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41. K-theory Days ktheory Days. Programmes of past k-theory Days. 11th November 1996 (Oxford);27 February 1997 (Manchester); 15 May 1997 (Exeter); 2 June 1997 (Oxford); http://www.maths.soton.ac.uk/staff/Brodzki/Ktheory/ | |
42. K-theory And Analysis Durham Symposium. ktheory and analysis. The Durham Symposium on k-theory and analysistook place from 6 to 13 July 2000, with lectures running 7 - 12 July. http://www.mcs.le.ac.uk/~jhunton/KTA.html | |
43. K-theory And Analysis The cohomology and ktheory of commuting homeomorphisms of the Cantor set, (withAlan Forrest) Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 19 (1999), 611-625. http://www.mcs.le.ac.uk/~jhunton/Papers.html | |
44. Milnor, J.W.: Introduction To Algebraic K-Theory. (AM-72). Introduction to Algebraic ktheory. (AM-72). John Willard Milnor. Paper 1972 $30.00 / £19.95 ISBN 0-691-08101-8 200 pp. Shopping Cart. http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/1568.html | |
45. Browder, W., Ed.: Algebraic Topology And Algebraic K-Theory: Proceedings Of A Sy Algebraic Topology and Algebraic ktheory Proceedings of a Symposiumin Honor of John C. Moore. (AM-113). Edited by William Browder. http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/2548.html | |
46. Mathematics Online Compendium: Algebraic K-Theory Recent progress in algebraic ktheory and its relationship with topology and analysishttp//www.math.uiuc.edu/k-theory/0207/index.html An introduction to http://www.dei.unipd.it/~cuzzolin/MOCktheory.html | |
47. A Pieri-Chevalley Formula In The K-theory Of A G/B-bundle The master copy is available at http//www.ams.org/era/. A PieriChevalley formulain the k-theory of aG/B-bundle. Harsh Pittie and Arun Ram. Abstract. http://www.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/external-documentation/era-mirror/1999-01-014/1999-0 | |
48. What Is K-Theory What Is ktheory? k-theory is a branch of general linear algebra.Roughly speaking, k-theory is the study of additive (or abelian http://www.math.usf.edu/~emohamed/K_THEORY.htm | |
49. DC MetaData For:K-theory And Generalized Free Products Of S-algebras: Localizati Strukturen in der Mathematik, P 99, SFB 343 Bielefeld ktheory andgeneralized free products of S-algebras Localization methods. http://www.iwi-iuk.org/material/RDF/1.1/profile/MNPreprint/ex2.rdf.html | |
50. K-THEORY AND NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY ktheory AND NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY. March-July 2004. Institut Henri Poincare(Paris). expertise of k-theory and noncommutative Geometry and to gather most. http://www.math.ku.dk/~rnest/ihp.htm | |
51. K-theory ktheory. Subject k-theory; But maybe John has already explained k-theoryvia elementary linear algebra in a This Week posting? No, I've http://www.lns.cornell.edu/spr/2000-09/msg0028263.html | |
52. Re: K-theory Re ktheory. Subject physics? I mean direct ones You can thinkof k-theory as a tool for classifying vector bundles over spaces. http://www.lns.cornell.edu/spr/1999-11/msg0019282.html | |
53. School And Conference On Algebraic K-Theory And Its Applications -July 8-26 2002 Search Box. Ephemerids. Accadde oggi Convegni e Conferenze School andConference on Algebraic ktheory and its Applications -July 8-26 2002. http://triestemia.com/info/article8.html | |
54. K-Theory And Homology Authors/titles Recent Submissions Similar pages Trace Methods in Algebraic ktheoryWorkshop on Trace Methods in Algebraic k-theory. MÜNSTER (GERMANY).Monday, September 29 to Friday, October 3, 2003. Program. The workshop http://xxx.lanl.gov/list/math.KT/recent | |
55. Trace Methods In Algebraic K-Theory Workshop on Trace Methods in Algebraic ktheory. back to the workshop's homepage.Topological cyclic homology of topological k-theory (by John Rognes). http://www.math.uni-muenster.de/u/varisco/tmakt/rognes.html | |
56. K-Theory Yorck Sommerhäuser. Seminars. ktheory. Winter semester 2002 ContentsIn this seminar we give an introduction to k-theory. k-theory is http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~sommerh/Seminare/KTheorie/KTheorieWS0203_ | |
57. From Polytopal Algebras To Polyhedral K-theory Calendar. From polytopal algebras to polyhedral ktheory. Winfried Bruns(Scheduled Workshop Talk). Wednesday, Feb 5, 2003 330 pm to 425 pm http://www.msri.org/calendar/talks/TalkInfo/1740/show_talk | |
58. Homotopy Theory For Algebraic Varieties With Applications To K-theory And Quadra Workshop on Homotopy theory for algebraic varieties with applications toktheory and quadratic forms. Monday, May 11 - Saturday, May 16, 1998 http://www.msri.org/activities/events/9798/ktheory/ | |
59. Mini Symposium In Algebraic K-theory And Homotopy Theory Mini symposium in algebraic ktheory and homotopy theory. When, Where, Who, What.09.00-10.00, Room F404, John Rognes, Two-primary algebraic k-theory of pointed spaces. http://www.math.ntnu.no/~dundas/symp/info.html | |
60. DC MetaData For: K-theory And Generalized Free Products Of S-algebras: Localizat ktheory and generalized free products of S-algebras Localizationmethods. MSC2000. 19D10 Algebraic $K$-Theory of spaces Abstract. http://www.mathematik.uni-osnabrueck.de/projects/carmen/AP6/PHP/final.preprints. | |
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