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81. Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, By Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, A Colleg Introductory econometrics, A Modern Approach, by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, secondedition, a college textbook by SouthWestern, product support site is a South http://www.swcollege.com/bef/wooldridge/wooldridge2e/wooldridge2e.html |
82. ECONbase Publishes papers dealing with estimation and other methodological aspects of the application of statistical inference to economic data, as well as papers dealing with the application of econometric techniques. Offers tables of contents, abstracts and index. http://www.elsevier.com/homepage/sae/econworld/econbase/econom/frame.htm |
83. ECONbase Provides an international forum for empirical researchers in the intersection of the fields of econometrics and finance. Offers tables of contents, abstracts and index. http://www.elsevier.com/homepage/sae/econworld/econbase/empfin/frame.htm |
84. "Chair Of Econometrics" Translate this page http://ise.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/oekonometrie/engl/indexeng.html |
85. Journal Catalogue - Cambridge University Press Econometric Theory (ET) is an international journal dedicated to theoretical research in econometrics. ET publishes authoritative articles in theoretical econometrics and includes an ongoing Problems and Solutions Series and interviews with pre-eminent scholars in econometrics. http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?mnemonic=ect |
86. ERN Econometrics econometrics. econometrics publishes working and accepted paper abstractsin theoretical and applied econometrics and those aspects http://www.ssrn.com/update/ern/ern_econometrics.html | |
87. Econometrics Department Department of econometrics in the Faculty of Business Administration offers list of faculty and brief department description. http://www.bg.univ.gda.pl/management/econometrics.html | |
88. Working Papers In Economics And Econometrics Contact Us General Information Staff Research Teaching Useful Links Search ANU Home WORKING PAPERS IN ECONOMICS AND econometrics. http://ecocomm.anu.edu.au/economics/misc/working.html | |
89. Institut Für Statistik Und Ökonometrie Institute of Statistics and econometrics. http://ise.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/ |
90. Aims & Scope Premiere econometrics journal provides submission and subscription information. http://www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk/asp/journal.asp?ref=00129682 |
91. Department Of Statistics And Econometrics Department of Statistics and econometrics provides links to faculty and general department information. http://www.uc3m.es/uc3m/dpto/DEE/department.html |
92. A Guide To Modern Econometrics http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/GME/ | |
93. SHAZAM HOMEPAGE SHAZAM is a comprehensive econometrics package whose primary strength is the estimation and testing of many types of regression models. http://econometrics.com/ | |
94. The Econometrics Workgroup The econometrics workgroup is part of the Centrum voor Economische Studiën (CES)which is the research division of the Department of Economics of the http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/ew/academic/econmetr/default.htm | |
95. Econometrics Innovations And Patents econometrics Innovations and Patents © 2002, XQ23.COM Research (air.xq23.com) Moreinformation on econometrics and econometrics Research References. http://www.air.xq23.com/energy_science_resources/Econometrics.html | |
96. Econometric Software Links Econometrics Journal Brief coverage of hundreds of packages relevant to econometricians. Links to other related software lists. http://www.feweb.vu.nl/econometriclinks/software.html | |
97. INTRODUCTORY ECONOMETRICS WITH APPLICATIONS By Ramu Ramanathan INTRODUCTORY econometrics WITH APPLICATIONS, Fifth edition, by Ramu Ramanathan,published by Harcourt College Publishers, (c) 2002. ISBN 003-034342-9. http://weber.ucsd.edu/~rramanat/embook4.html | |
98. Marsden Jacob Associates - Economic And Financial Consultants Marsden Jacob Associates offers economic and financial consultancy, with its professional staff having expertise in business and policy analysis, econometrics, emissions certification, regulatory economics and property rights. http://www.marsdenjacob.com.au | |
99. IFS: Econometrics econometrics EXPEND for Gauss A Gauss programme for nonlinear GMM estimation ofexponential models with endogenous regressors for cross section and panel http://www.ifs.org.uk/econometindex.shtml | |
100. LIMDEP LIMDEP, by William Greene, is a general econometrics computer program for estimating linear and nonlinear regression models and qualitative dependent variable models for crosssection, time-series and panel data. http://www.limdep.com | |
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