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21. ATCAT Dalhousie University, Halifax. Weekly meetings.Category Science Math Algebra category theory Research Groups......@CAT. @CAT (Atlantic category theory Seminar) is our weekly seminar in which topicsrelated to category theory (algebra, logic, topology, category theory itself http://www.mscs.dal.ca/~pare/atcat.html | |
22. Category Theory - Wikipedia category theory. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Category This isthe Gelfand representation. History of category theory. Categories http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category_theory | |
23. Limit (category Theory) - Wikipedia Limit (category theory). In category theory, the limit of a functor generalizes thenotions of inverse limit and product used in various parts of mathematics. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limit_(category_theory) | |
24. School On Category Theory And Applications University of Coimbra, Portugal; 1317 July 1999.Category Science Math Algebra category theory Events Past Events......SCHOOL ON category theory AND APPLICATIONS. This school is being organizedby the category theory Group of the University of Coimbra. http://www.mat.uc.pt/~scta/ | |
25. CT99 Category Science Math Algebra category theory Events Past Events http://www.mat.uc.pt/~ct99/ |
26. Ccard V2.0 - A Category Theory Card Game The official site for this abstract mathematical card game. You can download the deck as a gzipped Category Games Card Games Special Decks Ccard...... What is category theory? In a way, this game is still work in progress(as learning category theory is rather a journey than a goal). http://www.verify-it.de/sub/ccard/ | |
27. Basic Category Theory Basic category theory. Jaap van Oosten. It is, in the author's view, the very minimumof category theory one needs to know if one is going to use it sensibly. http://www.brics.aau.dk/BRICS/LS/95/1/BRICS-LS-95-1/BRICS-LS-95-1.html | |
28. CoACT.html CENTRE OF AUSTRALIAN category theory (CoACT). A major project of the Centre isthe application of higher dimensional category theory to computer science. http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/~street/CoACT.html | |
29. Category Theory -- From MathWorld Eric's other sites. Foundations of Mathematics , category theory v. CategoryTheory, The objects studied in category theory are called categories. Category. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CategoryTheory.html | |
30. Category Theory Authors/titles Recent Submissions category theory. Authors and titles for recent submissions. http://arxiv.org/list/math.CT/recent | |
31. Category Theory Authors/titles Dec 2002 category theory. Authors and titles for Dec 2002. Higgins Comments3 pages. Latex2E Subjclass Algebraic Topology; category theory http://arxiv.org/list/math.CT/0212 | |
32. Part III Category Theory Part III category theory. This is the main page for the Part III CategoryTheory course given in Cambridge in the academic year 20002001. http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~leinster/categories/ | |
33. Category Theory Seminar Mich 02 DPMMS Research category theory Seminar Mich 02. category theory Seminarsfor Michaelmas Term 2002. Archive of category theory Seminars http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/Seminars/Category/ | |
34. CT2000 Villa Olmo, Como, Italy; 1622 July 2000.Category Science Math Algebra category theory Events Past Events......CT2000. International category theory Conference. Villa Olmo, Como, July 1622, 2000.If you see this, it probably means that your browser does not handle frames. http://www.disi.unige.it/conferences/ct2000/ | |
35. Category Theory And Aldor category theory in Aldor. The idea is to begin a library of Aldor categoriesand domains organized around category theory in the mathematical sense. http://physics.bu.edu/~youssef/aldor/aldor.html | |
36. The Math Forum - Math Library - Cat. Theory/Homolgcl Alg. sites and Web pages relating to the study of mathematics. This pagecontains sites relating to category theory/Homological Algebra. http://mathforum.org/library/topics/category_theory/ | |
37. About "Applied And Computational Category Theory At RISC-Linz" Applied and Computational category theory at RISCLinz. Library Home Full Table of Contents Suggest a Link Library Help http://mathforum.org/library/view/12862.html | |
38. Category Theory Reference category theory Reference. MetaCat. The metacategory of all categories.Image map; Postscript. (Generated by dot .). Index. Abcategory; http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~mh/categories/ | |
39. Graphical Database For Category Theory Introduction; Download; Documentation; Bug Report; Contact Us. GDCTVersion 1.1 Webpage Page Modified by Matthew Graves June 27, 2002. http://mathcs.mta.ca/research/rosebrugh/gdct/ | |
40. Lars Birkedal / Teaching / Category Theory --- Fall 2000 category theory Fall 2000. A number of applications of category theory to computerscience will also be covered, including some recent developments. http://www.itu.dk/~birkedal/teaching/category-theory-Fall-2000/ | |
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