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41. UCL - Center For Operations Research And Econometrics (CORE) Report of the Research Director. Seminars. Mathematical Programming Seminar. econometricsSeminar. Economic Theory Seminar. PAI UAP Seminar. Special Seminar. http://www.core.ucl.ac.be/ | |
42. Software Tools For The Weightless-economy Frontier (Danny Quah) Links to Linux and econometrics software. http://econ.lse.ac.uk/staff/dquah/softw.html | |
43. Econometric Software Links Econometrics Journal Software The list Related Software Lists Distributors Labs NASDAQ econometricsoftware Links econometrics Journal. For econometrics of marketing. http://www.eur.nl/few/ei/links/software.html | |
44. The University Of Arizona's Department Of Economics Programs cover standard fields such as micro and macro theory, econometrics, labor, industrial organization, international trade, and development economics. http://w3.arizona.edu/~econ/ | |
45. Econometrics In The Netherlands, Belgium And Luxembourg (Benelux) econometrics in the Netherlands and Belgium. econometrics in the Netherlands(toc). Amsterdam Informatica. econometrics in Belgium (toc). http://www.eur.nl/few/ei/links/benelect.html | |
46. Cornell Economics Department Built upon strengths in core areas of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics, enhanced by a crossdepartmental mix of applied economists. http://www.arts.cornell.edu/econ/ | |
47. Econometric Society Home Page International society dedicated to advancing research in theoretical and quantitative economics.Category Science Social Sciences Economics Game Theory Institutes......Econometric Society The Econometric Society. An International Society for theAdvancement of Economic Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics. http://www.econometricsociety.org/ | |
48. Webserver Discussion Papers in Statistics and econometrics http://www.rrz.uni-koeln.de/wiso-fak/wisostatsem/papers/discpap_e.html | |
49. University Of Canterbury Department Of Economics Home Page Emphasis is placed on three core areas of study microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. Department, student and research information. http://www.econ.canterbury.ac.nz/ | |
50. Econometrics & Business Statistics Department of econometrics Business Statistics. The au. Monash BusEco Departments econometrics and Business Statistics http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/depts/EBS/ | |
51. StatLib :: Data, Software And News From The Statistics Community Contains an extensive collection of downloadable data sets that may be of interest to econometrics students. http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/ | |
52. EDIRC: Econometrics, Mathematical Economics Central index of economics institutions (academic, governmental and nonprofit)in econometrics, Mathematical Economics. econometrics, Mathematical Economics. http://edirc.repec.org/ectrix.html | |
53. Midwest Econometrics Group (MEG) Midwest econometrics Group (MEG). Econometric Theory and Methods.MEG fall meetings 2005 Southern Illinois University (Carbondale http://www.nd.edu/~meg/ | |
54. CESG/ACE 2002 Held in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. http://www.cesg2002.ecn.ulaval.ca/ |
55. Econometrics At Illinois econometrics at the University of Illinois. The econometrics Hall of FameAK LZ. Welcome to the University of Illinois econometrics Hall of Fame. http://harold.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/fame.html | |
56. Studies In Nonlinear Dynamics And Econometrics Application of nonlinear dynamics and statistics to advance the understanding of economic and financial markets. http://www-mitpress.mit.edu/e-journals/SNDE/ | |
57. Econometrics Toolbox The econometrics Toolbox has moved to a new home. Updateyour bookmarks. econometrics Toolbox new home. http://jpl.econ.utoledo.edu/matlab_gallery/ | |
58. The Estima Home Page, Home Of RATS Econometrics Software RATS, by Thomas Doan, is an econometrics/timeseries analysis software package.Category Science Social Sciences Economics econometrics Software......The Estima Web Page provides information on and support forour RATS econometrics software and other products. http://www.estima.com/ | |
59. Albrecht Economics Floridabased expert in forensic economics, economic forecasting, and applied econometrics. http://www.albrechteconomics.com/ | |
60. Lodging Econometrics Lodging econometrics (LE), the hotel industry's real estate investment and SupplySide research expert, reports on the Census of Open and Operating Hotels, the http://www.lodgingeconometrics.com/ | |
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