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61. Literaturliste Q:\diss\disstopo 2 Saunders Mac Lane and Ieke Moerdijk Sheaves in Geometry and Logic A FirstIntroduction to topos theory , 1992. 15 Johnstone, PT topos theory , 1977. http://fsmat.at/~weppens/p/disstopos.html | |
62. ISM Category Theory After a brief selected introduction to topos theory we will discussdistributions, complete spreads, and the symmetric topos. Special http://www.math.uqam.ca/ISM/english/ecat.html | |
63. Sheaves In Geometry And Logic: A First Introduction To Topos Theory (Universitex Sheaves in Geometry and Logic A First Introduction to topos theory (Universitext),Sheaves in Geometry and Logic A First Introduction to topos theory http://www.wkonline.com/a/Sheaves_in_Geometry_and_Logic_A_First_Introduction_to_ | |
64. Siberian Toposes The topos theory was created by Lawvere. Topos is a category that hasmany properties of category Set, which is known as theory of sets. http://www.univer.omsk.su/omsk/Sci/topoi/ | |
65. ? ? . Isham, CJ topos theory and Consistent HistoriesThe Internal Logic of the Set of all cosistent sets // Int. Jour. Theor. http://www.univer.omsk.su/omsk/Sci/topoi/appl.html |
66. TCD CS Foundations And Methods Group Robert, BA (Mod) Postgraduate Student (Ph.D. by research) Research Areas Foundationsof Computing, Formal Methods, Category Theory, topos theory Research Group http://www.cs.tcd.ie/dept/personnel/fmg.html | |
67. Web Pages/ME_FEIN/references.html ISBN 1871408-05-9. (Johnstone 1977), PT Johnstone topos theory Academic Press,London, 1977 ISBN 0-12-387850-0 Definitely not for the faint-hearted. http://www.cs.tcd.ie/Micheal.MacanAirchinnigh/Web Pages/ME_FEIN/references.html | |
68. LECTURE NOTES ON TOPOI AND QUASITOPOI Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1991. The present book is the first coherent account ofthe theory of quasitoposes, stressing the similarity with topos theory; in fact http://www.wspc.com/books/mathematics/1047.html | |
69. RE: Applied Vs. Theoretical clear in some of my earlier posts on this, mostly this past summer, I'm not makingany grandiose claims for category theory and topos theory as being the http://www.mail-archive.com/everything-list@eskimo.com/msg04178.html | |
70. Constructive Topology (L24) theory (as provided by the Michaelmas Term Part III course) is therefore desirable,although no previous knowledge of sheaf theory or topos theory will be http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/CASM/courses/descriptions/node28.html | |
71. Category Theory This expository article is an entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Category Science Math Algebra Category Theory...... geometry. The 1970s saw the development and application of the concept.(For more on the history of topos theory, see McLarty 1992.). http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/category-theory/ | |
72. References As for topos theory there is, Johnstone, PT Sketches of an Elephanta topos theory Compendium. Oxford Univ. Press, to appear, 2002,. http://mcs.open.ac.uk/cft36/References.htm | |
73. Logics For Uncertainty category theory and topos theory;; constructive and substructural logics;;expert systems and diagnostic reasoning;; robotics applications. http://www.ladseb.pd.cnr.it/infor/logic/logic.html | |
74. PLT Online (link). Wesley Phoa. An introduction to fibrations, topos theory, the effectivetopos and modest sets. gzipped PS. Andrew M. Pitts. Lecture Notes on Types. http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/franka/ref | |
75. News Letter Vol.5 No.3 a more general interpretation of fuzzy logic within the environment of other propercategories of fuzzy sets stemming either from the topos theory, or even http://www.erudit.de/erudit/newsletters/news_53/page10.htm | |
76. Abstracts The general mathematician, who regards category theory as `generalized abstractnonsense,' tends to regard topos theory as generalized abstract category theory http://grad.math.arizona.edu/~gradcolloq/fll01abs.html | |
77. Fields Institute Audio - Bunge Covering Morphisms in topos theory Marta Bunge McGill University.This web presentation contains the audio of a lecture given at http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/audio/02-03/galois_and_hopf/bunge/ | |
78. PSSL 79 is a locale 16.45 Sabine Koppelberg (Berlin) A lattice of isomorphism types ofBoolean algebras Sunday 09.45 Richard Josza (Oxford) topos theory in physics http://www.wraith.u-net.com/PSSL/1979.html | |
79. Sets, Logic And Categories Further references. For topos theory S. MacLane I. Moerdijk, Sheaves inGeometry and Logic A first introduction to topos theory, Springer 1990. http://www.maths.qmw.ac.uk/~pjc/slc/ | |
80. Past Category Theory Seminars Autumn term 1996. 15 October Peter Johnstone The nonclassifying topos of a first-ordertheory. 16 October Peter Johnstone Open/compact duality in topos theory. http://www.ihes.fr/~leinster/pastsems.html | |
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