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81. Differential Geometry And Global AnalysisICM2002 The summary for this English page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://satellite2002.nankai.edu.cn/ |
82. [Report] Global Analysis Of Photovoltaic Markets 2002: Sales, Applications, Coun Report global analysis of Photovoltaic Markets 2002 Sales, Applications,Countries and Growth Patterns. Pub Time 2001/11. TOC, http://www.the-infoshop.com/study/su6636_photovoltaic_market.html | |
83. GLOBAL ANALYSIS FOR A GLOBAL CLIENT global analysis FOR A GLOBAL CLIENT Millennium evaluation for the British TouristAuthority Marketing campaigns are becoming increasingly global and Mantra http://www.mantra-int.com/casebta.htm | |
84. Global Analysis Research Center During the author's visit with the global analysis Research Institute at Seoul NationalUniversity, he was encouraged to submit these notes in the present, but http://www.rim.snu.ac.kr/garc/print/lecture/lec_6.html | |
85. Discount Schemes - A Global Analysis Of Low Cost Telecoms (Report) Discount Schemes A global analysis of Low Cost Telecoms (Report) Discount Schemes- A global analysis of Low Cost Telecoms provides a comprehensive picture http://www.biz-lib.com/ZTNDS.html | |
86. FY95 Program Summaries: Earth System Modeling And Global Analysis Program PROGRAM TITLE Earth System Modeling and global analysis Program ACTIVITY STREAMSIntegrative Modeling Prediction, Assessment SCIENCE ELEMENT Climate and http://www.gcrio.org/OCP/progsum/nasa.earthsysmod.html | |
87. IIASA - Laxenburg, Austria International Insitute for Applied Systems analysis. Research projects include work on global economic and technological change. International Negotiations analysis, Approaches, Issues was described by CPR President Thomas International Institute for Applied Systems analysis (IIASA) A2361 Laxenburg, Austria http://www.iiasa.ac.at/ | |
88. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature analysis of global science and technology from around the world. Covers the latest developments and advances. Includes ondemand BBC audio. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/sci_tech/index.shtml | |
89. Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Peace, Nuclear Weapons, Disarmament, International Performs research and analysis on global peace and survival, supports the abolition of nuclear weapons, the responsible use of science and technology, and the creation of an International Criminal Court (ICC). Advisors include many Nobel Peace Laureates. http://www.wagingpeace.org/ | |
90. Perspectives Background, analysis and links on global issues from coalition of global organizations with progressive perspective. http://www.oneworld.net/themes/ | |
91. S E C U R I T Y W A T C H . C O M global esecurity knowledge portal includes security news, technical advice, vulnerability database, hacking/virus info, industry analysis, events calendar, careers, and related resources. http://www.securitywatch.com |
92. Spotter Global News Analysis Measures, analyses and evaluates international press coverage to provide clients with insight and understanding on their reputation, their brands' images, stakeholder opinions, competitor activity, and emerging issues and trends all over the world. http://www.spotter.com |
93. Cultural Analysis A peerreviewed internet and hadcopy journal dedicated to investigating expressive and everyday culture; based at the University of California, but global in scope. http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~caforum/ | |
94. Internet Conf On Material Flow Analysis Of Integrated Bio-Systems (2000) On quantitative analysis of material flows in integrated biosystems, including solids recycling and conversion, wastewater treatment and utilization, small-scale farming, eco-industrial parks, global issues. http://www.ias.unu.edu/proceedings/icibs/ic-mfa/ | |
95. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) globalchange data and information analysis for the US Department of Energy (DOE). Compiles and maintains extensive international data sets on atmospheric chemistry, particularly atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane other radiatively active gases. http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/ | |
96. Global Circles Publisher of The Cereologist , a journal for crop circle studies published three times a year. You can find articles and a few circle analysis. http://www.abel.net.uk/~sayer/index.htm | |
97. HOME_New Market Global Consulting Group, LLC Provides advice on corporate restructuring, strategic analysis, accounting analysis, and strategic alliances; which may include introductions to sources of capital. http://www.newmarketglobal.com |
98. Tobacco.org: Resources analysis by Brion Fox and Stan Glantz of how the proposed June 20th 1997 global settlement deal compared with established standards. http://www.tobacco.org/News/970626howdealstacksup.html | |
99. Health Care Systems Integration And Data Warehousing Consulting Consulting assistance in creating data warehouses to facilitate clinical, financial, operational analysis, decision support, and regulatory reporting requirements for health care organizations. http://www.cwglobalconsult.com | |
100. Welcome To Global Cathodic Provides cathodic protection services, from worldwide installation and design through economic analysis, feasibility studies and laboratory evaluation. http://www.globalcathodic.com/ | |
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