suo.ieee.org/ontology/msg03398.html | |
57. ONT Re: Higher Order Categorical Logic Generic Ontology Group ontology@ieee.org ; Subject ONT Re Higher Order CategoricalLogic; these identities here, but reserve the name Curry algebra for a http://suo.ieee.org/ontology/msg03399.html | |
58. MathWare: Numero4-1 M. Keywords QMValgebra, MV-algebra, quantum logic they are models of Lukasiewiczinfinite-valued logic. this result showing a categorical equivalence between http://www.upc.es/ea-smi/mathware/v4n1/num4-1.html | |
59. Category Theory (M24) 2. Francis Borceux, Handbook of categorical algebra , Cambridge University Press(1994). next up previous Next Set Theory (M24) Up logic Previous logic Part http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/CASM/courses/descriptions/node26.html | |
60. All Titles - Cambridge University Press First Steps in Modal logic Sally Popkorn Hardback Published December 1994. Handbookof categorical algebra Francis Borceux Volume 1, Basic Category Theory http://publishing.cambridge.org/stm/mathematics/foundations/all/page5 | |
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