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81. Open Problems In Graph Theory Involving Steiner Distance Open Problems involving Steiner distance.Category Science Math Combinatorics graph theory Open Problems......Some Open Problems in graph theory. It has been shown by Chartrand,Oellermann, Tian, and Zou that, for a tree T diam n T = n/(n http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~ooellerm/open_problems/ | |
82. Topics In Intersection Graph Theory By TA McKee And FR McMorris Topics in Intersection graph theory by TA McKee and FR McMorris. Bibliographicinformation. Table of Contents. Topics in intersection graph theory. http://www.math.wright.edu/People/Terry_McKee/Button_04_Book.html | |
83. Finite And Infinite Combinatorics Topics include graph theory, extremal and random graphs, combinatorial optimization and number theory, discrepancy theory, infinite combinatorics, and set theory. Budapest, Hungary, January 510, 2001. http://www.renyi.hu/~finf/ | |
84. CIRM/DONET Graph Theory Workshop The 2000 CIRMDONET WORKSHOP on graph theory May 7-12, 2000 Levico,Trento, Italy List of participants THE PROGRAM -, Robin Thomas http://homepages.cwi.nl/~bgerards/GRAPHSHOP/ | |
85. SIAM Journal On Discrete Mathematics The SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics publishes research articles on a broad range of topics from pure and applied mathematics including combinatorics and graph theory, discrete optimization and operations research, theoretical computer science, and coding and communication theory. http://www.siam.org/journals/sidma/sidma.htm | |
86. Graph Theory -- From MathWorld graph theory, Graph Connections Relationships Between graph theory and OtherAreas of Mathematics. Oxford, England Oxford University Press, 1997. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GraphTheory.html | |
87. EuroConference On Combinatorics, Graph Theory And Applications Centre de Recerca Matem tica, Campus of the Universitat Aut²noma de Barcelona, Spain; 1215 September 2001. http://www.crm.es/comb01/combgraphtheo.htm |
88. Graph Theory And Combinatorial Optimization Thematic Programme on graph theory and Combinatorial Optimization.University of Victoria Simon Fraser University British Columbia http://www.pims.math.ca/graph2000/ | |
89. 14th Cumberland Conference Combinatorics, graph theory and Computing. Dedicated to Richard H. Schelp on his 65th birthday. University of Memphis, TN, USA; 1719 May 2001. http://www.msci.memphis.edu/~balistep/ | |
90. Cmpt 371 - Graph Tutorial Introduction graph theory An Introduction One of the first people to experiment withgraph theory was a man by the name of Leonhard Euler (17071783). http://www.cs.usask.ca/resources/tutorials/csconcepts/graphs/tutorial/ |
91. Graph Theory And Combinatorics Translate this page Combinatorics, graph theory and Applications group, Applied Mathematicsdepartment, Polytechnical University of Catalonia - UPC, DMAT. http://www-mat.upc.es/grup_de_grafs/ | |
92. Vanderbilt Mathematics, Noncommutative Geometry And Applications graph theory, Combinatorics and Computing in conjunction with the 16th Annual Shanks Lectures. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee; May 2124, 2001. http://www.math.vanderbilt.edu/~shanks/ | |
93. NRICH | Secondary Topics | Graph Theory Calculus + Combinatorics + Complex Numbers + Geometry + GeometryCoordinate +Geometry-Coordinate + Geometry-Euclidean - graph theory + Proof + Groups http://www.nrich.maths.org.uk/topic_tree/Graph_Theory/ | |
94. NRICH | Secondary Topics | Combinatorics | Graph Theory Top Level + 3D + Algebra + Analysis + Calculus Combinatorics + Geometrical -graph theory + Magic labelling + Knots + Numerical + Spatial + Complex Numbers http://www.nrich.maths.org.uk/topic_tree/Combinatorics/Graph_theory/ | |
95. Discrete Mathematics Project -- Graph Theory Activities Main Index Discrete Mathematics Project graph theory Activities. Designing YourOwn City; The Unsuspecting Bridge Inspector; Designing Recycling Routes; http://www.colorado.edu/education/DMP/activities/graph/ | |
96. Workshop On Computational Graph Theory And Combinatorics Workshop on Computational graph theory and Combinatorics. The Pacific Northwest area is an important center for research in graph theory and combinatorics. http://www.math.uvic.ca/~wcgtc/wcgtc.html | |
97. Graph Drawing 2000 The symposium is a forum for researchers and practitioners working on all aspects of graph visualization and representation. The range of topics considered in graph drawing includes graph algorithms, graph theory, geometry, topology, visual languages, visual perception, information visualization, computerhuman interaction, and graphic design. Colonial Williamsburg (Virginia, USA) 2023 September 2000. http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~gd2000/ | |
98. Burton's Bookmarks: Graph Theory Wireless XML Bookmark folder Top graph theory MaxFlow ProblemFord-Fulkerson Algorithm; Ford-Fulkerson method; augmenting path; http://relativity.yi.org/bookmarks/Graph_Theory/index.shtml | |
99. Journal Of Graph Theory graph theory (2nd Edition)by Douglas Brent West (Hardcover August 23, 2000) Avg. Customer Review http://journals.wiley.com/0364-9024/ | |
100. CTW2001 Topics are graph theory and discrete algorithms (both deterministic and random) and their applications in operations research and computer science. Institute of Mathematics, Center of Applied Computer Science, University of Cologne; 68 June 2001. http://www.zaik.uni-koeln.de/AFS/conferences/CTW2001/CTW2001.html | |
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