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101. Physics Today December 2001 greenhouse gases Warm Things Up I have read the short article WarmingOceans Appear Linked to Increasing Atmospheric Greenhouse http://www.physicstoday.com/pt/vol-54/iss-12/p12c.html |
102. Energy Department Launches Partnership To Reduce Greenhouse Gases Energy Department Launches Partnership to Reduce greenhouse gases.Date February 12, 2003. The US Department of Energy (DOE) has http://www.useu.be/Categories/ClimateChange/Feb1203ClimatePartnership.html |
103. Guide To World Data Centers - Appendix B - WMO - Greenhouse Gases WMO World Data Center for greenhouse gases maintains all types ofdata from approximately 106 stations in 39 countries. Previous http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/wdc/webbook/appendix/gdappenb3.html |
104. MIT CGCS Research Greenhouse Gases Focus on Biogeochemistry of the greenhouse gases and Reflective Aerosols.Current concerns about future climate change are driven http://web.mit.edu/cgcs/www/ghgs.html |
105. Greenhouse Gases Analysis - Main Page Supergreenhouse gases Analysis Swimming is probably the only sport that will bethe same on a terraformed Mars as it is on Earth, since it is not dependent on http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~mfogg/marsfront.html |
106. Global Climate Change Student Guide 6.4. Sources, Sinks and Concentrations of greenhouse gases. Justas energy, moisture and momentum are transferred throughout the http://www.doc.mmu.ac.uk/aric/gccsg/6-4.html |
107. Enhanced Greenhouse Effect-Key Text The natural greenhouse effect is a phenomenon created by the heat energy radiatedby the sun and greenhouse gases normally present in the atmosphere. http://www.science.org.au/nova/016/016key.htm |
108. CRS Reports Climate Change - NLE go directly to report, PDF, IB97075 Global Climate Change Market-Based Strategiesto Reduce greenhouse gases 1-Oct-2002; Larry Parker; 17 p. Update In http://www.ncseonline.org/NLE/CRS/Detail.cfm?Category=Climate Change |
109. Greenhouse Gases And Carbon Sinks Search Tips. Home Research greenhouse gases and Carbon Sinks. Go to GreenhouseGases Carbon Sinks page, Research greenhouse gases and Carbon Sinks. http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/research/greenhouse/ |
110. US Energy Dept. Launches Partnership To Reduce Greenhouse Gases US Energy Dept. Launches Partnership to Reduce greenhouse gases Participatingindustries voluntarily set specific reduction goals http://usembassy.state.gov/tokyo/wwwh20030214b4.html |
111. Lawrence Livermore News And Public Affairs News And Media NR- has shown that increases in the height of the tropopause over the past two decadesare directly linked to ozone depletion and increased greenhouse gases. http://www.llnl.gov/llnl/06news/NewsReleases/2003/NR-03-01-01.html |
112. Lawrence Livermore News And Public Affairs News And Media NR- to lessen the amount of solar radiation reaching the EarthÂ’s surface will likelydo little to prevent the effects of increased greenhouse gases on the http://www.llnl.gov/llnl/06news/NewsReleases/2002/NR-02-12-10.html |
113. ENERGY FACTS GREENHOUSE GAS greenhouse gases. Figure 2 shows the projected relative contributions ofthe four major greenhouse gases in a 'business as usual' scenario. http://www.iclei.org/efacts/greengas.htm |
114. Greenhouse the 18th century. Levels of other greenhouse gases have also increasedbecause of human activities. Higher concentrations of greenhouse http://www.dar.csiro.au/information/greenhouse.html |
115. Greenhouse Warming These greenhouse gases, as they are called, have always had a critical role indetermining the temperature of the Earth's surface and the livability of the http://www.al.noaa.gov/WWWHD/Pubdocs/Greenhouse.html |
116. Guardian Unlimited Special Reports Bid To Reduce Greenhouse Bid to reduce greenhouse gases 'is folly' A scheme to dump iron in the sea to helpcut global warming could prove catastrophic, reports Robin McKie Sunday http://www.guardian.co.uk/climatechange/story/0,12374,873147,00.html |
117. Tropical Deforestation And Global Warming Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama argue that the Achard study containsserious flaws rendering its conclusions about greenhouse gases unreliable http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2003-02/si-tda021203.php |
118. News US Department of Energy Launches Thirteen New Research Projects to Captureand Store greenhouse gases. Fossil Energy Techline, 21 July 2000. http://cdiac2.esd.ornl.gov/news.html |
119. REPORT Multi-Gas Contributors To Global Climate Change and to do so in a costeffective manner, climate policies must address emissionsof both carbon dioxide (CO2) and the other greenhouse gases, according to a http://www.pewclimate.org/media/pr_multi_gas.cfm |
120. Gc Greenhouse Gas Dynamics Program research programs, the Division of Chemistry will consider proposals for studiesrelated to the production, interaction, and reactions of greenhouse gases (GHGs http://www.nsf.gov/geo/egch/gc_ggd.html |
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