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81. E-Example 5.1.1: Communicating About Mathematics Using Games On this site you will find the electronic Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. NCTM's visionary document for teaching mathematics at any level. http://standards.nctm.org/document/eexamples/chap5/5.1 | |
82. The Math Forum Internet Mathematics Library The Internet math Library is our best resource for teachers, students and parents looking for web sites across the Internet on math topics. Sites are gathered from our own explorations and submissions from users like yourself. http://forum.swarthmore.edu/library | |
83. Mathematical Expressions On The WWW MINSE the easiest way to put math on the Web, LFW. The primary goalof this project is to bring the power of mathematical expression http://lfw.org/math/ | |
84. Student And Teacher Excellence Project Home Curriculum math Curriculum, math Curriculum. Grade. Unit.Lesson. mathematics Standalone http://step.k12.ca.us/curriculum/math.html | |
85. United Federation Of Teachers - Focus On: Math Homework Helper math Tools to Keep at Home. Youll find it easier to supportyour childs math instruction at home if you have the right tools. http://www.uft.org/?fid=257&tf=1410 |
86. E-Examples Index than the number of scoops. Grades 35. 5.1 communicating about MathematicsUsing Games. Mathematical games can foster mathematical http://standards.nctm.org/document/eexamples/ | |
87. ViewPlus Math Access braille math in a snap. Plus, we have expanded options for communicatingmath with the sighted world. Find out about spatial braille http://www.viewplustech.com/?fuseaction=custom18 |
88. Lucas Learning - Lesson Plan - Logic & Reasoning - Communicating Solutions With communicating Solutions With Star Wars® Pit Droids®. CurriculumConnection Each student should be expected not only to present http://www.lucaslearning.com/edu/lp_pit3.htm | |
89. TeacherSource . Math . Article Archive . PBS Using Data and Other Real World Information to Enhance math Lessons (7/00 Communicatingwith Parents via a Web Page (4/00); Spiraling Assignments; Managing http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/whats_new/math/archives.shtm |
90. Making Math Pages math Web Pages where do I start? The following information is liftedfrom the official web site for the W3C math working group. http://math.uc.edu/~kingjt/tutorial/how_to.htm | |
91. HABITS OF MIND thinking. Specifically problem solving, communicating, reasoning, andmaking connections. Problem Solving. To communicating. All students http://www.coe.uga.edu/framework/chapters/part24.html | |
92. FALL 2002 Credit Courses Listed Alphabetically By Location New Courses Will Be 11; online TBA, Library, Zabel, 5/6. 9714, math 5395, math Wksp Communicatingmath w/Lit for MS Teachers, 1/255/3, Sat. 800a-500p 1/25 http://www.uca.edu/divisions/academic/conted/credit/schedule/ | |
93. Mathsoft: Press Releases 2001: Mathsoft Boosts Engineering Productivity And Coll with the additional of Web templates. As a result, applying and communicatingmath on the Web becomes seamless for Mathcad users. http://www.mathsoft.com/news/pressreleases/pr2001/article/0,,1901,00.html | |
94. Mathcad.com - MathSoft Delivers Unprecedented Value For Students And Professors with the addition of Web templates. As a result, applying and communicatingmath on the Web becomes seamless for Mathcad users. http://www.mathcad.com/mathcadinfo/news_and_reviews.asp?n=63 |
95. Washington State EALR's Washington's EALR and Tech Literacy. This analysis of the correlationbetween Washington State's Essential Academic Learning Requirements http://www.camas.wednet.edu/wtea/ealr.html | |
96. EquationSheet.com - Software The Mathcad product family's integrated environment for performing and communicatingmathrelated work enables you to Calculate, model, and Visualize your http://www.equationsheet.com/software.php?SID=XXXXXBOT |
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