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21. Climate Change And Greenhouse Gases Climate Change and greenhouse gases. Adopted by Council December, 2002.Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/policy/climate_change_position.html | |
22. ARRPEEC Conducting research on energyenvironment-climate issues in Asia. Objectives include mitigation of greenhouse gases and other hazardous emissions. Centered in Bangkok, Thailand. http://www.arrpeec.ait.ac.th | |
23. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Greenhouse Gases 'at Record Levels' Tuesday, 11 February, 2003, 1616 GMT greenhouse gases 'at recordlevels' Stormy weather Feedbacks mean increasing uncertainty, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2749097.stm | |
24. Eiolca.net - Free Life Cycle Assessment On The Internet Uses 1992 inputoutput table of US economy to show economic and environmental effects of producing 500 commodities. Environmental impacts of production are expressed in terms of Conventional Pollutants, greenhouse gases, Toxic Chemicals, and other releases. http://www.eiolca.net | |
25. Climate Change - What Is Climate Change - The Greenhouse Gases Read More The Earth is a Greenhouse The greenhouse gases Maps and Graphs Current Research Programs Find Out More Primers, Pamphlets, Presentations Read More Changes to our Environment Regional Impacts Our Health and Wellbeing Global Impacts Find http://climatechange.gc.ca/english/issues/what_is/greenhouse_gas.shtml | |
26. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 'Urgent Need To Cut Greenhouse Gases' The world must cut its emissions of greenhouse gases by more thanhalf, says the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2349289.stm | |
27. Global Warming:Understanding Greenhouse Gases For Education And Learning Software and related curriculum materials for sale. http://seeds2lrn.com/greenIndex.html | |
28. World Data Centre For Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG) The World Data Centre for greenhouse gases (WDCGG) is established to collect, archiveand provide data for greenhouse (CO2, CH4, CFCs, N2O, etc.) and related http://gaw.kishou.go.jp/wdcgg.html |
29. Welcome To Global Environment And Energy In The 21st Century! Notfor-profit organization which carries out research and educational activities dealing with issues of environment and energy. Areas of activity include reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, transfer and diffusion of environment-friendly energy technologies, and water and security in South Asia. http://www.gee21.org/ | |
30. World Data Centre For Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG) The World Data Centre for greenhouse gases (WDCGG) is established under the GlobalAtmosphere Watch (GAW) programme to collect, archive and provide data for http://gaw.kishou.go.jp/wdcgg/wdcgg.html | |
31. PAS Technology A/S Photoacoustic based gas monitors for the OEM market. Monitors greenhouse gases like SF6, N2O, CO, CO2, CH4 and solvents. http://www.pastech.dk | |
32. CMDL Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases Group Carbon Cycle greenhouse gases Group (CCGG). The use of fossil fuelsand practice of deforestation to meet the world's energy demands http://www.cmdl.noaa.gov/ccgg/ | |
33. PNAS -- Gerstell Et Al. 98 (5): 2154 A recent technical paper from the Feb. 27, 2001 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/98/5/2154 | |
34. Fuel Cells - Reducing Greenhouse Gases Article From Western Canadian Online Outdoors News Archive. http://www.westcanoon.com/archive/fuelcell.html | |
36. Coal Combustion Article discusses coal combustion which produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Releases from coal combustion also contain naturally occurring radioactive materials. http://www.ornl.gov/ORNLReview/rev26-34/text/colmain.html | |
37. UNFCCC GREENHOUSE GASES INVENTORY DATA BASE http://ghg.unfccc.int/default1.htf?time=05:05:17 PM |
38. Carbon For Kids Helps kids learn about greenhouse gases and global warming. http://www.icbe.com/carbonforkids/ | |
39. Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria - Home Page Established to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases, support and facilitate the development and use of sustainable energy options to achieve environmental and economic benefits for the Victorian community. http://www.seav.vic.gov.au | |
40. Default Offers consultation to the chemicals industry in greenhouse gases, Criteria Air Contaminants, toxics, and energy and environmental policy. http://www.cheminfoservices.com | |
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