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81. UW-Eau Claire Computational Science project among the science, computer science, and mathematics departments at UWECto provide opportunities for students interested in computational science. http://www.cpsc.uwec.edu/ |
82. A Multi-disciplinary M.Sc. Degree Programme In Computational Science MUN's homepage computational science Links. Send email to Program's Office.Send email to Program's Chair. Introduction, Background. Programme, People. http://www.mun.ca/computationalsci/ | |
83. Computational Science NEW MAJOR IN 2002! computational science. What is computational science?Computational How do you study computational science? You http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/ugrad/cosc/ | |
84. Undergraduate Computational Science Lab Homepage The ISU Undergraduate computational science Laboratory (UCSL) Project.The Undergraduate computational science Lab (UCSL) is a joint http://www.phy.ilstu.edu/UCSL/UCSL.html | |
85. CU Computational Science Home Page We've Moved! http//www.capital.edu/acad/as/csac/. This material is based uponwork supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9952806 http://capital2.capital.edu/orgs/CSAC/ | |
86. Emphasis In Computational Science computational science is a fastgrowing interdisciplinary field that is atthe intersection of the sciences, computer science, and mathematics. http://www.wofford.edu/computerscience/emphasis_in_cs.htm | |
87. CITI - Computer And Information Technology Institute At Rice University Research Academics computational science and Engineering Degree Programat Rice University. As a consequence of the rapid increase http://www.citi.rice.edu/research/cse_program.shtml | |
88. Computational Science Curriculum Development computational science Curriculum Development. Dr. Kris Stewart (stewart@cs.sdsu.edu)San Diego State University. Undergraduate computational science at SDSU. http://www.stewart.cs.sdsu.edu/complcur.html | |
89. National Computational Science Alliance Project The American Indian Higher Education National computational scienceAlliance Project. The message board is for the exclusive use http://www.bmcc.org/Alliance/ |
90. Computational Science And Engineering (CSE) Masters Course in computational science Technology Academia Engineering Colleges http://cse.gre.ac.uk/ |
91. Computational Science Research Center Revised TrainingSeminar Topics and Schedule Due to the new AUP on IT Resources thatis being implemented throughout the UP System, we are revising our seminar http://www.csrc.upd.edu.ph/ |
92. Computational Science Program computational science. enquiry. (From the preface to the ComputationalScience Education Project}. Introduction. computational science http://attila.stevens-tech.edu/math/compsci.html | |
93. San Diego Supercomputer Center The central nexus for the National Partnership for Advanced computational Infrastructure. Publications, Category Computers Computer science Research Institutes...... to develop and apply highperformance information technologies for science and society siteof the National Partnership for Advanced computational Infrastructure http://www.sdsc.edu/ | |
94. Welcome To NCSA Information about supercomputing applications and research in the United States.Category Computers Supercomputing......science Successes. NCSA Mosaic NCSA. Search Projects Database scienceSuccess SolarDriven Pumps, Data-Driven Decisions. Argonne http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/ | |
95. School Of Computer Science School of Computer science. University of St Andrews Finding the School of Computer science. Local Information BSc. Computer science. BSc. Internet Computing http://www.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/ |
96. Welcome To Access Online NCSA Access Grid Seminar Series February 11 NCSA/UIUC FY2003 Faculty Fellows ProgramFebruary 12 2003 AAAS Annual Meeting and science Innovation Exposition http://access.ncsa.uiuc.edu/ | |
97. School Of Computer Science University Crest , School of Computer science Contact Information; Finding theSchool of Computer science; Local Information. Alphabetic Directory; Email Aliases. http://www.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/ |
98. Department Of Computer Science Department of Computer science. Research groups include Bioinformatics, Advanced Research in Intelligen Category Computers Computer science North America Canada...... The date for the Department of Computer science Golden Broom CurlingBonspiel is approaching. Computer science Graduates, 04 Mar 2003. http://www.cs.usask.ca/ | |
99. Journal & Magazines About CSIT, Research, Education, Directory, Resources, Support, Updated On 02/26/03,Supercomputing@FSU. Howard Hughes Undergraduate Program. Seminars Workshops. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=99 |
100. Java For Scientific Computing This page is http//www.npac.syr.edu/projects/javaforcse/ Come to our latest ACMJava Grande Conference June 1214 1999 The recent activities are contained in http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/javaforcse/ | |
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