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61. Mills College: Steven Roger Givant, Mathematics & Computer Science, Publications in power, Annals of Mathematical logic 17 (1979), 91116. 4. _, Union decompositionsand universal classes categorical in power, algebra Universalis 10 http://www.mills.edu/ACAD_INFO/MCS/GIVANT/pubs.html | |
62. Publications Of David M Evans 33 (with ME Pantano) $\aleph_0$ categorical structures with To appear in J.Symbolic logic. in the theory of finite covers , Journal of algebra 250 (2002 http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/~h120/publications.html | |
63. References On Traced Monoidal Categories And Applications Partially additive categories and fully complete models of linear logic. In Proc. Algebra115(2) (1997) 141178 P. Selinger, categorical structure of asynchrony http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~hassei/papers/tracebib.html | |
64. Academic Homepage For Robert McGrail Encapsulating Data in logic Programming via categorical Constraints James Liptonand Robert McGrail algebra of logic Programming, Trento Italy, September (1998 http://science.bard.edu/computer/mcgrail.htm | |
65. Notes On: The Logical Foundations Of Mathematics 1 First Order logic A presentation of first order logic including a Theorems Chapter7 - The Foundational Systems of WV.Quine Chapter 8 - categorical algebra. http://www.rbjones.com/rbjpub/philos/bibliog/hatch82.htm | |
66. Homepage For Prof. Erwin Engeler Categories in model theory Models with prescribed secondorder properties. J.Symbolic logic 37 (1962) 476. categorical algebra, eds S. Eilenberg et al. http://www.math.ethz.ch/~darms/WWW/engeler/engeler-cv.html | |
67. Mathematics Special Interest Groups Catalog of lattices; categorical geometry; Categories; Operator algebra resources;Operator algebraist's information results; Research groups for mathematical logic; http://math.haifa.ac.il/math-special.html | |
68. Mathematical Logic And Theoretical Computer Science algebra and logic, 2000, vol. Remark 1 A computable model A is relatively categoricaliff it possesses a computable Scott family of existential formulas http://math.uni-heidelberg.de/logic/computability2001/abstracts.html | |
69. Part III Category Theory: Synopsis research in topology, abstract algebra, mathematical logic or theoretical FrancisBorceux, Handbook of categorical algebra, Cambridge University Press (1994). http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~leinster/categories/synopsis.html | |
70. Science And Math - Geometry contains online books and research papers on categorical geometry and categoricalalgebra. logical Art and the Art of logic learn about pentominoes and what http://www.information-entertainment.com/ScienceMath/Geometry.html | |
71. The Math Forum - Math Library - Algebraic Topology Prized Geometric logic Ivars Peterson (MathTrek) Computer programs can handle articlesthat significantly advance the study of categorical algebra or methods http://mathforum.org/library/topics/alg_topol/ | |
72. Peter Selinger: Curriculum Vitae categorical Structure of Asynchrony. Invited participant, Workshop on MathematicalLogic, Oberwolfach, Germany Conference on Modern algebra and its Applications http://quasar.mathstat.uottawa.ca/~selinger/cv.html | |
73. Publications (Andreas Baudisch) NDOPNOTOP-groups, Journal of Symbolic logic 56 (1991 paper with J. Wilson, Journalof algebra 153 (1992 A new uncountably-categorical group, Transactions of the http://www-irm.mathematik.hu-berlin.de/~raesch/org/baudisch/pub.html | |
74. Publications - G. Cherlin of small Morley rank, Annals of Mathematical logic 17 (1979), 128. 13. On totallycategorical groups (with W. Baur and A. Macintyre), J. algebra 57 (1979), 407 http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~cherlin/Paper/ | |
75. Re: Linear Notation Conference on categorical algebra, La Jolla, 1965 , Publisher= SpringerVerlag ,year=1966) @Article( Gir, Author= Girard, JY , Title= Linear logic , Journal http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/types/archives/1991/msg00140.html | |
76. Litteratur Introduction to Higher Order categorical logic, volume 7 of Cambridge Studies in Handbookof categorical algebra 2, volume 51 of Encyclopedia of Mathematics http://www.it-c.dk/~noah/litteratur.html | |
77. CUNY GC Computer Science - Doctoral Faculty Category Theory; categorical logic; Universal algebra. Yarmish, GabrielPh.D., Polytechnic University; Assistant Professor, Brooklyn College. http://web.gc.cuny.edu/Computerscience/faculty.html | |
78. Zoeken Naar Elektronische Tijdschriften Gerangschikt Op Onderwerp Annals of pure and applied logic; annals of of Statistical Mathematics; Applicablealgebra in engineering harmonic analysis; Applied categorical structures a http://www.dinkel.utwente.nl/scinfo/journals_subj/nl?sub=31 |
79. PSSL 98 logic 15.20 Rolf Rother (Bremen) Strengthening of homogeneity in categorical algebra16.20 Libor Polák (Brno) On equational logic (for semigroups) 17.00 http://www.wraith.u-net.com/PSSL/1998.html | |
80. Category Theory Resources by F. William Lawvere Applications algebra in a by Benjamin C. Pierce Sets, Logicand Categories Hopf Models of Sharing Graphs A categorical Semantics of Let http://futuresedge.org/mathematics/Category_Theory.html | |
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